

Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom

Has anyone heard of this company before? I had a random email from them at the beginning of the year about something they were doing in the area, anyway I checked them out and sent off for an information pack on some of their courses just out of curiosity i guess.. never heard anything until today (months later) some woman just rang me asking me questions about what kinda games I play and stuff...and then she was like yeh is it ok if someone comes and visits you today to talk about our courses :S I was like eh no i'm not at home

isn't that a bit weird? I've scheduled a meeting with them but I've got a feeling it's just gonna be some guy pushing overpriced courses down my neck for something that's probably really difficult to get into.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 27, 2004
Interesting. But I'm guessing it'll be overpriced to hell. And the guy visiting you will be a really convincing salesman.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 15, 2005

Has anyone heard of this company before? I had a random email from them at the beginning of the year about something they were doing in the area, anyway I checked them out and sent off for an information pack on some of their courses just out of curiosity i guess.. never heard anything until today (months later) some woman just rang me asking me questions about what kinda games I play and stuff...and then she was like yeh is it ok if someone comes and visits you today to talk about our courses :S I was like eh no i'm not at home

isn't that a bit weird? I've scheduled a meeting with them but I've got a feeling it's just gonna be some guy pushing overpriced courses down my neck for something that's probably really difficult to get into.

Tai I can speak for experience they are just after your money, they'll make claims about having limited places on the course and then suddenly saying "Oh good news, we've got a space but we'll need X amount of money from you as soon as possible to secure it" I had a phone call and a meeting with them, the woman on the phone listened to me rant asked me if I reviewed video games for a living, set up a meeting was genuinly excited about the idea of doing it, they hyped it up saying there is a lack of qualified game designers, then they tried to set up deposits and stupid direct debits almost 10 hours after I said I'd need time to consider it, and after some digging there credentials are at best dodgy, shame to say but Avoid like the plague don't even waste your time. Plus the resources you'll get in return are some crap Game design software that you could tinker with on your own anyway, again Avoid money making **** heads of the worst order, **** these swine.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Thanks akira that's what I was looking for.

I'm not the kind of person to be easily swayed anyway but it's good to know I don't even need to waste my time.


Former Moderator
Apr 17, 2003
Congleton, Cheshire.
The course is 5grand. The "meeting" (sales pitch) is a bit dodgy, I admit. However, Codemasters have offered interviews for developers that have finished their courses and the TIGA Diploma you earn is recognised within the industry.

There are universities that offer specific courses like t2g do though, I contacted a professor who taught one and he did give it the thumbs up, but went on to say the university course he teaches is better.

I have a mate who's doing the Games Designer course, he's nearly finished and recommends it.

The chances are, when I have the 5 grand I'll do it. Only because there isn't a uni near me that offers the course.