Tutorial o.O


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
this one i found out myself , im sure there are simular ones out , but Hey!! il post mine here :P.

1: Create a Decent sized Signature ( 420 x 120 )
2: Select you gradient tool, and use these settings ... Here Make sure your colour pallette is reset [ Press "D" if it isnt ]
3: Then, after you have done step 2 , click randomly on your page.
4: After you have done that, go to "Filter" -> "Blur" -> "Radial Blur" and use these settings...

Amount - 90
Blur Method - Zoom
Quality - Best

5: After doing that, go to "Filter" -> "Artistics" -> "Plastic Wrap" and use these settings....

Highlight Strength - 5
Detail - 15
Smoothness - 15

6: Repeat Step 4, but the the amount of 50 E.G.

Amount - 50
Blur Method - Zoom
Quality - Best

7: Duplicate your end result and set the blend mode to "Lighten"
8: Then after making you duplicate "Lighten" go to "Filter" -> "Distort"
-> "Wave" and use These settings
9: Okay, now you have go these settings, Press "Randomize" until you get something like This....
10: After you have got something you like, press CTRL + SHIFT + E to flatten all the layers.
11: Then press CTRL + U and choose any colour of your choice

TUT ENDED :) , post your results if you like

oh and btw if you didnt notice this is for Adobe Photoshop



Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
9 views and 0 posts O_o , COMON PEOPLE i aint spent 30 seconds making this ¬_¬ , like i mean OMG!! 30 secs.... in other words