Variable help please :[


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 6, 2004
Okay so i was following this nice lil variable guide and it says to put blah blah in your Merchant_def folder. But i dont have a Merchant_def folder? Sorry if this is a noob question but its been a while since i played with server files, back then i was on 1.4 files :(

Im using TD's Mir2.3 files btw, If that helps?

Variables Guide
What are variables?
Variables are a way of storing numbered information about a character, guild, group or globally. This means they can be added to as a character does things throughout the game.
How can variables be used?
There really is a huge amount of uses for variables. Here are some good examples :
1) Counting the number of mobs killed
2) Keep track of how many people a player has pked
3) Setting a required number of mobs to be killed before a door opens
4) Allowing for guild points systems to buy things for the guild
And tonnes more, imagination is the limit.
How to use them:
OK, before we start, variables can be very tricky to get right. There are rules you need to follow when using them otherwise things wont work. I would suggest taking your time here and taking note of what does what...
To begin:
Start by adding a folder name "Variables" in your questdiary folder. Next within that folder add a plain text file labelled "Integral". Now your ready to learn the variable commands...
Types of Variable
Use these in the spaces labelled "type" below.
HUMAN: Variable for the player.
GROUP: Variable for an entire group, will disappear if disbanded.
GUILD: Variable for entire guild.
GLOBAL: Variable that applies to every player ingame.
Creating / Making a Variable
Var Integer Type Name (Decide on a name for the variable)

This is the most important part of the variable and is used to not only first creat the variable, but must also be used before loading a variable. This function will load the variable into the game and not a text file and therefore the data will be lost if the player logs out.
To Modify a Variable
CalcVar Type Name + 1 (can be +, -, =, as well as any number)
Will change the variable to how you specify it.
To Load a Variable
LoadVar Type Name ..\QuestDiary\Variables\Integral.txt
This will be required whenever a player logs in and so is often useful to have in Qmanage. It will simply load the value in the Integral.txt into the current variable of the player.
(Important = In order to load a variable it must have been made first)
To Save a Variable
SaveVar Type Name ..\QuestDiary\Variables\Integral.txt
When a player logs out, the current variable will be lost unless it is saved. By saving the variable, the info is added to Integral.txt so that it can be loaded later on.
Viewing the Variable through an NPC
This is used to view the integral through an NPC in the same way that <$USERNAME> works, simply add it to a #SAY line.
Checking the Variable
CheckVar Type Name > 0 (can be >, =, <, as well as any number)
This will simply check a variables amount in the same way that you might check for an item using checkitem.

Example : Beginners Quest
Probably the best way to see how variables work is to follow this example to add the quest to your server. The quest uses variables to tell when a player has killed 20 Scarecrows.
Beginners Quest
Beginners Quest
Setup Difficulty = Hard
This quest uses variables to ask the player to kill 20 scarecrows. Once 20 scarecrows have been killed the player is given a reward.
To add this NPC to your server :
A) Variables must be used, therefore set up Integral.txt as in the variables guide:
"Start by adding a folder name "Variables" in your questdiary folder. Next within that folder add a plain text file labelled "Integral". Now your ready to learn the variable commands..."
B) Next we need to add the main NPC to the merchants list (If you can't do that yet, wait for the relevant guide). Where you add him, or what he is called doesn't matter. Here is the NPC code: (right click, save as)
checknamelist CompleteSCQuest.txt
You have already completed this quest
goto @main1

checknamelist SCquest.txt
goto @quest1
Hello <$USERNAME> welcome to the beginners quest. \
To complete this quest you need to kill 20 scarecrows. \\
<Attempt the quest/@attempt> \
<Not now thanks/@exit>

addnamelist SCquest.txt
SET [300] 1
Var Integer Human SCKilled
Good luck, come back to me to check \
how many scarecrows you have killed. \\

CheckVar Human SCKilled > 19
give ShortSword 1
addnamelist CompleteSCQuest.txt
Well done, you have killed enough scarecrows! \
Take this reward. \\
<Exit/@exit> \
Number of scarecrows killed : <$HUMAN(SCKilled)> \\

C) Now, it is important that the variable is loaded every time that a player logs in. Therefore we need to add load variable to the Qmanage.txt found in your mapquest_def folder. Add the following text into the text file:
Var Integer Human SCKilled
LoadVar Human SCKilled ..\QuestDiary\Variables\Integral.txt
D) Next, we must increase the variable every time a scarecrow is killed. Therefore we need to use either Qfunction or Mapquest depending on your M2 Server. Follow the relevent section for you.
For Diamond M2 Server:
This is very simple to do simple open your QFunction.txt found in your Merchant_def folder and add the lines:
CalcVar Human SCKilled + 1
SaveVar Human SCKilled ..\QuestDiary\Variables\Integral.txt
For Other M2 Servers:
We are required to set up mapquest.
1) Firstly open Mapquest.txt in your Envir folder. Add the line:
0 [300] 1 Scarecrow * QSC
2) Add the following file to your Mapquest_Def folder (right click, save as)
CalcVar Human SCKilled + 1
SaveVar Human SCKilled ..\QuestDiary\Variables\Integral.txt

E) The NPC is nearly compete, for tidyness, add the blank text files called "SCQuest" and "CompleteSCQuest" to your Merchant_def.
The NPC should now work for you ingame and allow easy modifying into any other quest


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 9, 2004
Posts: 126,982
errm well i dint read all that lol but am using The Deaths Files aswell
n i dont think i have a Merchant_Def , the merchants Are Npcs but
the Scripts for them ect go in Market_Def ,
if thts wat ur havin trouble with lol maybe help abit.
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LOMCN Veteran
Aug 6, 2004
errm well i dint read all that lol but am using The Deaths Files aswell
n i dont think i have a Merchant_Def , the merchants Are Npcs but
the Scripts for them ect go in Market_Def ,
if thts wat ur havin trouble with lol maybe help abit.

Yeah, i thought that may of been it :( so tried putting em in there instead and i seemed to fudged it up. First time with variables mind you. :(
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LOMCN Veteran
Aug 6, 2004
Yeah, im just trying to add it :(

So far i have the npc in, i talk to him and he adds me to SCQuest. But wheneer i kill scarecrows they dont get counted :/

Also for some reason my mir.exe completely crashes when i kill any scarecrows lol :D

Getting this error in dbserver: FileDB get Error: 0
sql executing while other is active!(contact thedeath and warn him if you see this

Think ive seen that around the forum before, il have alil search.

Well sorted out the filedb error, but still its not counting any scarecrow kills :(
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 10, 2005
check that the mob in the db compared to the npc/variable are the same case (its case sensitive i think) scarecrow is different to Scarecrow, also the same if you GM spawn them
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