What era was you favourite time and biggest regret on mir2 euro


Aug 8, 2004
Southern England
First person to get full Mir Set then sold it to Bullpit for a new car :biggrin-new:

Gratz, that's nice work !

Getting my first Great Axe refine to DC0-31 was quite satisfying.
One of my guildies getting Deva off a BE and selling for 80m was a laugh too.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 26, 2009
The whole thing from beta right through to the beginning of the end (when everyone got GM codes) was a blast. That's why despite the fact I haven't played for years I still check this forum.

All the stages you go through - progressing from being a noob, to gaining some rep, to getting a good group to grind with. I guess my favorite time was eventually stepping up and leading Revival. It might sound strange but my experiences in leading a group of random people, forming alliances, knowing when to fight and when to retreat, making distractions, fighting tactics, keeping everyone happy, literally everything have been so useful in professional life.

All the guilds I was in from Shockwaves, TP, MoD were all great in their own ways before I found my home in Revival. There were so many instances where it was so much fun to play, the wars in MLC with Avezion and Tash, Mir King camping with bibble and mintey9, OK with the original crew before it got nerfed, the crazy OKS wars that went on for hours, EM agreement with Ben that meant both guilds had our days but worked together to stop the chinese guilds from getting any mir items for a long time. I liked the fact that I would get on with rival guilds just as well as my own and I had friends across the board who would lend me items and I could lends things too despite us fighting each other almost every day. One of the proudest moments was once when I left Revival because I disagreed with one faction of the leadership and got put on KoS everybody refused to attack me.

Don't really have any regrets apart from stopping playing for periods of time for no good reason - I had a blast from start to finish. Yet to find another game that has that blend of simple but amazing gameplay, banter and community spirit.


Mr Mañana
Jul 16, 2004
2004/5 era (if we are talking about Mir in general) and my biggest regret was hitting the archer outside the book shop on Euro with my dc 33 luck+6 dsword, what made it worse was the noob I was trying to kill was called RectumBasher.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 19, 2014
Vague memorys.......LouD (forum moderator) somehow having possibly gm powers and having black iron helm/dss - eventually banned dont think it was anything to do with duckbill.
Axel? italian gm spawning WT left side of BW town for his mates to kill.
Lazarus little brother on his character was convinced by some evil tao to let him "hold" the dss for a screen shot - common ask in mir 2002-2004
Cinese2002 - well known mirlander/hacker wore 1 gale ring and hit with speed +8 hehe
I stole a recall neclace from a guy called pain4ul, happened to be an apex member - big mistake.
The mass ban wave where they finally caught trooperr ( guy played for like a year running like he had 0 ping)
Recall pking was a BIG deal and alot of people got caught out before they put in basic commands like off/on all ow group etc
When they put the lost caves in BC and u had to travel down the posiblt FPC to collect your 33 armour, and ofc slave cave was here too
biggest regret? faking my death in r/l and having GM alaria - the female dyslexic gm renaming the candle man in BW /Bull in my memory
getting temp post bans on old mir forum- everybody wanted 1k post so u could have a cool avatar.
DrGreen a famous tao and pker in the early days (1.4)
yee old gold quest for 2 benes, not many people knew of it as the weapon npc would only mention it to you if had gold ore p15+ in your bag?
sorry its a jumbled mess just wanted to join in :) so many more memories maybe ill edit this post later


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 22, 2013
Best times was pking romanians n made them quit on threeheroes server lol i miss the fun..eh


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 19, 2014
Best times was pking romanians n made them quit on threeheroes server lol i miss the fun..eh

Sorry to seem like a jackass, butt this thread is for official mir2 euro server (dragon) 2002 onwards


Dec 10, 2003
Todmorden, West Yorkshire
yee old gold quest for 2 benes, not many people knew of it as the weapon npc would only mention it to you if had gold ore p15+ in your bag?
sorry its a jumbled mess just wanted to join in :) so many more memories maybe ill edit this post later

Wasn't that the Fate Sword quest, just every other class other than a Warrior got bene's rather than the sword?

Was fun tho, as was redmoonsword quest :D

Gambling was also fun, only ever managed to get to last room once, remember using a DE to let the timer finish before being recalled back in for the prize (Y)


LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom
Dragon Server - Easter Event...Got Paralysis Ring 5/5 from harvesting a hen I think it was...Then I sold it the same day for 12-14 mill..dumb.

PServer here,

I had two ParalysisRings///

I traded one for a dragon sword, the other I sold for something cheap...

I thought they were useless at the time..


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
biggest regret? faking my death in r/l and having GM alaria - the female dyslexic gm renaming the candle man in BW /Bull in my memory

This just made me lol.

Candle man on P server was named devil dancer.

I think he actually died tho, never saw a death certificate tho.


LOMCN n00bie
Jul 15, 2012
This is more a memorable story than a regret, from Dragon server beta/very early launch.
I was a wiz called abraham in The Holy Order (Stonemage's guild). He started making some shady decisions and moves after taking SW, so i quit THO and created my own guild with friends called TheInnerCircle. We soon became a very powerful and prominent guild, had the highest lvl in game Robberrt aswell as many other nasty guys. THO were allied with Hand of God (BuG's guild), and we got a wooma horn and declared on Sabuk.

Of course Stonemage was confident, he had 2 super strong guilds and walls on his side, but what he didn't know is that BuG was also unsettled at THO actions of late and i managed to convince BuG to switch allegiances to TIC. Half way through Sabuk War, we had the courtyard but no danger of getting the castle as they were all turtled up inside. This is when i gave the word to BuG and HOG turned on THO inside the castle, and we pushed in and wiped the floor with THO taking Sabuk and creating some very cool stories!

We held Sabuk from that day until the day we left Mir to move to Dark Age of Camelot.


Feb 21, 2013
This just made me lol.

Candle man on P server was named devil dancer.

I think he actually died tho, never saw a death certificate tho.

I believe that was about Dragon server. On Phoenix (where I played) there was one case which I would think was true (doubt this char name though but not sure) and the candle npc was renamed but some other name, not 'DD', and if you clicked a link in the npc dialog you could read a poem he composed before dying.

I played that infamous Easter event around the clock, only sleeping once several hours, got couple Jmaces and couple Paras which were still on my acct and dura 5/5 when the server went finally offline. It pleased me to have such high profile items, I suppose like if you get a sports car which you can't drive as fast as it can go but it pleases you that you have such machine that could drive that fast. JM was a high profile item also in those days, having two reduced having to go to SW for spec rep. every time dura went to zero.

Best era was the time when GM was BabyBear (BES sub), then Alaria 'I am teh law' who did fantastic events (the one with the uber chicken and 'GoS' items) and the other GMs or staff who gave us all those special caves, like Slave cave and that one where you could go to to pick up your level 40 armour from npc.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
I believe that was about Dragon server. On Phoenix (where I played) there was one case which I would think was true (doubt this char name though but not sure) and the candle npc was renamed but some other name, not 'DD', and if you clicked a link in the npc dialog you could read a poem he composed before dying.

I meant his char name was DD. Think the NPC was bull or something, cant remember his actual name.

God, I miss Mir, but when i play it now its just terrible.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 20, 2003
Darlington, UK
Not been on here for a while...

When I was in my teens I was a GM on quite a lot of big servers including Pro 69. Started playing P servers on Prophecy i think it was called with Stanislav?!?!

Had quite a lot of friends who are still around the mir community today. Did some douche things and got in some trouble. Many fun memories!


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
P69; my first ever mir server. I give my dads account details to someone I thought I trusted and he changed the password. I pooed my pants when I had to tell my dad :S #groundedForAWeek (damn how stupid I was when I was young).

After that most of my fond memories come from LOM3. I did enjoy/ have a lot of memories from Chronicles however the late game grind gets boring (I still dip my toes in now and then) I remember getting my first HealingField when there was like 2 in game grinding NumaRuins for a week like 12 hours a day with TheDevilSide... Killing the first troll boss; all the OKS fights; OWL guild hunts and more @samuel make more group content - it's more fun! :D


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
the nostalgia moment for me was when i played olymp server for few years then made zentaur, took me 3 month to translate files :)

i know this is not mir2 related but wanted to share this memory :)


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
I had a lot of memories from mir 3. Avenge my first mir 3 pserver (I think). Playing with my family and all the fights I got into with Exwizz and Beastieboy. Aha good laughs :P

Had most of my fun on CrimsonPeacock with KoS and Illuminati; the guild hunts and fights were amazing! Especially loved the luring and killing of BTZ in BanyaSouth, snow luring and DIC boss hunts :love_heart:

To think this was 7 years ago!

P.S. who is actually updating this!?! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Mir_2#Monk lol
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