Where is it all going wrong?


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
lvl cap with good sized phases promotes competition and challenge across the board and people who geniunely need to buy into leveling services because of family and work end up being completely fine and help the game thrive.

The trading thing I completely get for not only the difficulty of keeping the game "good feel competitively" but also for how meta practices have become of where if you aren't exploiting players with your system you kind of end up looking like a fool.

I firmly believe with the right attitude and getting behind the right players, subscription models work...
but I'd really like to see some genius plays where essentially gold matters less and is much harder to come by through most enjoyable play practices + some interesting adds for gear that make them less advantageous to trade/TM and replace immediately (one example, SoulBound reworked so it works like Curse and it accumlates at an extremely low chance through killing mobs. If someone trades/TM's/drops a +1 Soulbound item it loses 1 added stat at random. Weapons and gear don't accumulate SoulBound while using rested XP, Kiling players in dungeons in War has chance to remove 1 SoulBound from gear and to encourage de-equip into levelling kit vs PvP Kit...some debuff, all I got xD)
You realise these are private servers right? And you want to charge a subscription fee and turn them into pay to play instead of free to play?
Moment you do that you lose 90% of users.

And if you are about to say you mean an optional subscription model, then thats no different to gameshop. cause you are paying for an advantage.

I assume you mean pay to play, and get no benefit in return

ps. soulbound isnt soulbound if you can drop it?

pps. i dont really know how to reply to the rest of your post as it dont really make any sense lol.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Game Master
Mar 24, 2003
Either way I've offered up a solution and you chose to ignore it and continue your moaning instead.

You're what I call a problem guy and not a solution guy, and I don't have time for those. Because ultimately all you want is for us to ban every server other than you and your mates Valhalla and that other one, so you can monopolise the market 🥱
I find it sad that this is the conclusion you have come to be honest. My thread was created with good intentions and sparked a good debate with some really interesting points. I think we all want the same thing at the end of the day (survival of the game) but we all have different views on how best to achieve that.


Dec 9, 2021
Discord is the same as the forum in the sense of “If you moderate it well, it won’t be toxic” but that depends on what you count as “toxic”.
If either Discord or a forum gets closed, it won't stop toxic culture.

There are all forms of things toxic such as Micro management.


Aug 13, 2020
oh ye I agree.
I think MIR4 shop was a complete fkin rip off, that's an example of what shouldn't be allowed.
You could spend £200 and have NOTHING to show for it because of the RNG nature. summon 200 spirits and get a load of greens.. and ultimately combine them all in 1 green and be massively pissed off having wasted money.

What I hate is when the game forces you to do it because its so bloody good your a fool to not do it... but thats just 1 phycological tactic used by all game devs these days. Like I've said before, Games are a BUSINESS, and businesses are designed to make MONEY.

But that person chose to spend that money. You have no idea what their financial state is.
£5k to them could be £50 to you. I seen people spend £200k+ on MIR4, and the guy was like its fine its just disposable income.

I don't get why you are so bothered about it... is it because you also spend a lot of money on Apoc and now live with regret? If so that's a lesson for you to take away.

I can't count how many games I've played where I've wasted money, just like I can't count how many times I've been out drunk and wasted money. As long as in the moment I had a good time and it was worth it that's all that matters. Sometimes I will wake up with some regret like that £100 cab back from London really wasn't worth it, but then I just won't do it again.

Stop trying to act like the good guy and that you speak on behalf of the whole community, as obviously a lot that don't agree with your mindset.
In mobile gaming its actually widely accepted to p2w.. in fact if you don't your shunned.. where as PC community its the opposite.. p2w are shunned and f2p are some sorta heroes.
Just got to accept the fact that generations change, communities change, the world changes.
I will act how I wish, I really don't need your advice on how to compose myself. Your comments are pretty much always business related and never from the players aspect. My comments are always my own personal opinion, I never claim to speak on-behalf of a group of people, unless you are referring to something specific or this is just your character?

You are free to monetize Mir2 as much as you wish, that is completely your own prerogative. My personal opinion is that I don't agree with approaching Mir in this ways you are describing or believe its fair, if that triggers you that I have this opinion? I guess it's tough luck, as I don't seek your approval or for you to accept it.

Having such an opinion that you support Apoc V2 and their costs being completely acceptable, is your own opinion too. Myself and many others that posted in here disagree. None us have to agree with your thoughts on their business which failed miserably, neither do you have to agree with mine.

So just accept, that we all have our own opinions and will openly discuss it whether you like it or not.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2019
Either way I've offered up a solution and you chose to ignore it and continue your moaning instead.

You're what I call a problem guy and not a solution guy, and I don't have time for those. Because ultimately all you want is for us to ban every server other than you and your mates Valhalla and that other one, so you can monopolise the market 🥱
R u egyptian habibi? may explain why u love them so much
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Hallucination Critic
Dedicated Member
Dec 15, 2016
You realise these are private servers right? And you want to charge a subscription fee and turn them into pay to play instead of free to play?
Moment you do that you lose 90% of users.

And if you are about to say you mean an optional subscription model, then thats no different to gameshop. cause you are paying for an advantage.

I assume you mean pay to play, and get no benefit in return

ps. soulbound isnt soulbound if you can drop it?

pps. i dont really know how to reply to the rest of your post as it dont really make any sense lol.

Ok I did say rework Soulbound ie think of it as the "added strength of the item is being attached to one soul"...likely being too ridiculous for the straight thinkers though...

Optional sub model is what I meant yes because XP is no advantage on a LEVEL CAPPED server so throw in the xp advantage + only subs can be guild leaders or be allowed to use guild actives + bolder colored names/paperdolls + owners should think of some non game benefits to subscription loyalty as decent EXAMPLES.

You're not providing solutions, just saying that the only people making an effort to release servers are dicks who should treat all us weirdos with the utmost respect and patience at all times.
I'm for promoting game healthy ideas that can provide them money and they'll be happy making and maintaining a server...I literally mean this but I'll only recognize Jamie as a "cash cow" because he created at least 2 servers with massive potential to last but instead he decided to milk and run (marble) and set up cash cow immediately with pet advantages (Zircon). You can award the guy all you like, all he's done is promoted more cash cow practices with money grubbers using Zircon files most likely...(edited cause I'm pro ranter! > ) not that I care because using elements and whatever to do over 1000 damage couldn't care less, anti fun 24/7 playing/p2w kind of thing only.

Bored now, (edited again cause I'm just that miserable! >) Elite Mir II was a decent attempt and the sub/phase model was pretty good but lacking ideas and can't get a grip on deciding the benefits of just 3 classes...hope Throne and Liberty is worth while to mince on so I can forget about Mir for a long time!
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Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
Ok I did say rework Soulbound ie think of it as the "added strength of the item is being attached to one soul"...likely being too ridiculous for the straight thinkers though...

Optional sub model is what I meant yes because XP is no advantage on a LEVEL CAPPED server so throw in the xp advantage + only subs can be guild leaders or be allowed to use guild actives + bolder colored names/paperdolls + owners should think of some non game benefits to subscription loyalty as decent EXAMPLES.

You're not providing solutions, just saying that the only people making an effort to release servers are dicks who should treat all us weirdos with the utmost respect and patience at all times.
I'm for promoting game healthy ideas that can provide them money and they'll be happy making and maintaining a server...I literally mean this but I'll only recognize Jamie as a "cash cow" because he created at least 2 servers with massive potential to last but instead he decided to milk and run (marble) and set up cash cow immediately with pet advantages (Zircon). You can award the guy all you like, all he's done is promoted more cash cow practices with money grubbers using Zircon files most likely...

Bored now, hope Throne and Liberty is worth while to mince on so I can forget about Mir for a long time!
You Have A Point Reaction GIF by CBS


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2015
Why does it matter to you how much other people pay? What impact does it have on you?... Nothing

I think everybody is aware of the problem, but it seems a select few GM's who's servers are "losing" players to mechanism not in their files over preferences are getting sour... and now want LOMCN to act to shut these servers and lose those who have disposable incomes.

Are you also expecting LOMCN to put bans on people acc sharing and paying for levellers.. you've highlighted another problem there.
  1. "Unfair" Gameshops
  2. Fake Usercounts / AFK Mechanics
  3. Account Levelling / Sharing

Any other issues to bring to table that are ruining your server, price of eggs? I know Storms moaning about that to me at moment....

Next you'll be asking Gov to Ban Maccy D's and forcing me to eat from healthy shops who don't exploit fat people 😂
Actually has a massive effect on other users tbf. Why the Fk would people want to play a server where people buy kit / gold from the gms then pay a leveller to level them 24 hours a day then buy kit off Egyptian gold sellers so they can Zerg over “normal” people who play a reasonable amount or even a lot of time a day ?.

What is the point of a “normal” player or guild playing that server when 3-4 people who threw a credit card at a screen can wipe groups out while barely taking any damage.

Trying to kill bosses / get a semi decent kit while someone months ahead of you cycles bosses smashing them in for fun. Great fun can’t think why usercounts are dwindling.


On the bandwagon
Apr 25, 2014
Actually has a massive effect on other users tbf. Why the Fk would people want to play a server where people buy kit / gold from the gms then pay a leveller to level them 24 hours a day then buy kit off Egyptian gold sellers so they can Zerg over “normal” people who play a reasonable amount or even a lot of time a day ?.

What is the point of a “normal” player or guild playing that server when 3-4 people who threw a credit card at a screen can wipe groups out while barely taking any damage.

Trying to kill bosses / get a semi decent kit while someone months ahead of you cycles bosses smashing them in for fun. Great fun can’t think why usercounts are dwindling.
This was Chronicles in a nutshell (Minus the GMs selling kit/gold), plenty of characters in full bought kit and paid to be levelled in every guild.

Having the opportunity to fight P2W characters, and get their kit off them was singlehandedly the best part of guild fights. You'd ignore the boss in the corner and keep it alive so that the players kept coming back.

We're at a stage where everyone who ever touched Euro is shorter on time, and typically in the middle of a career. You can't remove people trading money for time because people have an abundance of one or the other and will find a way to do so.

That only leaves the 'above board' ways to buy an advantage through the Gameshop, which is a delicate balance of giving out small perks, and keeping the longevity of the game in hand. In this scenario, anyone who is a rampant spender is effectively subsidising the server and allowing the rest to play for free, I'm particularly grateful to anyone who funnelled £1000s of GG into their account on Chrons, it allowed hundreds to enjoy a game that had really had no right to still be alive for so many years 😅.
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LOMCN Member
Sep 27, 2022
Lol lads to think you pay for mir nowadays deeply hurt by this I would not spend a penny on it when it's built into drop files or server where u can kill a mob for the items lol only thing i would buy was health cheat (take no DMG) and maybe unlimited gold for 1 month and would charge no DMG for 10£ a week or month gold same and am hearing ridiculous prices 1 was 1000pounds for a month god plz ansawing that riddle ain't eve worth it that's like spending 1k for a DSS when it's droppable you mite make more money this way 2 @_@

If you buy no DMG for 10a a week that's 52 X10 it's like buying God mode or @superman all u need to kill anything on game

O btw plz not tell me that @superman is worth more then that lol @ u 1k stay to much for me
I will fully restore what I ment if that's 10a week that's fine but not 100 pound
Love the sound of unlimited MP for Wiz ain't anybody fort of that ore made a item e.g ringofnomp
Maybe of expx1 two expx2 that's my limits on buying ppl
That's like buying and wining 2 me

Please take intake that there higher exp

Please I must say keep the exp1 profitable to a lower expent server

In fact I would not sell this on. A exp1 server unless u ment to do this
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
Lol lads to think you pay for mir nowadays deeply hurt by this I would not spend a penny on it when it's built into drop files or server where u can kill a mob for the items lol only thing i would buy was health cheat (take no DMG) and maybe unlimited gold for 1 month and would charge no DMG for 10£ a week or month gold same and am hearing ridiculous prices 1 was 1000pounds for a month god plz ansawing that riddle ain't eve worth it that's like spending 1k for a DSS when it's droppable you mite make more money this way 2 @_@

If you buy no DMG for 10a a week that's 52 X10 it's like buying God mode or @superman all u need to kill anything on game

O btw plz not tell me that @superman is worth more then that lol @ u 1k stay to much for me
I will fully restore what I ment if that's 10a week that's fine but not 100 pound
Love the sound of unlimited MP for Wiz ain't anybody fort of that ore made a item e.g ringofnomp
Maybe of expx1 two expx2 that's my limits on buying ppl
That's like buying and wining 2 me

Please take intake that there higher exp

Please I must say keep the exp1 profitable to a lower expent server

In fact I would not sell this on. A exp1 server unless u ment to do this
Think I lost some brain cells trying to read that


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Lol lads to think you pay for mir nowadays deeply hurt by this I would not spend a penny on it when it's built into drop files or server where u can kill a mob for the items lol only thing i would buy was health cheat (take no DMG) and maybe unlimited gold for 1 month and would charge no DMG for 10£ a week or month gold same and am hearing ridiculous prices 1 was 1000pounds for a month god plz ansawing that riddle ain't eve worth it that's like spending 1k for a DSS when it's droppable you mite make more money this way 2 @_@

If you buy no DMG for 10a a week that's 52 X10 it's like buying God mode or @superman all u need to kill anything on game

O btw plz not tell me that @superman is worth more then that lol @ u 1k stay to much for me
I will fully restore what I ment if that's 10a week that's fine but not 100 pound
Love the sound of unlimited MP for Wiz ain't anybody fort of that ore made a item e.g ringofnomp
Maybe of expx1 two expx2 that's my limits on buying ppl
That's like buying and wining 2 me

Please take intake that there higher exp

Please I must say keep the exp1 profitable to a lower expent server

In fact I would not sell this on. A exp1 server unless u ment to do this
Erm... What is going on here?

Are you suggesting that a good GG item is "god mode" where players take no damage? Or have I translated your post wrong... Which is a possibility as I was unsure what language to select on the translator.
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LOMCN Member
Sep 27, 2022
Mite as well sell the @superman drug for 1 hour to kill your preferd boss mob solo tho only

Like buying immunity drug for ,1 hour preff 5pounds


Dec 9, 2021
Mite as well sell the @superman drug for 1 hour to kill your preferd boss mob solo tho only

Like buying immunity drug for ,1 hour preff 5pounds
You shouldn't do drugs.

They can kill.

I got an old friend done by his family for it when I was younger.


LOMCN Member
Sep 27, 2022
Still for a 5a it's like completing 1 hunt no pots needed and poss a free boss mob