WhIpLaSh Server - built on lies


LOMCN n00bie
Jul 26, 2007
I don't know why this bothers me one bit but I really just have to let it out.

I'm sure most of you have heard about WhIpLaSh server - many of you have played it. This is a short story of the truth behind that server.

When private servers just started comign out KaNe was one of the first ones on the scene and he invited me to his ktest. I met him on mir a short time eariler because he was leaving Mir and he gave me a bunch of stuff. Well to make a really logn story short I learned all the private server stuff and began work on my own server. During this time he helped a few times and we talked alot. This lead to me sharing my Mir2 account with him. (I bet you can guess where this is going) Anyways, I had no problems and spent a good few months on the server and actaully took my time. Many servers were popping out with only a few hours work on them and I was looking to actually make a server that had hundreds of quest (new ones) and everything worked RIGHT and tons of new content. I can't even begin to say how amazing it was going to be. I had tons of new maps made (again quality ones that you would have no clue that they were not from real designers.), renamed and restated every item and added hundreds more. They were all in sets (I can't remember but I think the WhIpLaSh server you know still used ZuLu sets etc.) I could go on and on about how great I planened it to be but to put it simply it was going to blow away any server at the time. Everything was balanced and it kept the private server feel of quick leveling but not dumb quick leveling.

Anyways I had probelms with something (can't recall anymore) and sent all the files to KaNe to fix them for me. Dumb idea. A couple days later my real mir account was empty and pass changed (kane gave me pass back after a couple weeks but I lost a good 50 mil which was alot in thoes days) but worst of all he started a server named "WhIpLaSh" with my files a couple weeks later. I won't say he didn't change alot but for the most part everything was MINE. Needless to say I was pissed and logged on to it. From what I saw everyone was loving it. He claimed I could be GM but I never saw that happen. I ignored it for a while but it started to get to me when people actually took a liking to my 1/2 done server that kane rushed into play. Imagine how awsome it would ahve been if it was done. So anyways I log back on andget to talking with one of the players whos somewhat high level and I decide its time to take revenge. Like any good server maker/coder I put in a couple things someone who STOLE the server would have no idea about. There was a quest where the last part was a quest to find a coodinate and once you found it you would tele in and get one of the higher level sets. Screw the quest to get to the end - you could jsut walk righ tin if you knew where it was. So I showed this guy where it was. Of course a few peopel started popping up with this set so KaNe started asking questions and I showed him what I did. He took that quest out and banned me. Little does or did he know I still have a few more things that are actually coded into parts of the files or even little lines that I threw in for the NPCs.

Sorry about the long read (if you read it ;) ) but I just want to get that out because it was frustrating. Yes - I was a moron for letting someone take files and have my account password but we all make mistakes right? Don't idolize KaNe for something he didn't have 1/2 the brain to create.

I'm not sure why I even care.

And just as a side note I don't want to sound like I am better than any of you. I have been out for the game for a couple years now and I have no idea what mir 1.9 or 2.3 is. The point is at the time there was nothing that could compete (if I finsihed) with WhIpLaSh server. Many innovative ideas were used in that server from me... but all to be stolen and credit taken away.

I'm sure some of you are friends with him and will call this bs but I have proof. I have the original files, plans, databases, maps, etc. You know what the worst part of everything is and yet its the biggest proof? My second chara on mir is named WhIpLaSh and it was created when Euro mir 2 started.

Yet again I have nothing to gain or lose from posting this I just wanted to tell someone. =) This isn't my original screen name.

I made a short attempt to launch a server named VeXaTiOn and got a good start but lack of interest killed it.

GL everyone and I wish you all (except KaNe) well.

Trust no one.

-WhIpLaSh (the real one)

ps I feel this would be the best forum for this post as it pertains more to backstabbing than server.

pps Anyone associated with WhIpLaSh server in the past isn't guilty of anything as I am sure KaNe never told anyone where he got the files.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 21, 2003
sorry to hear that bud, I started playing Mir3 again lately (not played it for like 2 years, much like you) and I felt like setting up my own server again, but something tells me that its just not worth it at this point in time. There are too many mir3 servers around (most are utter crap), it just isnt worth it anymore.
Iv'e been playing the RNDpro server, but it gets laggy as hell at times, and its over run with rares, that arn't even rares anymore.
Anyway good luck, and remember, everyone learns from mistakes :)


Untrusted Member
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2004
ive been around since the first files was released ive never heard of KaNe or the server WhIpLaSh, i remember very well who had the first set of files it was Kaori and LeoCrasher i was given the files by 4mes who got them from kaori,

anyways that story is very bad and should be a lesson to all never give out passwords / files etc

all i can say sorry to hear this



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 30, 2007
Shame, good you learned your lesson though eh?



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
ive been around since the first files was released ive never heard of KaNe or the server WhIpLaSh.

Never heard of or simply can't remember ? The server was quite popular & Kane was quite well known if I remember correctly.


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
Never heard of or simply can't remember ? The server was quite popular & Kane was quite well known if I remember correctly.

Yup was a popular server and Kane was quite active here..

Gecko can I ask why it's taken you so long to come forward seems a little odd tbh lol


LOMCN n00bie
Mar 5, 2006
Lol - Okay, well now i feel compelled to post...

Out of the hundreds and hundreds of people that played the server, I have never EVER heard anyone say i have stolen it, the only people that deserve credit for that server are.

Me, Gizmoooo, Hate and FinalFan.

Gizmooo was my best freind in real life and was on me as i got one of the first set of the ktest files and then made it into whiplash, so he is all the evidence that i need on that one. Hate added **** LOADS into the whole server and without her it would have never been what it ended up being and FinalFan, the mapmaker that wemade even asked to work for them..

As i said, ive not been involved in servers for a good couple of years now, but bloody hell, if your going to claim to have created something as good as whiplash, then at least do it when it came out and dont wait about 2 and a half years after it peaked before you come out with some bull****.

Anyways, this thread has given me an idea, Im going to write to wall street and tell them that I developed microsoft and bill gates stole it, lets see who will take me seriously.


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 26, 2007
Lol why would he lie though about a server 2 odd years ago?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
Lol why would he lie though about a server 2 odd years ago?

Heres 2 reasons off the top of my head.. I'm sure there is more. I don't know for sure if he is lying or not but I doubt he is telling the truth.
  • Whiplash server was a big success back then and the creators of the server gained alot of respect around here from it. Maybe he wants to take that away from them, or infact gain that respect for himself ?
  • Maybe hes planning on releasing a server in the near future and thought that maybe this would create some hype for it ?


Untrusted Member
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2004
lol i cant remember this server at all, but sayin that i cant remember my own mobile number :)



LOMCN n00bie
Jul 26, 2007
Not sure why I bothered to post it just popped into my head after watching the WoW South Park episode... lol

I have nothing to gain and trust me the servers nowdays are way over my head and I just dont have the time to even look at ever playing or starting a new one. KaNe isnt active anymore so I could care less it just bothered me.

Wond - I don't care about respect what so ever. If I did I would try to partake in this community again (which I must say is amazing for all you have done). You wont see me post outside this thread. I guess you are right about taking respect away from KaNe though. He did change some stuff and ran it but as far as the main design goes... not so much.

I don't know any names here except kane and milo and like I said - who cares about the server really? I just had to say it hehe. I was dumb... he was a theif add them up =).

Hey KaNe giz is still on my msn I think - you got the files from me straight (WhIp files - orig got ktest from you) not through him I didnt even know him at the time. Does Aardvark ring a bell? Milo I remeber you - other than that I don't remeber anyone else on this thread. I remeber Hate very little but I do know she did do alot to the server because the files were not near done when you stole them. I doubt Hate even knew you stole the files.
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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
i rmemeber whiplash, but that was years ago, i can see the point in postin, but its so long ago there rly aint much point lol.

ul on ur loss.... yeas ago lol


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 8, 2006
whiplash was good thats what got me into mir2 well that and because the guy I played CS 1.6 with were something to do with WhIpLaSh



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Oct 1, 2004
Counter Strike
WhIpLaSh is set to return towards the end of 2016.

DirtyGecko's girlfriend & mum is going to be gamemaster. Kane stole them from him.


Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
WhIpLaSh is set to return towards the end of 2016.

DirtyGecko's girlfriend & mum is going to be gamemaster. Kane stole them from him.


Serious Note: Whiplash was the tits i miss that server, used SZ as casino room if i remember rightly! loved it.. Miss 1.4 greats like WeOwn Insomnia etc!