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Hallucination Critic
Dedicated Member
Dec 15, 2016
@Reverance defense being a factor was also equal in idea to me but I don't think so with the current default way with how natural AC/item AC is done between the classes, the work rate seems like too much.

Try the rng fest first, then maybe after your server has successfully survived 6 months then do a refined, well thought out and balanced change of any push system to factor in defense.
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 4, 2019
Just MY thoughts

: Players ' play' a game and use their TIME like money . They expect a return for their time.
Whether it is a 'Level ' signifing achevement or substance . a good drop!.
Players assume the oppinion that all is well except there are predators exploiting their achevements
Some nasty sod who has leveled quietly with a group and is (usualy) an Assasin ' , targets the unsuspecting player and attacks !!!
The attacker Is of a level SO much higher that It's a one hit kill. !
happy joy ! the n00b is dead ! got the added copper ring !

N00b says to himself ' ***k this I'm off. '

END OF SERVER no newcomers to generate entthusiasm .

There WAS a penalty for Idiots killing other players and there WAS a certain kudos for that RED Character with rhe CURSED weapon

NOT happening now long time back a Cursed weapon of -10 made you look ( but not for long )

Thats why Arcadia has stood test of time Pillocks are ignored !
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LOMCN Rookie
May 27, 2020
White Island
For me, I face many reasons, not one
The first reason - lack of attention
The second reason - not listening to what the players want
The third reason - the lack of update and renewal of the game
Fourth reason - Lag
Fifth reason - bad maps
The sixth reason - the lack of balance
I will share more reasons when I remember lol


LOMCN Member
Jan 5, 2018
In no specific order:-

Poor Communication - Seems to be common on a lot of servers and it’s key to keep the community involved and up-to-date on things.
Server Update Frequency - Again, seems to happen far too frequently, if it’s not a game breaking Bug or something that is majorly abusable then it caN wait until either a weekly/twice weekly “maintenance’ update on a specific day at a specific time.
Random Changes / Nerfs - Happens on most servers, effect on player base can be huge.
Content - Always seems to be loads of early game content and stuff that’s been done to a high standard, this seems to drop off as people push through content quicker than expected resulting in lack lustre content thats rushed out. What ever you think the content will last in reality people will be through it in 1/2 that time.
Balance - PvE and PvE, on some servers it’s just terrible (balance includes difficulty for building kit, not just skills and dps).
Friends Leaving - Probably the big one for me is when friends look to leave, as I play Mir for the people more than the game.
Server Roadmap - Lack of definitive outline of where the server is going and when updates (major) are planned.

Theres probably more but I think that covers the main ones that come to mind.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 12, 2009
For me it’s constant nerfs and major nerfs. I don’t want to mention any server name but one server stated let’s wait until everyone hits top end level and then we will nerf classes accordingly. Why wait? The server is new, don’t let people get used to being broken classes because later on when you try to fix them they will cry and threaten to quit. Why can’t you do testing now lol made 0 sense for me as some classes were completely ****. Eventually classes were nerfed but wasn’t no where near the point classes should of been nerfed according to a lot of people including myself.

The second is selling gold or items behind players back to certain individuals and thinking players don’t talk to each other
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2014
Power differential between the highest and lowest levels have a lot to answer for. Imo it's why new servers are so interesting. The difference between the hardcores and casuals grows every day a server is out, after a month it gets progressively harder to hunt together. MMOs are supposed to be a social experience, making it harder to hunt with each other is bad.

Making the game gear based ala wow would go a low way to help, with levelling as a side goal for people who like that. Hardcores can then help gear up their casual friends, further reducing the divide.

Also, it helps with the whole nerfing of stuff, the closer the range of players the less time it's exploited, and it's quickly depreciated after the fact once everyone out levels it.
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
I know :)
But that requires hunting to get cards as well I believe.
You don’t have to hunt a lot of the cards are on tm cheap af 20-50k then u go play the npcs for more cards, win some ht and buy card packs 🤪 Play others an win there cards 😂


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Power differential between the highest and lowest levels have a lot to answer for. Imo it's why new servers are so interesting. The difference between the hardcores and casuals grows every day a server is out, after a month it gets progressively harder to hunt together. MMOs are supposed to be a social experience, making it harder to hunt with each other is bad.

Making the game gear based ala wow would go a low way to help, with levelling as a side goal for people who like that. Hardcores can then help gear up their casual friends, further reducing the divide.

Also, it helps with the whole nerfing of stuff, the closer the range of players the less time it's exploited, and it's quickly depreciated after the fact once everyone out levels it.

This is one of the big things a lot of people have said to me, its the casuals that bolster a good portion of the UC but they are the ones who can get put off when there is the same class as themselves 10 levels higher, armoured to the teeth smashing everyone in, and not allowing for any boss contesting (so the casuals dont have a chance to gear themselves up, either)

Had some really good feedback on ways to be able to better narrow the gap between the 2, without punishing the hardcore players (as you dont want to say HEY! stop playing my game so much!!)

For me, I face many reasons, not one
The first reason - lack of attention
The second reason - not listening to what the players want
The third reason - the lack of update and renewal of the game
Fourth reason - Lag
Fifth reason - bad maps
The sixth reason - the lack of balance
I will share more reasons when I remember lol

1) Lack of attention (is this to detail?) if so 100% agreed.
2nd) Players always change what they want, its not necessarily what they want that should be added; most players don't convey a good idea in a way that makes sense, they tend to go "my class is underpowered, change or i leave" approach.
3) I think regular update schedules need to be a thing, and changes (as said @UnluckyXIII ) need to be done on a maintenance rotation, and only "Oh ****!" fixes implemented outside of these schedules
4) are you based anywhere, or is this client lag or actual network lag?
5) explain bad maps? (just crap maps, or bad attributes, pain in the arse to naviage/too big?)
6) balance is a constant balancing act, things will always be somewhat under/over powered to an extent, as long as its not hugely out of swing, but again agreed.

With PvP that's always been part of the thrill of mir, is potentially taking down someone for a bit of kit (but on the flip side, being that person dropping that item really sucks)
PvP (although I suck at it) has always been a big thing for Mir, and I dont want to carebear the crap out of it, so I want to try bring in a system that still makes PKing worth while (and fun) without it making people want to quit after they die (even once) and drop their valuable item.

I will go through more comments n reply to people ASAP just been busy couple of weeks

Cheers for the ongoing feedback :)


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 17, 2015
1 - i think discord is killing servers
2 - burnout( to many patches on to short terms )
3 - adjusting classes as much as possible from the begining
4 - THIS ONE is the most important !!! >>> ask Scrop how he did it :))) project 69 is the oldest server i can remeamber and still online .. not to mention Arcadia
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Jan 4, 2019
@LightBringer. Yes Pvp has always been a feature of Mir . There were penalties for killing other players
not only the real chance of cursing your weapon but if someone got lucky and killed the RED character the
RED character went to jail and STAYED IN MONCHON untill he was white. RecallSet buggered up that idea.
I hated 'Mampi' on Phoenix but you didn't find him hiding in safe zone and killing n00bs at the shops .
Nowadays Pikies are playing and don't like to be hurt themselves.


LOMCN Leecher
Dec 20, 2019
TPR was a great server, even if I joined in the last months I really enjoyed it and its community. The effort you put in the Christmas ever was incredible. I’m sure you can work on something even better.

Now I’m currently playing euro reborn. Lots of original content and new features, top notch. But server is down to 40 players after 2 months. I think that’s because:
- wizz leveling capabilities too high. People were feeling left behind because low rate is hard to manage. When you see a group of players carried by 2 wizzes, it hurts your motivation to level as you would make the same exp in 5x the time. My advice is to have the “solo” leveling capabilities balanced for all classes. Taos cannot be a pure support class with the UC you get in 2020.
- boss drops: it was pointless to hunt for bosses and this is one of the game dynamics that are most important for players engagement... in the end bosses are just big loot boxes and we all know what lootboxes can do on player engagement
- pvp unbalance. Nobody should ever be able to 1 (but not even 2)- hit players.
- lack of competition: fighting for the wall for example shall ensure unique rewards.
- agree that continuous nerfs/buffs should be avoided.
- New game content to be released when the majority of players are approx at the same level. At the same time I would like live events to keep the base always engaged. Doesn’t have to be something special, it is enough to spawn few mobs and shout for an invasion lol.

just my point of view , I really thanks both TPR and euro reborn for the good time I had on the servers.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
TPR was a great server, even if I joined in the last months I really enjoyed it and its community. The effort you put in the Christmas ever was incredible. I’m sure you can work on something even better.

Now I’m currently playing euro reborn. Lots of original content and new features, top notch. But server is down to 40 players after 2 months. I think that’s because:
- wizz leveling capabilities too high. People were feeling left behind because low rate is hard to manage. When you see a group of players carried by 2 wizzes, it hurts your motivation to level as you would make the same exp in 5x the time. My advice is to have the “solo” leveling capabilities balanced for all classes. Taos cannot be a pure support class with the UC you get in 2020.
- boss drops: it was pointless to hunt for bosses and this is one of the game dynamics that are most important for players engagement... in the end bosses are just big loot boxes and we all know what lootboxes can do on player engagement
- pvp unbalance. Nobody should ever be able to 1 (but not even 2)- hit players.
- lack of competition: fighting for the wall for example shall ensure unique rewards.
- agree that continuous nerfs/buffs should be avoided.
- New game content to be released when the majority of players are approx at the same level. At the same time I would like live events to keep the base always engaged. Doesn’t have to be something special, it is enough to spawn few mobs and shout for an invasion lol.

just my point of view , I really thanks both TPR and euro reborn for the good time I had on the servers.
I found on prim the Xmas event pretty lame compared to the Halloween one they did, so I guess the next update/event has to be better than the one before.
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