Windows Vista - what do you think?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 6, 2004
Stoke, England
Hey all, I just downlaoded a Windows Vista shell yesterday, and am currently testing it out. I'd liek to know everyoen else's opinions on the new Beta Shellpack.

Apparantly, it's supposed to have been completely built from scratch, but a friend of mine who's got the actual OS instaleld on his lappy thinks not - when he maximises a page in IE you can actually see for a second the old XP title bar appear, and then get covered over by the Vista reskin :p

Anyway, I like this new shell for the following reasons:

1) The start menu and task bar are dark! (I like dark colours)
2) The Dock is extremely useful, and actually looks really good.
3) The new windows layout looks pretty good.
4) The Vista icon set is pretty good as well.
5) It doesn't use Window Blinds :D

If anyone wants to check it out and download it you can view some screenies and get a link from:

Opinions plz :D
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 18, 2004
from what i see, if thats based on the new OS like you say it is, it looks like Microsoft are just ripping off the Apple Macintosh OS to me


Former Administrator
Mar 23, 2003
Your comments are somewhat confusing, unhelpful and misleading. Do you want us to comment on the shellpack, or the latest beta build of WinVi? Incase your confused the shellpack IS NOT the actual operating system, and therefore any conclusions you draw about WinVi from said pack... are completely invalid.

You might find these REAL screenshots a much better reference point:

Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
The ShellPack doesn't do the real thing justice.

While the GUI looks incredibly nice (I use it myself.), without the Windows Presentation Framework, you're only getting a third of the experience.

WinVi, aswell as the Aero skin, will feature hardware acceleration and effects. You see these in the latest leaked build (5219). The glass refraction, etc, all handled by the graphics card.

But seriously, Try 5219 if you want a taste of what it really could be.