WOW the best out there?


Crystal Dev
Jul 21, 2004
Is WOW the best MMORPG or what ever it is? what else is out there like it and also good?

Tried WOW, but didnt find it my cup of tea exactly, just wondering if WOW is generally the best or if theres anything else out there, same sorta idea, but different, what can you lot recomend?

Kind Regards, Tofas.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 15, 2005
I personally got bored of WoW pretty damn fast. I hear EQII is amazing though


Staff member
May 19, 2003
i didnt get on with wow. but lineage2 is good, and everquest2.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 18, 2004
i liked WoW, BUT i couldnt settle down with char i just kept starting new characters every 3 days or so, highest lvl i ever reached was liek 19 before i made another char lol


Jun 22, 2003
kudrock said:
i liked WoW, BUT i couldnt settle down with char i just kept starting new characters every 3 days or so, highest lvl i ever reached was liek 19 before i made another char lol

Basically the same withy me but im lvl 21 and still lvlin each 1 up


Crystal Dev
Jul 21, 2004
seems a few felt like i did, might try lineage 2 looked decent when i looked at their site.


Crystal Dev
Jul 21, 2004
so EQ2 is pretty reliant on groups? thats kinda sad, yea, means the community is gona be decent so people can level, but sometimes i feel like i just wanna level alone :l


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Heres a breakdown of the big contenders:

1. WoW - Good fast leveling and excellent as a boredom breaker. Its main problem is that the good stuff comes at lvl 60, but you have to be in a decent guild to be able to do half the stuff at lvl 60.

2. Lineage2 - Aside from the grind (Powerleveling companies want $1300 and 50 days of 24 hour playing to get you to lvl 75 (max level), youve got the fact 1/2 your server population are gold farmers who KoS everyone else who plays in the same area as them. Lineage2 will end when the gold farmers force everyone to leave and the game as well as the farming business collapse on themselves.

3.Final Fantasy 11, from what ive been told everyone is forced onto the sme servers, on which the japaneese have had a head start and basically control the entire economy of the game. If u wish to take a break from the game (and stop paying) your characters are lost. *This seems like square are trying to suck money out of everyone pockets, in a sick and twisted way*

4. Saga of Ryzom - A game i played for quite a while, the graphics are brilliant, the storyline is second to none. The game offers Alternatives to just fighting. Wth careers as crafters and harvesters being completely viable. basically there are 4 "skill sets" Melee, Magic, Crafting, Harvesting. Each one has a maximum skill level of 300, and if you played hard enough you could get them all to Max level. You can edit spells within limits (eg Reduce casting time, at the expense of an increased mana cost). However last time i checked there was no PvP on the game. (please check the site if u liked what u read becuase my info was about 1/10 of the amount of amazing stuff they have. *note: i stopped playing cos i didnt know anyone else who played.

Auto Assault - 100% pure Awesomeness. Aside form the Amazing graphics, brilliant gameplay and fast paced action, they have a development team that actually gives a ****. The game was postponed for 6 months so that the team could impletement tons of changes requested by players, which resulted in a real overhaul of the game. Every time i patched during beta, the patchnotes would contain fixes to problems i remember reading in the forums, and ideas ive seen people posting about. Shame its still in beta though!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 18, 2006
yes it is, although it does piss me off when they ban u for frig all. a lil alliance twink 20-29 WSG said that i was using "speed hacks" and "power hacks" cus he couldent kill me. now my accounts been suspended pending further investigation. fukin anoying. one of the best and most addictive games ive played though


No Brag, Just Fact
Tofas said:
so EQ2 is pretty reliant on groups?

No, EQ2 is 100% dependent on groups.

Night one: Great group, fast exp runs through dugeons, awesome!
Night two: horrible group, slow exp, pathetic.

This the cycle when you multiply night two by 10.

Unless you got 3+ real life friends who are going to be dedicated to playing, don't even waste your time.

I lost interest in WoW in the endgame, a new dungeon or two and battlegrounds isn't enough to keep me going.


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
Not anymore, EQ2 has changed alot since the beginning, very solo friendly now, but still relies very heavily on groups, levelling sure as hell isnt as fast as WoW, EQ2 is geared towards more serious players, new expansion pack is coming out next month, Kingdom Of Sky, with new zones, new level cap, new guild facilities etc, EQ2 is packed full of ****, and constantly being updated :O

It's good.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 27, 2005
Atomicide said:
Heres a breakdown of the big contenders:

1. WoW - Good fast leveling and excellent as a boredom breaker. Its main problem is that the good stuff comes at lvl 60, but you have to be in a decent guild to be able to do half the stuff at lvl 60.

2. Lineage2 - Aside from the grind (Powerleveling companies want $1300 and 50 days of 24 hour playing to get you to lvl 75 (max level), youve got the fact 1/2 your server population are gold farmers who KoS everyone else who plays in the same area as them. Lineage2 will end when the gold farmers force everyone to leave and the game as well as the farming business collapse on themselves.

3.Final Fantasy 11, from what ive been told everyone is forced onto the sme servers, on which the japaneese have had a head start and basically control the entire economy of the game. If u wish to take a break from the game (and stop paying) your characters are lost. *This seems like square are trying to suck money out of everyone pockets, in a sick and twisted way*

4. Saga of Ryzom - A game i played for quite a while, the graphics are brilliant, the storyline is second to none. The game offers Alternatives to just fighting. Wth careers as crafters and harvesters being completely viable. basically there are 4 "skill sets" Melee, Magic, Crafting, Harvesting. Each one has a maximum skill level of 300, and if you played hard enough you could get them all to Max level. You can edit spells within limits (eg Reduce casting time, at the expense of an increased mana cost). However last time i checked there was no PvP on the game. (please check the site if u liked what u read becuase my info was about 1/10 of the amount of amazing stuff they have. *note: i stopped playing cos i didnt know anyone else who played.

Auto Assault - 100% pure Awesomeness. Aside form the Amazing graphics, brilliant gameplay and fast paced action, they have a development team that actually gives a ****. The game was postponed for 6 months so that the team could impletement tons of changes requested by players, which resulted in a real overhaul of the game. Every time i patched during beta, the patchnotes would contain fixes to problems i remember reading in the forums, and ideas ive seen people posting about. Shame its still in beta though!
i just had a look at ryzom site looks grat u still [play im gonna d/l it now...


No Brag, Just Fact
Blaminator said:
Not anymore, EQ2 has changed alot since the beginning, very solo friendly now, but still relies very heavily on groups, levelling sure as hell isnt as fast as WoW, EQ2 is geared towards more serious players, new expansion pack is coming out next month, Kingdom Of Sky, with new zones, new level cap, new guild facilities etc, EQ2 is packed full of ****, and constantly being updated :O

It's good.

I quit after the first two patches that supposedly had "solo" content but no one could find any.

Can I solo 75%+ throughout the game? If so I might have to give it a try again.