Zircon 2.0 Somebody make it real!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
So I remember Zircon early days and the server was great fun you had to work together on bosses and items were not just given too you. now don't get me wrong there were some issues with the game down the line but I think since the release of the files other than ancients no one has really made these files their own and brought mir into the year 2020.

Anyway I decided to make this post in the hopes that it attracts someone working on a server who knows how to code but hadn't thought of some of these ideas on how to bring Mir into the modern ages, anyway ill list some of the major issues and possible solutions to them.

The Ability Scores (Stats)

AC - 1 AC should be equal to 1-2 damage reduction.
MR - 1 MR should be equal to 0-2 damage reduction.
Destructive Power (DC) - 1 DC should be equal to 1-2 damage.
Magic Power (MC) - 1 MC should be equal to 0-2 damage.
Spiritual Power (SC) - 1 SC should be equal to 0-2 damage.
Elemental Attack - 1 Element should be equal to 1-2 damage Ignores 0-1 MR.
Elemental Advantage - Capped at 5 but harder to obtain than the current default settings.
Elemental Disadvantage - Capped at 5.
Accuracy - 1 Acc should increase your hit chance by 5% for both melee and magical.
Agility - 1 Agil should counter acc 5%.
Evasion - 1 Eva should reduce your hit chance by elemental attacks by 5%
Attack Speed - Cap needs increasing on these files to match with both korean and offical.
Luck - Needs capping at 7.
Comfort - Fine with combat healing but amount needs reducing to a lower amount than small potion value to start with then each comfort past 20 should be equal to the next size potion. (Exception being warriors which should account for PM/APM in calculations).
Life Steal - 5% Max
Critical Chance - Capped at 20% chance for War, Wiz, Tao and 25% Assassins.
Critical Damage PVE - 50% Cap.
Dodge - Set chance to dodge a magical attack max 10% cannot be countered by accuracy.
Block - Set chance to Block physical attack Max 10% cannot be countered by accuracy.
Para - Max 5% only works in melee.
Silence - Max 5% Only works at ranged.
Stun - Only on certain spells.
Slow - Only on certain spells.

Currently the Hermit system gives a set score however I find that this takes away from the uniqueness of Mir as well as a valueable money soak from the game. So I would recomending changing it to the old school way with an exception.

Agility, Evasion, added onto the hermit list for 1 less max than currently listed below.
Accuracy added onto the hermits list below.

Level 40-50 - 1-3 is possible to roll each level.
Level 51-61 - 1-4 is possible to roll each level.
Level 62-72 - 2-5 is possible to roll each level.
Level 73-84 - 2-6 is possible to roll each level.
Level 85-99 - 3-7 is possible to roll each level.

Additionally Mystery ship & maybe the cash shop have 2 types of reset potions. 1st one reset all stats points 100k, 2nd one resets last stat roll 250k.

Add a cash shop feature to saves a hermit build onto it so that changing your build e.g from like Fire hermits to Ice is a viable option. Max of 5 layouts would be enough.

Remove HP/Mana from hermits HP hermit a kinda useless and Assassins won't be using mana by end of this post if your still reading it.

Equipment UI
2 Ring
2 Bracer
1 Necklace
1 Weapon
1 Shield/Focus/Offhand - Toggle to turn on/off. Make them use Hand Weight.
1 Armour
1 Helmet
1 Shoes
1 Emblem
1 Belt
1 Rose
1 Poison
1 Tailman/Darkstone
1 Wings
1 Weapon Skin Mod with toggle to turn on/off.
1 Armour Skin Mod with toggel to turn on/off.
1 Helmet Skin Mod with toggle to turn on/off.
1 Torch

Potions - Heal over 2 seconds for slightly more than Pills 2 second cooldown.
Pills - Heal full value 1.5 second cooldown.
Gins/Suns - Heal full value 1 second cooldown Rare.
Elixir's - Last 1 hour but cannot be stacked so that bag weight is actually useful.
Purification Pots 60k each 1 min cooldown.

Elixir's - (III) Can only be bought at Sabuk/Desert mud wall Elixir's (IV) Onward can only be obtained by bosses/subs.
All Healing Potions/Pills IV or Above have a level requirement to use and can only be bought at Sabuk/Desert Mudwall.
Dark Stones - Holy/Dark/Phantom to be created.

Cash & FP Shop addtions
3 types of roses, 1st prevents body drop from death, 2nd revives you, 3rd does both all with reasonable cooldowns could be multiple types of these 3 roses with slightly better stats on them.
Items Skins for the modfication slots with a built in preview before purchace or temp ones that last 2 mins for 5 hg.

Standard old school main quest line with decent 1 time rewards including famepoints.

Daily quest system 5 a day with Short/Average/Long to pick from that will generate a quest with that sort of duration between 5 levels below or 5 levels above with rewards to suit.

Legendary Equipment Questlines e.g Chaotic Heaven Blade, CHB Necklaces require a special item to trigger and will take months or longer to complete.

Item Customization

Weapon Refinement Standard
- Works fine.

Weapon Reforging
Attempt to turn a fully refined weapon into a stronger version of itself. Example: Power Axe 0-22 +10 refined to max reforges into Reforged Power Axe 5-27 Accuracy +2, Attack Speed +1. Can be refined again but not reforged and reforged comes with a 25% break chance and reasonable cost/material requirements.

Armour Reforging
Requires materials/gold but not levelling similar to weapon reforge but also has a chance to remove disadvantage from armour.

Smelting Refinement
Like the old school Mir server with the break chance Special ore to remove break option rare but mineable in WD Mines.

Item Tier system (Everything but Weapons)
Items can drop with a tier roll making them stronger and able to be upgraded.

Common - No change
Uncommon - up to 0-2 extra stats
Rare - up to 2-5 extra stats
Epic - up to 2-5 extra stats and an advantage if possible, or Dodge/Block 1-2%
Legendary - Up to 2-5 extra stats and 2 advantage if possible, or Dodge/Block 2-4%

If it adds hp the value would be 50 per roll.
If it adds comfort the value would be 1 per roll if applicable.

Doesn't Apply to weapons due to reforging.

Item Levelling system (Only Rings, Necklace, Bracers)
Just like what infamous has but works but max level is based off the tier system. Example:

Common - doesn't level
Uncommon - Levels 1-3
Rare - Levels 1-5
Epic - Levels 1-7
Legendary Levels 1-10

Stats obtainable will depends on the item but I'll give you an example.

Level 1-3 DC, SC, MC, AC, MR Agil, Eva 0-1
Level 4-5 DC, SC, MC, AC, MR Agil, Eva 0-2
Level 6-7 DC, SC, MC, AC, MR Agil, Eva 0-3 1-5% crit PVE, 1% crit chance
Level 8-10 2-10% crit PVE, 1-2% crit chance, Advantage on applicable items.

Very rare max of 5 into a weapon each 1 adds 1% Para or Silence.

Emblems - Advantage x1 to all taken off them just a single advantage and some stats on them and they can benefit from Tier system.
Belts - Can roll HP, and comfort as well as other stats
Shoes - Can roll Hp and comfort as well as other stats

With these systems in place it would provide stat diversity between the classes and give players limitless potential to improve there equipment over time and give the GM penlty of money soaks to keep the market prices reasonable.

It would also help to keep Advantage a rarer resource in the game as it provides a larger bonus that AC, MR, EVA, And Agility does.

Levelling changed to exp gained from killing rather than afk in safezones.
Hunger doesn't decrease in SZ.
Stats Reworked to better balance.
Reset potions 250k lvl3-10, 500k 11-15, 750k 17-21, 1m 23-25.
Reroll potions rerolls the value of current stat, 500k 3-10, 1m 11-15, 1.5m 17-21, 2m 23-25.

Furtune Check

Body Drop System
Body drops kick in at level 22 to give new players a chance to get use to the game. Depending on items tier or quality will effect your chance of dropping better the item smaller the chance.

Weapon Weight
Reworked to account shields/focus/offhands and boot weights.
Elites weight = half the weight of the common weapon below there current weapon. e.g sword of abyss 8-33 elite weight would be half the weight of a Judgement mace.

Using a judgement Mace and a shield of around the same level would require you to have decent boots or be 2-3 levels higher than that of said items.

Weight is under used on these files as such boots only sellable value lies in them being added or having enough comfort to hit combat regen.

Agility and Evasion
Making these stats viable in the game means sorting out the accuracy on monsters but if done correctly it could make the Assassins work better than they do on default.

Ideally you would want the monsters in a cave to have a 60% chance of hitting the player in that gear for that level but if it connects it will reduce there hp about 20% which will keep them 1v1 but with Lifesteal and potions they will be able to survive if it's 1v2 maybe even 1v3 at a push.

However to make up for lifesteal reducing potion consumption I'd suggest a slightly larger mana consumption on the class.

Bosses on the otherhand should have an 85% chance to hit the player geared and of the correct level for that zone. based off Rare items with agility or evasion.

Firstly Caves need to contain monsters ranging from different elements both in melee or at ranged.

There DC should reflect this e.g a melee single target unit should have a higher base DC than an AOE, Status inflition, or ranged unit. There should also be higher hp pools on melee to increase the odds of the Assassin class getting hit.

You don't need mass quantity in all dungeons just quality that is my biggest issue at the moment that most servers don't make quality monsters just ram caves to the 9s with them.

Lastly Aggro range on monsters needs sorting some monsters set up in these files can target 1-5 squares off the screen of players or spot players off the screen. I the sight is fine in some places but the targeting off screen is silly.

Aggro needs fixing to not attack the closest target only to prevent taoist from soloing easily.

The Classes
Anything Control based e.g Dance of swallows, beckon, ect needs to work on a chance based system 70% if same level 50% if lower 90% if higher with a reasonable cooldown i'd say about 12-60 seconds.

Each class will contain suggestions of things that could be done to improve or balance them and are obviously subject to change if your to take these idea's for your server.

The Warrior
This class is more designed to be the tank of the group on zircon which in it's self is fine however it does lack in areas which is why I will cover a couple of changes that would help bring them into line.

Create a (Warrior only set which gives 5% Lifesteal)

Flaming Sword - 20% chance per rank to inflict a burn dot for 5 seconds.
Blade Storm - Deal 1 blow per rank dealing 20-35% of DC per hit.
Destructive Surge - Deals 20% of DC per Hit increasing by 20% per rank.
Interchange - PVE can be used on monsters up to 10 levels higher but fail chance cooldown 8 seconds PVE 16 pvp seconds.
Defiance - Back to old Euro Mir formula for ac/mr gain duration lasts 1min per rank to max of 5 mins.
Beckon - 16 second cooldown Chance Based system in PVP.
Might - Works like Euro.
Assult - 8 second cooldown as it doesn't proc and requires skill to target.
Endurance - Lasts 30 seconds cooldown 60 seconds.
Fetter - Toggle on/off like Dsurge with 40% chance to effect monsters up to 3 levels higher than you If it effects something it won't proc again for 5 seconds in pve 10 second pvp.
Mass Beckon - No stun effect works on monsters up to 3 levels higher than you.
Seismic Slam - AOE stun 3x3 in direction its fired with 60 second cooldown.

New Spell Pheonix Thrust Toggle - Fire off a wave of destrutive energy at a target within range, 3 second cooldown between shots but handy vs ranged monsters. Target range 3 squares away but doesn't work in pvp basically an advanced form of thrusting.
New Spell Deflect Blow Passive - increase base and top end AC slightly.
New Spell Endure Magic Passive - increase base and top end MR slightly.

Plus the rest of the korean spells there missing.

The Wizard
This class is designed to be the crowd killer and it does funtion pretty well but there is room for improvement and making this class more unique.

Create a (Wizard only set which gives 5% MC)
Single Target spells - Made stronger than AOE & Line attacks for PVP.
AOE - Advanced AOE for each class similar to Chain Lighting in size.
Floor AOE - One for Ice and Lightning.

Ice spells having a chance to slow, and Lightning Spells having a chance to stun same method as wars Fetter once it's hit a target with effect it cannot proc again for X amount of seconds./

Replusion Proc chance of working on same or higher levels.
Geo 12 second cooldown.
Magic shield 5% damage reduction per rank.
Ren 2% per rank.
Adv Ren - remove.

Plus the rest of the korean spells there missing.

The Taoist
Healer and support based class that uses pets to gain advantages in combat.

Create a (Taoist only set which gives 5% SC)
Remove Empowered Purification
Healing and Buffs need to scale better than they do to keep them relevant both in current content and future content but not so much so that they make the group gods.
Infection should do up to half there sc maximum but have the ability to crit so it can benefit like the other classes do from crit pve.
Taoist Combat Kick should stun for 1-2 seconds.
CL should have a 30 second cooldown after it procs.
Improved Explosive Tailsman and Explosive tailsman should change element using different tailsmans.
Transparancy - remove Geomanipulate effect make taoist visable if 3 levels higher.

New spell Enhanced Tailsmans Passive - When using Holy tailsmans you have a chance to silence the target, when using dark you have a chance to lock the movement of the target.

Pet System changes

Skele 1v1 AC based Pet.
Skeleton General Half-moon AC based pet.
Shinsu Thrusting MR based pet
Armoured Shinsu Hellfire MR based Pet.
Demonic Creature Defensive AC/MR Based pet.
Demonic Explosion - Causes pet to use massbeckon on monsters then explode.

The AC/MR/HP/DC should be calculated based off characters level in a way that as you get stronger so do the pets. But not to the point where they can instantly kill players. they are damage buffer firstly to keep the monster away from the taoist well dealing smaller amounts of damage.

Plus the rest of the korean spells there missing.

The Assassin - aka The Problem Child
This class is the biggest thorn in anyone's side and requires almost a full rework on there gear so it can be used by not only them but other classes, and there spells.

Create a (Assassin only set that gives 5% crit rate)
Rework Sin items to have half the AC/MR of taoist gear but add Agility, evasion, dc onto them to suit.

Rework class to fully use DC not mana at all.
Increase Mana cost of all spell to account for Less hp potion consumption.
Remove Advanced Bloody Flower.

Willow Dance - Gives Evasion as well as Agility.
Poison Cloud - Gives Evasion as well as Agility duration based off dc so it scales.
Wraith Grip - 60 Second cooldown.
Hell Fire - Fix damage and dot damage so it scales.
Summon Puppet - Fix so that it does an effect for each dark stone like on korean.
Normal Bloody Flower 1% per rank max 5% (Soft Cap Heal Amount to a reasonable range)
Fix Rake - stealth attack that slows target.
Fix Rejuvenation so that it only effect out of combat healing.
Abyss - Cooldown of 12 second per recast and duration of 60 second on a monster.
Dance Of Swallow - Cooldown of 14 seconds.
Flash Of Light - Fix targeting on the spell currently feels a bit wonky.
Evasion Spell Renamed and adds Dodge chance 5% max for duration. Take damage if cast well raging winds is active.
Raging Winds gives Block chance up to 5% for duration. Take damage if cast well Dodge is active.
Massacre - Change so that lotus spells work in a dsurge radius none of this broken chain that builds upon itself to kill entire maps.
Change Advent of Demon and Advent of Devil to Agility and Evasion instead of AC And MR.
Rename Evasion spell and Make Evasion & Raging wind interact like Defiance and might when one is cast well the other one is active also make them give Block or Dodge rate when active 5% max.

Plus the rest of the korean spells there missing.

3 tabs Basic, Loot (Crafting materials), Skins, when you expand 1 through GG shop it expands basic and Loot.

Crafting System
Similar to what ancients built but instead of players having access to all types of crafting create crafting jobs, Armourer (Armour/helms), Weapon Smith(Weapons/Shields), Consumables (Potion/Elixir's), Jeweler (Rings/Bracer/Necklaces), Leatherworker (Shoes/Belt) Depending on item depends on what materials you will need.

E.g Zuma Boot might require you to go gather 50 Zuma Leather scraps from them, or Wooden Clogs might send you havesting trees for wood possibilities are endless. but by limiting accounts by 1 craft it will promote guilds working together.

Item Stats
I'd suggest making multiple types of gear every 10 levels so people can have unqiue builds. e.g Spike Ring 0-6 dc, counterpart RedMaple 3-3 DC, Elemental Spiked Ring 0-4 dc +2 Element, Elemental Red Maple Ring 1-2 DC +2 Element.

Mounts are basically just what your riding the extra stats they use to provide come from Mount Skills based off characters level so you can pick whatever mount you want.

Fix Durability
Currently it decreses at the same rate on every items however in older versions armour and weapons decreased faster but had higher durability this should be fixed. Also dont think strength works correctly.

Obviously what I'm suggesting here isn't a small thing it's going to take time, effort, and testing to get right but if done correctly the results could be something far supassing that of korean Mir3 and any other Private Mir3 server created to this point. The changes I'm suggesting here are more designed for a Mid-low rate server in terms of levelling and stats.

Anyway feel free to post your thoughts, and suggestions but keep it civil peeps don't want it to be a flamewar. You don't have to like or agree with me either.

Spell lists and discriptions of missing/incorrectly working spells from korean on page 2 along with some more suggestions Updated 07/03/2020
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Mounts are basically just what your riding the extra stats they use to provide come from Mount Skills based off characters level so you can pick whatever mount you want.

Sure, like original Mir3 or Zircon allows you to ride horse in Caves/Dungeons.
And its not like you got some one to code Horse spells :)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Don't know how to code or trust me I would do. biggest issue I see on server is % based stuff and luck 10 it's so hard to balance the server if player are hitting there max damage 100% of time in pvp and % based stuff like renounce destroy's balance in the long term think thats the reason why Jamie coded MC to do half of what SC does on spells but if your going to do that then just don't add renounce at that point.

When people on zircon started getting past 100% on the PVE & MC on weapons got to the point where they had over 100% the game went to **** imo and from conversation I've had on other servers a lot of players agree with this assessement on % based stuff and luck.
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Is this your ideas for making a successful server, or are you asking for a Zircon clone? Because there's been plenty of those :unsure: but I suspect your thread title is just misleading

p.s. no I didn't read it


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Is this your ideas for making a successful server, or are you asking for a Zircon clone? Because there's been plenty of those :unsure: but I suspect your thread title is just misleading

p.s. no I didn't read it

This is me trying to give someone looking at developing a decent server idea's on what they could do to improve upon the zircon files and possibly create a great server Tai but this is just based off my own thoughts and feedback from years of playing this and 100s of tactic and stat based games.


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
When people on zircon started getting past 100% on the PVE & MC on weapons got to the point where they had over 100% the game went to **** imo and from conversation I've had on other servers a lot of players agree with this assessement on % based stuff and luck.

I know what you mean but i will not go deeper since information is $.

The code of Luck on spells scales as a %
Theres a min dmg (thats 0) and max dmg (total power).

Blooms do BIG dmg on sin because min =0, max = BaseMana
(0 ~ 3000), luck is % of the chance to hit 1 maxDMG.

10 luck = MaxDMG often to 100%.


Holy Fu..
Jan 19, 2016
Really enjoyed that read. Do agree with the majority of what you have said and hopefully someone sometime can look at this and make something happen from it. A lot of good points in there and defo the most part of sins is 100% accurate lol.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Thanks for comment think I scared the rest of community away from posting with how long my main post is but at the same time there is a lot to cover in the zircon files that could be improved upon.

Not just what I've listed here but I have a few friends on my discord who have told me that there is a lot of things in the code it's self that need fixing or else people can attack the code of the server. which is what happened on Ancients or so I was told.

I myself don't really get the coding side or know what is possible and what isn't for the advance stuff but I think most of what I was talking about is douable relatively easy and it would not only fix's classes but bring a lot of features into the game that most MMO's have.

Plus the values of most features could be changed to fit into any server of any rate and not just break combat outright if you have a solid foundation in the game files it shouldn't matter too much if players have 50 dc or 1000 it will remain balanced unless you do something stupid like add 1000s of dc but not enough hp to counter the increase in damage.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 29, 2014
Don't know how to code or trust me I would do. biggest issue I see on server is % based stuff and luck 10 it's so hard to balance the server if player are hitting there max damage 100% of time in pvp and % based stuff like renounce destroy's balance in the long term think thats the reason why Jamie coded MC to do half of what SC does on spells but if your going to do that then just don't add renounce at that point.

When people on zircon started getting past 100% on the PVE & MC on weapons got to the point where they had over 100% the game went to **** imo and from conversation I've had on other servers a lot of players agree with this assessement on % based stuff and luck.

agree with the main post , and deffinatly with this one , soon as people were hitting max all the time and then the major increase of crit pve damage it just got a bit stupid.


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Plus the values of most features could be changed to fit into any server of any rate and not just break combat outright if you have a solid foundation in the game files it shouldn't matter too much if players have 50 dc or 1000 it will remain balanced unless you do something stupid like add 1000s of dc but not enough hp to counter the increase in damage.

Why would some one add 1000's of DC/MC/SC ?
Also % HP/MP/DC/SC is stupid in the equation if already exists 1000's.

Zircon was pretty fine with Master Refine and small + 3/5% HP/MP DC/SC/MC.

Weapon Rolls was the stupid system that affected the scale.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 16, 2012
That's a mighty long post klein lemme just grab some snacks and a cuppa so i can sit down and focus on the read :D
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Feb 26, 2004
Zircon 2.0 was the Low Rate attempt, with all the crap stats and sins removed.

Pretty sure the server is finished now, especially with the over saturation of Zircon clones, it won't fly anymore :) Just hold out for Sapphire if the creation is even still in progress lol. Mir3 is done, sad times.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004

This post isn't so much about remaking Zircon but building upon the Zircon files to make something better and more balanced than it currently is it's because of all these bad clones with no thought on improving the files that I've made this post. because currently you can throw up a blank zircon server with very basic changes in what 20mins.

But just like with Mir2 servers or how they were back when I hosted one you get out of a server what you put into it, and back when I ran a server all be it for a short time we never asked for any donates like people do now. I get that having the server on a dedi cost cash though and honestly on zircon I did spend some cash each month I played but every other server since then I've waiting 2 weeks to see how the server feels before even concidering donating.

Happy I did because without fail all have had serious issues that made me just walk away at somepoint. give me satifaction knowing I haven't lined anyone who did bare mins work with these files.


Feb 26, 2004

This post isn't so much about remaking Zircon but building upon the Zircon files to make something better and more balanced than it currently is it's because of all these bad clones with no thought on improving the files that I've made this post. because currently you can throw up a blank zircon server with very basic changes in what 20mins.

But just like with Mir2 servers or how they were back when I hosted one you get out of a server what you put into it, and back when I ran a server all be it for a short time we never asked for any donates like people do now. I get that having the server on a dedi cost cash though and honestly on zircon I did spend some cash each month I played but every other server since then I've waiting 2 weeks to see how the server feels before even concidering donating.

Happy I did because without fail all have had serious issues that made me just walk away at somepoint. give me satifaction knowing I haven't lined anyone who did bare mins work with these files.

I play servers competitively out of the gate, Zeds was ruined early doors...might play well now, but it's too late now lol. The rest are ruined with that stupid cube system and item crafting.

Any left available to create a Mir3 properly I wouldn't trust to not tarnish within a month. It will take a while for the site to clear up before another Mir3 worth playing will appear.

If anyone does bother to balance the Sin amongst other things and not keeping in those daft systems from Korean that were built to push the gameshop onto you, then I really hope they wait it out until it doesn't get skipped by from the garbage.
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
I play servers competitively out of the gate, Zeds was ruined early doors...might play well now, but it's too late now lol. The rest are ruined with that stupid cube system and item crafting.

Lots been changed, adjusted and added during that.
Theres big difference from what ZenX was (bit rushed, several issues) to now (new systems,content,balanced).
Catch up mechanics to level 55 been added, new players join and catch up quite decent.


Feb 26, 2004
Lots been changed, adjusted and added during that.
Theres big difference from what ZenX was (bit rushed, several issues) to now (new systems,content,balanced).
Catch up mechanics to level 55 been added, new players join and catch up quite decent.

While I understand the need for catch-up mechanics, that was one of your early problems lol. You did it so early that I could have taken my sweet time and you bastardised everyones efforts.

As I said, it probably is fine to play now, but it's no longer of interest to me.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 13, 2015
While I understand the new for catch-up mechanics, that was one of your early problems lol. You did it so early that I could have taken my sweet time and you bastardised everyones efforts.

As I said, it probably is fine to play now, but it's no longer of interest to me.
Bye then. Oh how times change, although i agree with you i just had to put that.

Has anyone played any official games for some time, and when the devs cant be bothered and let the community mod it. then it slowly dies a painful death because the idea's of the community are trash and only ever want it easy for everyone because we have a generation of pussys. That was MIR 3.. 2 years ago. Keep wasting your energy.

Ice&fire_GSP shits all over these servers, and the GM was barely around.. and bosses were bugged.
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