Zircon don't allow pk drops or allow??

Zircon - Allow or disable pk drops??

  • Allow pk drops

    Votes: 74 54.4%
  • Not allow pk drops

    Votes: 48 35.3%
  • Being able to turn pk drops on and off in options via player options

    Votes: 14 10.3%

  • Total voters
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Feb 26, 2004
Mirrors can insult you and get away with it....taking revenge even brings an 8 year sentence on your arse.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 19, 2014
Right.. Where to even start here. I'll start with Koriban. You rim Jamie constantly Kori, You claim your some good pvper/pker but dont want body drops on? I'll educate the rest of the forum as to why you dont, Because you always join servers with an big group who try exploit what they can, if that doesnt work, you just mass recruit an good id say at least 50% of usercount, which makes more people want to join the guild due to numbers/bosses your killing. Makes it an one if lucky two guild game. thats why you dont want drops on, so you can mass recruit smash bosses then bully other guilds/small groups out of KR's without the risk. Pretty damn pathetic and sad really coming from an "self proclaimed pker".

Trolli, Lets start on you, i keep seeing this "name another server that has body drops". Lineage 2 did, but if we take that aside yes your right 99% of games dont but your comparing an 2d game to WoW? an game that had 11 million players at its peak, probably still has an good 5 million playing it, Lets drop that down to per server, id assume theres maybe an good 10'000 people per server at least. You can make MANY big guilds with that usercount, Mir has 100-200 people if lucky. Completely different mate did have to face palm myself at you trying to be smart. comparing mir to big games... haha.


You can compare games though and it doesn't matter if it is 2D or 3D if it all falls into the same type of game to be very vague here (MMO). Anthony I don't get and I probably would guess you don't either when you say comments about "trying to be smart" when what you just typed might be the most thoughtless statement.

OK here we go Anthony, you named 1 other game.. That does diddly. You then agree with me that 99% of games do not do body drops... are the gears turning yet? All these big/small ass companies who have done the research and have the statistics to know what makes their games last and what mechanics will turn their player base away. If the big companies are doing it, you should thank them for the heavy leg work and copy from them to help your game become successful but hey everyone wants that hero situation where they can go in with 99% of their odds against them and really think they can come out on top. Am I saying that body drops in a MMO will NEVER be wanted? No but for damn sure there is a very small niche for it that just isn't worth losing the other BIGGER crowd. At the same time what people want isn't always what they need as most players look at selfish me perspective in what would be the initial fun for them rather than what that would do in effecting the server short/mid/long term.

---------- Post Merged at 06:58 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 06:55 PM ----------

That's what happens when pk drops are off !

I have to say even though we disagree on the topic, this is pretty damn funny. :joyous:

---------- Post Merged at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 06:58 PM ----------

If there is no risk associated with dying then people play more carefree without concentrating/semi afk.... aka lazy play.

It negates a 'skill' gap because a bad player (poor skill use/decision making resulting in more deaths pve/pvp) loses no more than someone that doesn't die as much (good skill use/decision making resulting in less deaths pve/pvp). Death should always be punishable to encourage better gameplay, and 'time loss' (having to run back to cave etc) isn't enough, especially with revive tokens in the cashshop...

I don't know about you but I don't ever want to die in a game and I honestly don't know anyone who wants to die anywhere. Hell even if there are no body drops I still wouldn't want to die right next to safe zone seeing the typical "Talk **** Get Hit" sort of thing in Mir. To say though you are hunting in a cave and that the idea of bodys drops being there or not dictates you wanting to live I would have to strongly disagree with you. If anything I would be going full tilt and not TTing making the whole result better even if I lost as I know that I actually would of died if I didn't rt/tt. If I win I will be glad I didn't get out and if I lost well I just learned a lesson on my boundaries and the feeling I got when I won the other person gets. No extra stuff that is there to be added to hurt the loser any more than it already is.

The end result when you die the punishment always resorts to "Time". You decide how much time you want to take away from the user. When your game requires lots of grinding and you pull a stunt like losing an item you have taken away copious amounts of time and to be frankly honest WAY TOO MUCH TIME. WoW literally takes you 30sec-1min, they have figured it out. They want 30sec-1min punishments for death as death is so common in almost EVERY game. If anyone did any game mechanic research you would of came across this ages ago and understand where we are coming from with no body drops. It just isn't a personal preference its the most logical and long lasting decision. The healthier choice of the 2.
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likes to charge back
Apr 12, 2015
1. Im not Anthony im Ramb.

2. You just said companys including big companys listen to their users and go on what they want? the MAJORITY over the minority yes? Okay well the vote says the MAJORITY want them on, So why cater for the small number over the big? You're trying to act smart writing big essays but i cant even be arsed to read it all.

3. You talk crap and just went back on your words. the majority vote it on Jamie and according to this "guy" the developers listen so turn them on, thanks


Nov 7, 2007
Trying to change mechanics in a old game game like Mir then try to say games these days don't have body drops is just retarded, stuff like this makes games like Mir unique and it's one of the reason many people play this still.

But this argument is going no where, your going to have the PVE players voting no to it and PVP players voting yes for it, but would they PVE players decide not to play because they are turned on? No, otherwise they would of stopped playing this game a very long time ago.

Just my opinion.


Feb 1, 2010
Trying to change mechanics in a old game game like Mir then try to say games these days don't have body drops is just retarded, stuff like this makes games like Mir unique and it's one of the reason many people play this still.

But this argument is going no where, your going to have the PVE players voting no to it and PVP players voting yes for it, but would they PVE players decide not to play because they are turned on? No, otherwise they would of stopped playing this game a very long time ago.

Just my opinion.

i agree, most people like playing/still play this game due to the risk factor and PvP/PK mechanics that no other game use.

more or less the reason the game is still alive to this date, without any drops in the past 10 years of mir no doubt it would be a lot worse off than it currently is.


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 16, 2011
**** them carebears who want no punishment for dying you should drop from bag and body. i mean its what you have a tt and rt for. if you cant fight dont try to. its how mir allways has been i agree with few points people said im fully against killing some one or them dying and not having a chance of dropping.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 5, 2013
**** them carebears who want no punishment for dying you should drop from bag and body. i mean its what you have a tt and rt for. if you cant fight dont try to. its how mir allways has been i agree with few points people said im fully against killing some one or them dying and not having a chance of dropping.

You know, this subject is getting old, but just as a me talking thing here I would generally think differently. I have not been a very good pvper throughout my 'career' in Mir, just never really got to grips with it. I've not really done much of it to be fair, as PVP just doesn't appeal. As such I just have to tele away or what not, which does occasionally lead to a lot less fun, especially when the playing field is very, very often not level (like in Mir).

I have no issue with this at all. It is what it is, and I accept that.

But having said that, if there was no punishment I definitely would stay around and fight. And in the past would have too. It definitely would have lead to me being more involved in PvP.

Again though, I'm not really bothered either way. I can take what it is, and whatever it ends up without issue.

PS: Also, once again to the few guys above you ... "Stop changing my Mir!" ... Jamie isn't, he is keeping it how the original was as has been mentioned several times. For clarity/perspective, you are asking him to 'change it', and he is saying no.


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 8, 2012
If there wont be any body drops in pk regardless of name colour, I'll be sad..because I won't play it.
And I rly want to play this serv...

It's what makes mir tbh. Otherwise we all could play better mmorpg's .

/Geralt (Marble)


Feb 1, 2010
Good luck with ur server, wish u all the best !
Guess I'll have more time for family thn :lol

i did say it would put people off not having something thats been in the game for over 10 years, i guess we will see how it goes once's its live.

but a lot of pkers have the same mindset, would probz get fed up after a while


Feb 26, 2004
i did say it would put people off not having something thats been in the game for over 10 years, i guess we will see how it goes once's its live.

but a lot of pkers have the same mindset, would probz get fed up after a while

The Korean files that he is basing the foundation of the server on, doesn't have them either lol.

Just as the Crystal files he created were based off the Mir2 foundation, where drops existed.

He hasn't removed anything...just not wanting to ADD Body drops, largely because of some of the end game skills are able to cause immense damage and assassins being able to 1 hit kill in Stealth.

No one has yet to offer suggestions to combat the issue in order to have body drops in....and by this point, pretty obviously won't ever be suggested lol.

The only reasoning that has been concluded is that people want drops to either be arse holes, or selfish and steal others hard earned items...hence why it's not being added. The middle ground he's offered, is bag drops, and as far as i can tell, this is remaining through to live as well, as players will have some sort of control over what they lose (By deciding what they carry in their bags on hunts)


Feb 1, 2010
The Korean files that he is basing the foundation of the server on, doesn't have them either lol.

Just as the Crystal files he created were based off the Mir2 foundation, where drops existed.

He hasn't removed anything...just not wanting to ADD Body drops, largely because of some of the end game skills are able to cause immense damage and assassins being able to 1 hit kill in Stealth.

No one has yet to offer suggestions to combat the issue in order to have body drops in....and by this point, pretty obviously won't ever be suggested lol.

The only reasoning that has been concluded is that people want drops to either be arse holes, or selfish and steal others hard earned items...hence why it's not being added. The middle ground he's offered, is bag drops, and as far as i can tell, this is remaining through to live as well, as players will have some sort of control over what they lose (By deciding what they carry in their bags on hunts)

there are more than 1 thing he hasn't copied from GSP/Korean client.

people have been playing Mir 2 or 3 after GSP and Euro with death drops its been part of the game for over 10 years, alot of people became fond of the whole thing and enjoy playing Mir still due to no other game using these mechanics.

i'm just telling you how it is its that simple... people who play and enjoy for these reasons wont stick around even if it is a fun server they will get bored of not having there favorite system added.

another note if Jamie said nothing about drops and kept it like Mir has been no doubt there wouldn't be any cry's from the carebears they are simply crying because they had a choice/opinion in the matter.
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