OldSkool Mir (v2) - Release 20th January 7pm

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
Recent reports of user count alterations (Under review 08/04/23)

Item selling fees have increased to 20% from 10% at launch.


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
So are payments to the server for in game currency through crypto as well? Just confirming is all :)


LOMCN Veteran
Oct 17, 2013
This reminds me of that other server that everyone bashed because it had crypto features. Sounds highly sus lol but thats just me.

'Play to earn' sounds very pyramid schemish these days.

I tend to avoid anything that is play to earn or has 'NFTs' associated with it.
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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
I m not stirring against anything. I respect your approach and I do hope that players will grasp more knowledge on Crypto processes ( Buy / Trade ).
I do really hope your project will succeed as its a lot in stake for other servers owners as PayPal turns more and more corrupted and power hungry.
Ye wasn’t trying to argue and apologies if it was a bit defensive lol. Work so hard on these projects then get some shitty little comments for no reason (not yours)
Personaly I feel that Crypto is ontopic for the thread, however please do keep it in line with the rules.

I won't be handing any infractions for any previous comments.

In regards to:

PayPal people would dispute and con each other.

Some server owners have experimented with Stripe which seems to have mostly stopped refunds. This was discussed in the Gamemaster Section.
I highly recommend if server owners are using a donation system or a subscription then please do use them, It's lower commision too.
I might look into it thanks for the info.
So are payments to the server for in game currency through crypto as well? Just confirming is all :)
Yes gameshop purchases will be via crypto. I may look into stripe we’ll see.
This reminds me of that other server that everyone bashed because it had crypto features. Sounds highly sus lol but thats just me.

'Play to earn' sounds very pyramid schemish these days.

I tend to avoid anything that is play to earn or has 'NFTs' associated with it.
Play to earn is quite a big thing these days. Nothing sus about it. It appeals to many players.
100% tho there are some dodgy scam projects tho like Logan Paul’s cryptozoo stuff.
But anyway… this ain’t that… this is a Mir server - what do you think is sus? I don’t get it

Also just another thought for those making out like I’m here to con people and steal their money, why would I do that and ruin my reputation? I’ve been around Mir since it’s beginning. Run multiple respectable long term servers. Not sure why you are treating me like some random newly joined member of the community…
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Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
Ah awesome, cheers for the info.

Any Beta/Launch ETAs?

I need to look into stripe and automated payments or subs depending on what avenue I go

Goodluck on the server anyway bud, if its anything like your last it'll go down really well!


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
Many of these comments are people stuck in the past and probably up thier own asses, many people pay real money for lvlers….now why do that when you can auto it. I’m sure that feature was also in mir3.

Many of the mir4 features in this one and honestly they sound really cool, especially the mines wars it now actually makes them (wars) worth something.


I own myself
Jul 18, 2009
World Of Mir
Another adventure I guess, glad to see an old server is coming back with new features, best of luck dude.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Is BloodSteel a token or an ingame currency
just an ingame currency like gold, gamegold, justice, valor, honor etc

Like I say, we don't have crypto ingame or run our own token, we just use it as a payment method.

I believe an actual token is too much for this community to handle right now, I mean lets face it we're playing a 20 year old game.. 1 step at a time :D
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LOMCN Member
Aug 9, 2020
defo some form of pyramid scheme.


so easy to pull the wool over peoples eyes these days huh?

also pretty sure if anyone thinks of a ben server it would be p2w is there 1st thought and the 2nd would be remember last time round .

im sure astrix or someone else has the screenshot that almost went a week without anything happening while x player made thousands selling gold/items
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Aug 13, 2020
Is this based on Apoc V2/V3 or are you working alone? The GUI/Artwork, Mob Levelling, Dialogs, Re-Roll, Quality System, Paragon, Enhancement system appear identical in every way to Apoc V2, as if it's Apoc V3?

I enjoyed many of these systems in Apoc V2, but just hope none of the Apoc team are hiding in the background releasing through you?


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
defo some form of pyramid scheme.


so easy to pull the wool over peoples eyes these days huh?

also pretty sure if anyone thinks of a ben server it would be p2w is there 1st thought and the 2nd would be remember last time round .

im sure astrix or someone else has the screenshot that almost went a week without anything happening while x player made thousands selling gold/items
What are you smoking? Pyramid scheme? How have you even come to that conclusion. Pretty obvious you are just being an idiot and a troll at this point. Hopefully mods will do something cause your just being toxic on purpose now.
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LOMCN Member
Aug 9, 2020
can you elaborate your 'rep' in your terms? because anyone i talk to says the same thing?


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Is this based on Apoc V2/V3 or are you working alone? The GUI/Artwork, Mob Levelling, Dialogs, Re-Roll, Quality System, Paragon, Enhancement system appear identical in every way to Apoc V2, as if it's Apoc V3?

I enjoyed many of these systems in Apoc V2, but just hope none of the Apoc team are hiding in the background releasing through you?
No it has nothing to do with the Apoc team.
I thought this was common knowledge but the Apoc team used OldSkool files and code as their base for their server, which I was originally a member of the team but decided to step out way before it launched, i didnt want to be a part of it. I find it a little sad they never gave credit in all honesty.
So yes, naturally the code base is a base of what Apoc used although I've modified quite a lot back to OS.
So you will likely see some similar artwork etc. Pretty much ALL the systems originated on Oldskool, but you or others may refer to them as "from apoc" or something because it was simply a more recent server.

Reroll, quality orbs, paragon, mob leveling... all these "features" are Oldskool originals, it wasnt designed or thought up by the Apoc teeam. By all means look back at the original OS advert. I've seen a lot of servers copy these features like they are just standard these days lol. #trendsetter.
I believe Apoc used the enhancement img for their teir system.

So I repeat, this has nothing to do with the "Apoc team" aka Kane or Dan
can you elaborate your 'rep' in your terms? because anyone i talk to says the same thing?
That's fine, I guess you and "everyone you talk to" wont play. Makes no difference to me honestly.
But nice way to avoid the question about pyramid scheme comment... feeling bit stupid now?


Primordial GM
Game Master
Feb 13, 2014
I always knew most of the features as from your original server, I mean I rehashed your quality orb concept on my code (thanks trendsetter!)

But in all seriousness, no need to pull apart the server for every line of its advert, ultimately it boils down to if you like the look of it, play it, if you don't, don't.
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LOMCN Member
Aug 9, 2020
not feeling slightly stupid, perhaps the people you will be conning will be.

also noticed you avoided my question about ur 'rep' you claim is good and you wouldnt wanna ruin it,

and i stated what people instantly think of when they see a 'ben' server p2w or let someone abuse a bug for over a week conning so many people of thousands.

each to there own i suppose. id say best of luck but we all know the outcome.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
defo some form of pyramid scheme.


so easy to pull the wool over peoples eyes these days huh?

also pretty sure if anyone thinks of a ben server it would be p2w is there 1st thought and the 2nd would be remember last time round .

im sure astrix or someone else has the screenshot that almost went a week without anything happening while x player made thousands selling gold/items
I couldn't help myself but to laugh if im honest :ROFLMAO:

We're giving the opportunity for players to sell their items if they want to for real money, Not only you have a free to play game but you can even make money if u ever wanted to.

You guys have went really far.. quite funny.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
I believe he's right to raise concerns, he is just failing to explain himself fully.

I found a resource for players to review to get an idea of what it is: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/crypto-wallet/metamask-review/

In regards to POLYGON MATIC, who controls the user data/funds within this application? I read in most instances the developer has control of all of this, this was the only red flag I could find as it was discussed that the developer could take everything.

As much as you understand Crypto currency, the mainstream knowledge of this subject is limited and jaded from a multitude of real life extreme case scenarios. So expect questions and comments in this vein - this is a mir forum after all.

I personally wouldn't engage in this system - do I have to in order to play?

I loved this feature on your old server too:
-Gain / Loss of EXP on PK
As with the previous server, when you Opt in to PK Status you will be able to steal EXP from your victim when you kill them. This will only work if both parties (Killer and Victim) have enabled the PK System. If 1 of the parties is not enabled, no EXP is loss or gained.
But I much preferred the full levels. :D


LOMCN Member
Aug 9, 2020
how many shares as ben got in this coin he is getting people to invest in to use as GG?

wouldnt that be classed as attemting to manipulating crypto market getting mir players to buy into a coin he owns shares of to inflate the price to the sell at its highest price?

PUMP & DUMP as they call it
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