Search results

  1. What is the difference?

    Can someone tell me the difference between a Router IP, Computer IP and the Internet IP?
  2. ## Prajna Mobs ##

    Hi..., Does anyone have the MON.wil and .wix files for the Prajna Mobs, pelase? i have searched and couldnt find an appropriate link. For the new e.i prajna mobs, how do i make there Rce, RaceImg, Appr and cooleye ??
  3. RamBo Server

    RamBo Server < - - In the making Features: LowLvlCave MidLvlCave HighLlvlCave BloodCave E.i. Weapons E.i. Items New Magic New Mobs Lvl Start: 1 Exp: x10 Forum: Website: <- - Still need to upload download stuff etc...
  4. # .Map files for prajna Island#

    I... have pressed the search button and i couldnt find...! does anyone have the .map files for: MineralMine InsectCave SkullCaves1...
  5. ##looks for golden dragon armour##

    Hi.., can someone tell me the looks for the golden dragon armour plz, i found the shape, i just cannot find the looks for it knowwhere ( i used blaminators items.wil, but i swear they are not in there, ok thanks!!!
  6. media player 9 series!?!?

    does anyone know how i make windows media player 9 series for windows xp home edition my default music player please??
  7. #Keeps on chucking me off - Not the 1st Time#

    My server keeps on chucking me back to my desktop... it works when i go to my mir200 folder and copy mir.dat to my wemade folder and rename mir.dat to mir.exe that works perfectly... But when its a new day, for example today, i loaded up the server and it chucked me off again, and for me to...
  8. here should work....

    here it is.... plz upload grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. m2server(new - hopefully)

    Sorry for SPAM but hopefully this upload will work.....
  10. m2server.exe error??? strange...

    Hi..., People, i get this error, anyone help would be appreciated, thanks..
  11. How do i make PC faster?

    Hi..., Does anybody know what processes i could/need turn off, so that my PC will run FASTER? Thanks!!! im on windows XP Home Edition BTW...
  12. Hex editor never works??!

    When i try and search for a hex string so that i can replace it, it always says, "HEXSTRING INVALID", or something of the sort... how do i make it work, or what hex editors do u lot use please? thanks... ( yes i do type in the right hex digits)... but still cant find it, or it dosent work ffs...!!!
  13. Geoff - Map files are missing!!

    Geoff!!!... i have downloaded the VERY, VERY latest serverfiles (Version 2.1) from your wesbite and it seems you have got ALOT!!! of MAP files missing... could you, or someone else please upload these map files please... Thank you very much!!!
  14. Keeps on chucking me off!!?

    i am using hellsblade's m2server.exe i logged into my server and i pressed on the OK button, then a black screen came up and i saw my xcharacter, but then it chucked me back to the desktop, does anybody know why?, this happened before aswell...
  15. Npc, for my m2server.exe plz?!!

    right i have downloaded hellsblades new m2server.exe can anyone tell me where i can get a npc that gives u pets, namecolour and marrage please, WORKING!!!! Thanks to whoeva helps...!!
  16. Hosting on router... Alternatives??

    Hi..., Im on a router and want to host, but i dont wonna host via my router, i wonna host as people host their servers as normal. Would that be possible, or would i still need to go through the router settings so that i can host?
  17. How do i make lvlin caves?

    Hi..., On my server, how do i make low lvl caves, mid lvl caves and high lvl caves pelase...? i dont want to add new caves, i wonna make lvl areas for the caves that are already in mir2, thanks to whoeva helps!!!
  18. New weapons makes the sound of mining!!??

    i have recently put into my server, the new e.i. weapons. they work coz i can see them on me and in my bag, but they make the sound of when u are mining... (ALL THE WEAPONS)!!! How would i change this please?... Thanks to whoeva!
  19. SHAPES for the mir3 armours..!? thanks

    Does anybody have the SHAPES for the mir3 armours thanks...
  20. Someone make a weapons SHAPE list please

    Can Somebody make a list of the new SHAPES for the new weapons ( blaminators weapons) please, if u have it or not, thanks, i have the looks, just need the shapes...