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  1. bestbet

    "I dont feel anything "

    Stoned little kid lmaoooooooooooooooo
  2. bestbet


    Hello guys. Whats a good gaming laptop my budget is 700£... ty in advance
  3. bestbet

    Hey guys

    Would anyone know where i could get ms 2007 please? thank you very much in advance.
  4. bestbet

    5day Pass

    Hey guys, lol. This is so weird i've got 5day pass on t-mobile and i can text someone in lithuania ( my Gf) loool wtf... does this thing work int aswell ?
  5. bestbet


    Whats the differece between going 6form or College? why would going 6form benefit me and why would College benefit me? =/. I really need some advise guys.I don't know alot bout them and what they provide, and which one is better. Thanks in advance.
  6. bestbet


    Hi, Perm Ban Me. Bye.
  7. bestbet


    Hey guys, weird question but whats a good product to use to style your hair and give it nice separation spikes, I've been using Dax recently but if i keep using that **** i wont have anymore hair lmao. No gels, they suck lol.
  8. bestbet


    Is this some bull**** or will the world end on December 2012? lol. Watch those.
  9. bestbet

    First Thing

    You would buy if you won the lottery. Me > MANSION lol
  10. bestbet

    Love this guy..

    He owns lols. " hey JOOOSSSH, fvckin lil bastad" loool
  11. bestbet

    Things To Do

    What do you hope to achieve or accomplish in 2008 ? Me personally i would like to Get A-C's in all my GCSE's and after that find a decent job , part time, and enjoy life as it comes and have the most fun as possible because 2007 has been a busy academic life for me. You?
  12. bestbet

    Which Movie

    This is a fun game i saw somewhere and wanted to try it on LOMCN. This is how it works. I post a picture of a movie and the first one to tell me what the movie is gets to post another pic of another movie etc..etc.. Ok I'll Start It Off.
  13. bestbet

    T-Mobile Hack

    Who knows about the T-Mobile hack that gives you free text for life LOL, it works foo reall something to do with service numbers oon fone, you change it and BOOM free text forever lool.. friend did for me in school (Y)
  14. bestbet

    Pretty Cool Site.

    just found this site its pretty cool,you can watch movies,tv shows,football.. www.peekvid.cpm
  15. bestbet

    Post The Best Fights You Seen

    well as title says post the best knockouts,fights you've seen on the net. I'll Start. power and accuracy = OWNAGE.
  16. bestbet

    help please?!?

    left pc on last night perfect and workin now i turned it on and this stuff coming :( :@
  17. bestbet


    hey anybody know the first soundtrack on Fast and Furious Tokoyadrift the first song where the main character is walking through that school..its really nice song.
  18. bestbet


    lol funny Sh!it
  19. bestbet

    WTF ?!? Bush Dead!

    my mum just brought me a newspaper and its saying George W.Bush died from gunshot??? this true lol
  20. bestbet

    Prison BreAK

    any one know when its coming back? Lookin forward 2 see how they escape lol