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smoochy boys on tour
  1. so now we've seen that chronicles is crap

    Just a question really, currently the chronicles client is utter shite for melee pvp, so is going to ruby/heroes client the way ahead? Or maybe jamie's idea, which really is the best of the bunch because he has complete control.. I'm not talking about balance, we can all see sam has basically...
  2. Question- for the coders or if anyone knows?

    For example, thunderbolt, is it possible to make a new skill, using same graphic? So say at lvl40 you could get a book that gives you advanced thunderbolt? Obviously extra damage, etc, is this possible, or is the only way to increase damage is through adding to the mc of the player? Something...
  3. High Rate versus Low Rate - the age old question

    Personally I'm not keen on High rates as they burn bright but fizzle out just like a firework! I prefer low/med rates as they take their time, but ultimately, are much more fulfilling. Most high rates die within 2 months, whereas low/med can trundle on for years. Sure it's fine having a blast on...
  4. Anyone else see the insane meteor at 21.40 ish?

    Just outside for a smoke, blazing trail across the sky, seen the documentries about meteors, this had to be several kilos after it's in the atmosphere, bright white with a tail then went a dull red.. once in a lifetime to see a large one like this.. anyone else see it?
  5. what would you do if you found out someone found an easy xp cave on your server?

    Just wondering, I been slogging me guts out, meanwhile someone does like 52 in 4 weeks.. then i find a cave that gives high exp nearly no damage and am told 'it's meant to be like it'.. 'it's your fault because you didn't find it'.. although said cave isn't on the teleporter.. No offence but I...
  6. gone bald.. lol

    yep, for some unknown reason I have shaved my head.. god knows why, cos most of me mates tell me my head is a mad shape lol.. anyways I've gone bald, like shaved with a razor, anyone else done this mad action?
  7. Other spec for a server box

    Okay, currently my 30meg connection sucks between 4pm and 1 am, (students grrr!) so I'm planning on keeping my virgin media broadband (in the hope they sort it) but going to have tv from sky.. so therefore i'll have an 8 meg line free, what I was wondering was can someone spec me a box? It's...
  8. auto reboot for server owners

    Dunno if you have seen this but sounds pretty awesome for most server owners, just thought everyone would like a heads up.
  9. Been away for a while, can I ask what happened to camalot?

    Was looking forward to this, now can't find even the thread?? Has it been canned or is it on hold while the team work on the hero files? Would like a reply from Tommy if possible. Thanks in advance.
  10. anyone get a lowrate up?

    Cos you'll swipe near 40-50 users..
  11. So? who actually wants a stable server where they pay subs?

    No offense to anyone, but HR makes me sick.. it's really boring.. yes I;m a grinder and yes I can get lvl150 trillion, but I really dislike HR. And it seems this is being shoved down our throats.. I'm just wondering, of the community left, is anyone like me who actually craves a stable low-med...
  12. Just another question about donation servers?

    I couldn't help but lol @ the 4 heros advertisement thread and didn't want to add to the spam, so I figured it would be fine to ask this question and debate it here. Everyone seems to be getting hung up on copyright, if I was a server owner who accepted donations, well actually a server...
  13. The great donation debate

    Now this isn't a flame thread, so please don't turn it into one. I played euro from start to finish, I was paying for 2 accounts so basically £20 a month. Am I in a minority when I say I am prepared to pay that, and NOT expect any ingame favours? I'd like a server where you can donate, but you...