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  1. meacher

    Stable Diffusion for Mir Artwork

    I didn't really look if this has been posted already but oh well... If you haven't heard about Stable Diffusion, its similar to DALL-E, a text to image generator except that you can download and run the components and models locally (and sell any created works if you are that way inclined). I...
  2. meacher

    UE 4.24 Model/Mesh Extraction

    Hi, Anyone wishing to extract the models from Mir4... You can use umodel from here: UModel Webpage I've had some success with these AES Encryption keys; 0xAD768F68B8795A776100525791F675E15341D565D9AB4B4B74C95F31B03310F3 0x6F168073B9B21449D742241700068ADABC306FA9AA3831164DEE8DE34E0EFBB0 Im...
  3. meacher

    Combo actually do anything?

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone has noticed anything useful for getting combo past a certain number or anything else? All i've noticed is the combo number change colour....
  4. meacher

    Steam Rip-off Mir Games

    Just wondering if everyones seen these knocking about Steam? I was thinking there might be some assets worth stealing but im "AFK from Mir" as much as possible at the moment so, thought i would just mention it in case was useful to anyone here
  5. meacher

    Request DiamondM2 to CrystalM2

    Hello All, As some may be aware, I'm looking to convert an old set of DiamondM2 server files to the newer crystal ones. Firstly i'm wondering, has this been attempted before and if so, Are there any tools already available to help with this process? ( I did try searching but came up dry)...
  6. meacher

    SabreMir [2.3]

    SabreMir - [Diamond2.3] The popular 2.3 server is back! Feeling the community cry for a high-rate content-packed server, SabreMir is once again active! With all account and character information erased, you too can now experience SabreMir from the beginning and those who played before can...
  7. meacher

    SabreMir [2.3] Discussion

    The popular 2.3 server is back! Feeling the community cry for a high-rate content-packed server, SabreMir is once again active! With all account and character information erased, you too can now experience SabreMir from the beginning and those who played before can re-live the glory all over...
  8. meacher


    [Crystal] LOM:JAM Howdy, Website: HERE Auto-Patcher: HERE Any and all feedback welcome.
  9. meacher

    Request What to do when starting out?

    Howdy, I'm looking to create a server and although the server setup seems simple enough, I've really no idea where to go from there. So I have 2 questions really, Are the C# files ready to go and its that simple, play and enjoy? What would you do with the standard files when you want to put...
  10. meacher

    Request Recommend a VPS/Dedicated Hosting company

    Greetings once again all. I am looking into getting a VPS or Dedicated server for a mir server and before I purchase one from 1and1 or HeartInternet, i wanted to ask you guys/gals. So, was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, or even referal links that may benefit them for a company that...
  11. meacher - Web based Legend of Mir rip ?

    Saw this site as an advert and thought, "im sure thats a legend of mir rip-off" signed up etc and its clearly mir in someway, all the sounds are clearly from mir, the armours etc are too. I mention it as someone may find it of use if can rip some of their nicer looking images etc Anyone seen...
  12. meacher

    Random nostalgia

    So, i was looking through some old stuff i had lying around and came across this ... Shocked i still have it tbh. Got it back in the day when Mir still had its own TV show on Game Network lol ( cost me 5euro aswell if i remember correctly :P) My CD-Drive on this laptop is broken...