Wat people doing in Diablo 3 Online

smoochy boys on tour


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2012
ok i watch 1 day what people doing in diablo 3 reason i wana start this game becouse i ask my friend how is this game almost all my friend tell me first impresion was ok dut after i week people got boring a lot of boring then i wana see live what happend really in this game so here go i will post a link some people who streaming online Diablo 3 hope like it but for me is a lot of boring all time just Farming no coment !


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 16, 2006
Iv been waiting for this game as long as the next guy.. and im dissapointed tbh.

For a game thats been " 13 years in the making " it dosnt exactly have alot to offer.. Realy.. 13 years.. what were they doing all that time?
Cuz as far as i can tell.. it dosnt offer anything new or groundbreaking, Infact every aspect of the game has been done beffore. ( Apart from Story line i supose ) Even the graphics arnt amazing. .,.

All there is todo is play through the campaign over and over killing mobs to get better items.. problem is when you get to Hell dificulty (unless you a true pro) its impossible to play solo, forcing you to join open matches with ppl on same quest as you... It wouldnt be so bad if the other people in the match actually searched round the maps to find the Chests, Elites and bosses to obtain said "better items".. but the truth is that they dont, everyone runs straight to the Quest marker to kill a boss that you have allready killed in another dificulty.. again it wouldnt be so bad if those quest bosses actually droped decent.

After you kill a quest boss for the first time every drop after is a static " 1 or 2 blue name items " that are crap compared to what you allready got. Its a fun game and i dont want to put people off playing it by what im saying, Just be aware that the game isnt all its cracked up to be.

After all this i must say there is one part of Diablo 3 that i will allways remember... ( Error 37 ) :D


More like Retodd
Golden Oldie
Jul 28, 2006
Iv been waiting for this game as long as the next guy.. and im dissapointed tbh.

For a game thats been " 13 years in the making " it dosnt exactly have alot to offer.. Realy.. 13 years.. what were they doing all that time?
Cuz as far as i can tell.. it dosnt offer anything new or groundbreaking, Infact every aspect of the game has been done beffore. ( Apart from Story line i supose ) Even the graphics arnt amazing. .,.

All there is todo is play through the campaign over and over killing mobs to get better items.. problem is when you get to Hell dificulty (unless you a true pro) its impossible to play solo, forcing you to join open matches with ppl on same quest as you... It wouldnt be so bad if the other people in the match actually searched round the maps to find the Chests, Elites and bosses to obtain said "better items".. but the truth is that they dont, everyone runs straight to the Quest marker to kill a boss that you have allready killed in another dificulty.. again it wouldnt be so bad if those quest bosses actually droped decent.

After you kill a quest boss for the first time every drop after is a static " 1 or 2 blue name items " that are crap compared to what you allready got. Its a fun game and i dont want to put people off playing it by what im saying, Just be aware that the game isnt all its cracked up to be.

After all this i must say there is one part of Diablo 3 that i will allways remember... ( Error 37 ) :D

whats you said is complete bollox :S Normal/Nightmare doesnt even require concentration.... Hell is abit of a challange against certain groups of Magics/Elites But the game doesnt become a challange until you hit inferno.


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
whats you said is complete bollox :S Normal/Nightmare doesnt even require concentration.... Hell is abit of a challange against certain groups of Magics/Elites But the game doesnt become a challange until you hit inferno.

So, for you the game's easier than for him, but his entire post is a load of crap? Bit harsh bro.

I'd say he's got valid points, it's nothing groundbreaking. Played it round a uni LAN for a weekend and just wasn't that impressed, swear games nowadays are always overhyped about then become a disappointment, or is that just me?


More like Retodd
Golden Oldie
Jul 28, 2006
So, for you the game's easier than for him, but his entire post is a load of crap? Bit harsh bro.

I'd say he's got valid points, it's nothing groundbreaking. Played it round a uni LAN for a weekend and just wasn't that impressed, swear games nowadays are always overhyped about then become a disappointment, or is that just me?

Sup brah? u mad brah? and the game is good imo, nothing really special about it i guess... but i love grindy/farming games so this is great for me :D

p.s love u koriban x


Nov 7, 2007
I watched someone solo diablo in like 2 minutes or less on inferno, i got told it's "hard" but after doing that, what eles is there to do? i mean you done the hardest mode, there won't be any content updates.. what the hell do you do after that? lol.

It's a game you will get bored of within 1 month or 2, this is what i have heard anyway.


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
Sup brah? u mad brah? and the game is good imo, nothing really special about it i guess... but i love grindy/farming games so this is great for me :D

p.s love u koriban x

Is only game, y u heff to be mad? <3

I haaaaaaaaaate grindy farmy games now :( Mir drove me insane lol.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 16, 2006
whats you said is complete bollox :S Normal/Nightmare doesnt even require concentration.... Hell is abit of a challange against certain groups of Magics/Elites But the game doesnt become a challange until you hit inferno.

To quote myself i did say in my origanel post: " (unless your a true pro) "
I didnt meen to offend.

You are clearly better at the game then i :)

swear games nowadays are always overhyped about then become a disappointment, or is that just me?

Its not just you, i feel this way allso..
Aswell as games are becoming simpler.
Compare Dragon Age: Origins to Dragon Age: 2 and you will see a majour diffrence in complexity to the game. Its a sad sight...
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Night date without obligations, one night only
Loyal Member
Sep 11, 2005
im on act 2 on Inferno! solo'd it so far! i think its a pretty decent game, but like most games when they get released, needs patch's updates n so forth! give it time they'll have things spot on! im enjoy the game loads! finding decent items now! with buffs n that i've got 314 MF aha :D


Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
its a story based game that ends very quickly.. i got bored of it after completing it first time...... really is crap..


LOMCN Developer
Mar 29, 2003
United Kingdom
Complete it on hardcore for a challange. people havn't manage to complete Act 3 Inferno yet (near the end of it) but long way off.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 12, 2008
well i enjoy it , i dont have much time to spend on it im on nightmare act II xD .

tbh this is the key of enjoying a game do it slowly and take ur time , dont try to finish inferno on first week or w/e cause then obv u will get bored :)


Dedicated Member
Apr 10, 2010
Honestly I have bought this game thinking it would be great but was disappointed in how easy it is. Seriously making the monster harder is the only thing that makes the game more interesting the auction house don't even work..... so that ruins the whole grinding thing. I end up selling all my good items to the shop anyway. This game is truly the shittiest game I ever played this year and I even had a legendary drop and that don't even change my opinion.
I think I would rather play Mir than this stupid ****ing game.....and I haven't played Mir in two years lmao....
Don't waste your money.....
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LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
Honestly I have bought this game thinking it would be great but was disappointed in how easy it is. Seriously making the monster harder is the only thing that makes the game more interesting the auction house don't even work..... so that ruins the whole grinding thing. I end up selling all my good items to the shop anyway. This game is truly the shittiest game I ever played this year and I even had a legendary drop and that don't even change my opinion.
View attachment 12486
I think I would rather play Mir than this stupid ****ing game.....and I haven't played Mir in two years lmao....
Don't waste your money.....


1. AH works fine u prob tried it while it was in maintience
2. again your level 20 any item u find on norm is shop junk untill u geth to act 4 hell and have a chance for inferno gear to drop.
3. Legendary weapons drop based on your level and what mode ur on normal nightmare hell or inferno
4. u till ur at end game u have no valid opinion on any thing about the game

stop bitching and crying and play the game and learn how to play it


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 28, 2009
I enjoy the game pretty much, proof of that is probably that I'm at ACT II Inferno.

I play when I have nothing else to do. Killed some bosses with group because they were too hard for me to solo, but after all, it's a great game in my opinion.

P.S Be happy you got at least one Legendary Item, I didn't get any yet -.-


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 15, 2008
Just bought this game, have it downloaded But, my computer is complete crap.. Cant play it until i get a laptop that the Graphics card is supported on.. i have all the time in the world for this game, as i just bought Battlefield 3 Premium aswell.. :)