[2.6] FourHeroes

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005

FourHeroes is a Low Rate server based around the orginal Euro server with some adjustments, refreshing changes, and multiple updates and ideas!

Website: www.oldskoolgaming.net
Forums: http://www.oldskoolgaming.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?75-LR-Suggestions-and-Ideas
Full client download: ftp://ftp.oldskoolgaming.net/OSGClient.rar
Eta:- Saturday 5/5/2012 6PM UK time (GMT+1)

General Server Information​

For those of you that remember playing FourHeroes LR in the past, all level 40+ Content has been changed and redone. High level content is now all offical Korean updates and content. All Euro content is still ingame, some stuff has been re arranged, as you can see from the world maps below, ZT has been relocated to its own province! The same basic euro concept is still there tho, you will still start off levelin in oma cave, then go to the mines, bug cave, wooma temple, zuma temple, etc etc!

Boss's are actual boss's! By that, I mean they are something hard and rare. Boss's are on a 120-180minute spawn timer, they will require groups of people to kill them, and will have rewarding drop files. There will also be Sub-Boss's on a lower respawn timer of around 1hour that could potentially be solo'd at higher levels, with a low chance of dropin some semi-rares.

There is a chance that semi-rares will drop off normal mobs (by semi rares, im talkin sub level 35 items, eg WSB), but all major high level items will drop from Boss mobs only, eg you will only find a DSS from a boss. (So ye, like euro!)

Lords are ingame! Our lord system is quite unique, every time a Boss is killed, it adds a tick to the lord counter. When X amount of Boss's have been killed, the lord is then able to spawn. However when it spawns, and where is completely random. Boss's will spawn in random provinces based on how many Boss's in that province has been killed, eg if only BichonProvince Cave Boss's are killed, then only the BichonLord will spawn!

The Assassin been revived once more!

Brand new monster AI and magics!

We pride ourselves on being able to make unique, challenging and tactical boss's. For example, a simple tactic that one boss will have is that every one minute he will cast a spell, where if you do not face away from him, you will take HUGE damage, and be paralysised for 10secs. We have also changed some older Boss's to make them a little more challenging, heres a short video of how we changed EvilMir! (This video is taken from ThreeHeroes, the Items/Armours you see here do not represent FourHeroes)


BW - http://i46.tinypic.com/24l7z92.png
TaoVillage - http://i45.tinypic.com/35mic2d.jpg
CastleGI - http://i48.tinypic.com/160zlm8.jpg
PrajnaIsland - http://i47.tinypic.com/69jpjl.jpg
Mudwall - http://i48.tinypic.com/241tity.jpg
PastBichon - http://i45.tinypic.com/bhx8va.jpg
Horizon - http://i48.tinypic.com/34g4x36.jpg
LithiumGlades - http://i46.tinypic.com/t7kg1l.jpg
There is 5 kinds of Quests.
  1. Leveling Quests
  2. Cave unlocking Quests
  3. Daily Quests
  4. Guild/Special chain quests
  5. Class Quests - NYI
Leveling Quests
There is hundreds of quests ingame to aid you in your leveling, some give small item rewards, some give high experience rewards and others build up to a better reward,
Theres phases in the high end leveling quests, where you get to hunt every single mob in the cave, then clear out their bosses, and then Conquer the cave, conquer the cave is a huge exp/gold boost, but it takes time to complete
Conquering ZT:- Hunt down 650 Monster inside Zuma Temple.
Rewards:- 100,000 Gold + 50,000 Experience Points
Tracking Leveling Quests
You can track down the leveling quests, by Q button ingame then right click the actual quest to show the progress of the quest in the background main screen.

Notification for new Leveling Quests.
There is on level up function notification for new quest, basically every level up till 30 you will gain 1 quest a level, 30+ can be multiple quests.

Cave Unlocking Quests

Every cave except some, have teleport unlocking quests, these quests can be picked up outside any cave.
When they are done it'll unlock teleportion from province tele npc.


Daily Quests

These kind of quests available every day, however they reset at midnight everday, so you will lose your work if you started a daily and couldn't complete it by midnight, they provide such good experience rewards and they are hard tasks.
Example, PT Clear out - Hunt down 600 monster
BattleGround Clear out - Hunt down 4 main bosses in battle ground.

Guilds/Special Chain quests
These kind of quests are for grouping up and guild hunts..
Frozen cave is being one of them, because frozen cave is such huge cave i doubt anyone will reach KR in 1 single hunt, so we implemented this feature where you can teleport to floors, however you have to reach that floor first to unlock its teleport, and these teleports reset when you kill the boss(If you can :O), Same with Ethereal Cave
Theres aswell that different kind of quest, RMS chain quest where you get to kill RME as the final objective, and you'll get rewarded with a unique sword with nice stats(However its break on death)

Item slots and added stat display!


We have 5 item slots! The four at the bottom of your character are as follows.

  • Slot for amulet/Poison to allow taoists to use 2x bracelets
  • Slot for a Quest based item
  • Slot for a Games item, these are rewarded from LMS/ Capture the flag / Guild Wars etc
  • Slot for Sabuk Wall holders, and other special items!

The 5th slot is for ShoulderPads!

The shoulderpads can be found all over mir in their rough uncrafted state. You must take these shoulder pads to the crafter in the CraftingSchool, he will ask you for some other materials to fix up the pads to give them some cool stats!​


GameShop will not sell any items, only limited effect items, such as dc+ potions, or temporary EXP increase.
NOTE: Gameshop will not be released until server has been live for 2x weeks to give everyone a fair chance.​

@Date - Allows you to view Servers date.
@Rejectwhisper - Rejects whisper
@LetShout - Disables/Enable shouts
@LetTrade - Disables/Enable Trades
@LetGuild - Disable/Enable Guild invitations
@EndGuild - Leaves guild
@BanGuildChat - Ban guild chat
@AuthAlly - Enable Ally system
@Alliance - Allys with the guild, other Leader must face you.
@EndAlly - Ends the alliance
@AllowGroupRecall - Enables/Disables Group recalling
@GroupCall - Recalls group
@Dear - Lover position (x,y) + map name.
@AllowPopUp - Allow popup notifications such as group invitations and such.
Ingame scripted commands

@Town - Teleports you to BW Inn storage after 4 seconds delay batch time.
@Quest - Provide a notification/progress track for old system quests.
@Pi - Teleports you to PI after 4 seconds delay batch time.
@Killpet - Kills your pets
@Mine - Command for miners!
@Dice - Rolls a dice , useful if people are arguein over pixels!

A mission is a bit like a quest, You or your group are given a task to complete in a set amount of time, If you complete this task you or your group is rewarded with many things.
This feature will be available soon, needs some adjusting.
Group Challenge 28-42 - Group Mission
Call to Arms 35-48 - PvP Mission
LastManStanding 31-48 - PvP Mission
Farm Yard BreakOut Low 25-40 - Leveling Mission
Farm Yard BreakOut Low 35-50 - Leveling Mission

Account Security and stuff!

Our system is quite good, our logins are linked through vbulletin, which means your In-game account is your forums account, Ingame we have got a system to detect any manipulation done to the exe to gain any kind of advantage like Movement speed /Attack speed cheats or Auto TDB and so on.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
when u estimate this server up??
It's too early to decide an ETA, always bad when a server owner releases an ETA and doesn't stick to it, so i'll announce an ETA when im pretty sure about it, however i might pick up 10 players for a closed alpha beta soon as id like to test exp and stuff as we're using a different exp tables.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 12, 2012
goodluck with ur server , sounds great from its advertisement :)
btw is there any new kit or it still the old euro kit ?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 23, 2007
please take your time as this has the potential to be a very very popular server.

also if you could get its release to line up with the end of gamepot you have a chance of getting a LOT of new users


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Am liking how your not putting items into GameShop. This gives players who donate a distinct advantage over players who don't. If you keep anything like ItemBox's like you used to out then you will have a good low rate server.

Looking forward to it.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2004
Hows this coming along will be up in a week or so?


LOMCN Veteran
Jan 14, 2011
sounds good =), aint played mir in ages but will keep a eye out for this being released. the only things conserning me is the assassin skills, stealth + backstab and the attack speed boost. all these combined could be too OP on a low rate, and gems need to be kinda rare and orbs rare as fk.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 21, 2008
Hows this coming along will the server be online anytime soon ?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
A little update, we're aiming to release at the end of this month

However the next couple of days ill be inviting some people on our forums for a quick closed beta.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 23, 2011
Thanks for the update, can't wait till this is live. :~)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
ETA tomorrow sat 5/5/2012 6PM

downloads links will be released today.

---------- Post added 05-05-2012 at 07:16 AM ---------- Previous post was 04-05-2012 at 08:49 AM ----------

Updated main post.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 26, 2009
salaam hany m8 sorry to go off topic, do you have the new spells I made a few years ago in your wils still?
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