About Fixing My Old Computer, It Can't Turn On...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 27, 2005
Hi all, I got a question for the people who is good at fixing computer. The question is about my old computer it can't turn it on. Here is how it broke I guess, everytime when I am playing online game on my old computer it got freeze. So, I try to using the boot disks to boot my Window XP. Everytime when I am using the boot disks #5 it stop, so it making me boot few more times and then the bad part was coming out, it trun off my computer... and I can't never open it again. In that time I don't know Window XP can boot with out any Floppy disks. I had ask some people on the internet, the most they saying is my "Power Supply" or "CPU" or "Motherboard" is broke. My power supply is a kind of old, so it didn't have any len light on the back of it, so I can't check it is it broke or not? I had take out the Power Supply for a few mins then put it back my Power Supply, and then my Power Supply fan and the CPU fan runing a few time then it stop. I guess some good/pro computer fixer can help me fix my computer. Thanks all of your trying to help me and your time too :P


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 27, 2005
I had try to clear the CMOS but it still the same not working so bad for me :(