Battlefield 2 probs


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 2, 2004
well when i start game it just crashed back 2 desktop -.- any help any1?:htard:

G force 2 gfx card latest drivers
1 gig ram
athlon xp pro 1800+
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Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
Firstly, the game's support is crap.

Secondly, your computer isn't powerful enough.

Thinking of getting a GeForce 4? Nope, still not good enough. It wants a GeForce 5-series or Radeon 8500+.

Oh, and unless you bought the latest Audigy, you won't get hardware-acceleratede Audio.


This was not a rant at you, more of a rant at the ****wit developers. Hardware support is not a difficult thing. Most modern games can do it. Battlefield 2, however, can not. I guess the product reflects it's creator.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
I have no clue how it is in the UK but here in the US, support is great with EA. Plus, the game was not made directly by EA but by Digital Illisions. The game was made for next generation computers, like most games that are being made today. Look at EQ2, no PC in the entire world can put the settings to max without any lag.

Look on the BF2 box, it shows minimum and recommended system specs. 1800 and a GeForce 2 won't even cut it. Even with the lowest settings, there would be some lag.
Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
Biohazard said:
I have no clue how it is in the UK but here in the US, support is great with EA. Plus, the game was not made directly by EA but by Digital Illisions. The game was made for next generation computers, like most games that are being made today. Look at EQ2, no PC in the entire world can put the settings to max without any lag.

Look on the BF2 box, it shows minimum and recommended system specs. 1800 and a GeForce 2 won't even cut it. Even with the lowest settings, there would be some lag.

Yeah, but take for example a GeForce 4. The GF4 was FAR more powerful than the 8500, which is the lowest spec card it will take.

Then look at the sound card fiasco. Not able to use my SBLive? Well, then they're not able to get at my wallet. No way in a month of Sunday's am i buying a new sound card for the sake of a single game. I'd rather get castrated by one of Leo's Pets.


Found this on antoher forum - might help, might not...If in doubt pay like £50 and get loose that GeForce 2 man !!

Ok, I finally figured out how to fix that damn crash to desktop error when using a GF4TI card.

1) download the Microsoft Framework, do a search on google (+download +microsoft framework)

2) download DXTweaker:

3) Extract to a folder on desktop

4) Run DXTweaker, and goto "New" on the right

5) Point it to your root BF2 EXE (in your EA Sports\battlefield 2\ DIR)

6) Check the 2 boxes that contain 'SHADER' , one is FORCE PP SHADER OTHER IS PS SHADER or something of that sourt

7) Click Apply, and then click RUN on the top.

It will launch the game with no problems and you will be playing very smoothly!

I just wish EA and DICE would have included a simple pixel shader 1.2 include but w/e, this will be suffice for now.


As a PC Gamer you expect to upgrade, you expect that at some point your hardware will not run the latest games acceptably. Battlefield 2 does not even give you that option. It attempts to make all non DirectX 9 compatible video cards obsolete. Which means all GeForce 4 and older video cards will not run Battlefield 2. You cannot even start up the menu. Neither Electronic Arts nor the game's developer DICE have any plans to fix this. Even though the GeForce 4 line of video cards has enough horsepower to render the game it is not compatible with Pixel Shader 1.4. Emulation to Pixel Shader 1.3 would easily make the game playable on these cards but redundant texture checks make this difficult to implement.

The response from Electronic Arts on the Issue was:

"We've been talking to Benjamin Smith on the development team about this. There are no plans to implement GeForce 4 support in a patch. The engine was not built to run acceptably (performance or appearance-wise) on the GeForce 4 series of cards."

Then why does it run on slower cards such as the ATi Radeon 8500? The performance of this card is no better then the GeForce 4 line except for the inclusion of Pixel Shader 1.4 support.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
¤]´)÷¤--§îr Äürøñ--¤÷(`[¤ said:
Yeah, but take for example a GeForce 4. The GF4 was FAR more powerful than the 8500, which is the lowest spec card it will take.

Then look at the sound card fiasco. Not able to use my SBLive? Well, then they're not able to get at my wallet. No way in a month of Sunday's am i buying a new sound card for the sake of a single game. I'd rather get castrated by one of Leo's Pets.

Where did sound cards come from? lol. Onbord soundcard for me, and I got the official BF2 headset, w00t.
Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
Biohazard said:
Where did sound cards come from? lol. Onbord soundcard for me, and I got the official BF2 headset, w00t.

Yeah, but i mean for people who want to use their rather expensive creative soundcards for full hardware-processed surround sound ;)

The point still stands about the GF4 though. It was far more powerful than the 8500, yet the developers are being asses about it.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
Every game company sucks. Get over it. =)

A $10 soundcard and $1000 soundcard sound the same, because my preformance in Counter-Strike does cannot raise any farther. =)