Best files to use at the moment?

smoochy boys on tour


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2012
If having up to date files is not key to a successful server then Heroes and Ruby (and even TD's 2.3 should suffice) I can only speak for Heroes since I personally worked on it but it has features that the majority of servers never touched. In the end though servers using closed source (or non updated source) will eventually fail. If they're successful people can and do build cheats. Without access to code or frequent updates from a coder you fight a battle you cannot win which will have it's toll and eventually make you quit. It's the nature of the game now so yes Sam would have to release updated binaries quite frequently. It's another strain I believe he doesn't need.

Bear in mind I don't regret doing it, I love Mir. I'm very proud that I've helped keep this scene alive as long as it has. It may not be much to some people but Mir has been a huge part of my life for 13 years and I've made many long term friends from it. I'd go back and change somethings that I think would of made Mir better sooner. That's what I regret, not doing certain things when I should have. The benefit of hindsight I guess.

As I said, I've no knowledge of the server side or coding side of things. However, that isn't how I meant it. Of course a solid, stable set of files in necessary for servers to thrive. I think I got my points slightly crossed. My bad on that one! As for the extra strain on Sam, would he not be updating his own files with cheat blocks etc, so it would be a simple release of the cheat stuff as opposed to everything else? This would just be something released when and if he needs to for Chronicles and not when others need, however if they're on the same base of files, then the timing should come hand in hand? I could be way off mark with that, it's just how I imagine it works haha.

It's a shame people in general, have gone there separate ways to create files rather than trying to make one super set! As a player, I'm more about the content and ingame feel compared to the server side things, I just feel it would benefit the whole community if people we were working with smoother, better files. Hopefully in the not too distant future we may see some releases, but I guess we'll have to wait and see! Hopefully someone has a decent server in the pipeline for those of us who don't play Chronicles! (Obv got Bens, but we're a few months off yet!)


Dec 4, 2008
Hopefully someone has a decent server in the pipeline for those of us who don't play Chronicles! (Obv got Bens, but we're a few months off yet!)

Dont get your hopes up they all have about 15-30 users max apart from Arcadia but I've never been a fan of P69 so i dont think I'd bother logging on it.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2012
Dont get your hopes up they all have about 15-30 users max apart from Arcadia but I've never been a fan of P69 so i dont think I'd bother logging on it.

Aye, think you're right. May log on Ben's when it comes around if I'm still about on mir by then! Chronicles was ok, I just don't have the patience or will to grind on that sort of server anymore.


Dec 4, 2008
Aye, think you're right. May log on Ben's when it comes around if I'm still about on mir by then! Chronicles was ok, I just don't have the patience or will to grind on that sort of server anymore.

Same I'm not into the whole low rate its boring as hell and been done on euro! I played Chronicles for abit and realised this although i knew already lol, Shame there isnt a wide selection of high rates available anymore but thats most likely down to the choice of files there is and then we are back to square one and start of convo! :P:RpS_glare::RpS_wink:


LOMCN Veteran
Apr 23, 2003
People just want a server base with no bugs lol.

Incase anyone missed this part of what Sam originally said


What would a future server owner do with any of these if they cant code? Few incomplete sets about all with some big issues. Only one that seems not so bad is Ruby and there was reasons i didn't use these files before but without downloading them again and testing them out i cant remember why.
This is the thing, and even if they can code, someone somewhere has more than likely solved most of those issues anyway.

We're not all at college age anymore, with bags of time :P (neither are the people who've solved these issues) We'll mostly turn 50 and be discussing the same thing I bet.

Went on Arcadia last night whilst waiting for files to copy. Some great stuff been done, but it is still bugged with some basic things. Lvl44 before my files finished due to a quest and items are everywhere. Tis not for me.

Someone should come up with an NPC that spams chat so that players don't have to, it goes on everywhere and must be tiring.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
You'd know right?
ye that would be why i said it? god i cant believe I ever considered u to be an ok person, ur a proper retard at times, and quite frankly very 2 faced lol.

No offence but why don't you release Three/fourheroes files? they are more up to date than ruby / heroes and proven to be stable, plus its not like its going to effect your 10 users, and your working on a new set of files anyway.

You've always said you would release them and i doubt server creators care how difficult they are to use. Its only mir after all.
I would but thats unfair to the current people that use the files and run the server.

Plus they aint as simple as handed over the exes to everyone.. for example the login gate links to the forums for ingame accounts etc. would need to release the source for people to get them working which makes them a security risk... plus i dont think any of us even has the source any more lol.

besides they aint that up to date any more i dont think any one would use them over the current files out there.. they are super custom and flexable.. but do lack on features.

One, because their not my files to release. Two, because chron has an active userbase of 100+ users where threeheroes has 10 users and its server owners are now working on a completely new set of files.
Three, i very much doubt bons server will kill off chron as it was supposed to be released in July and now has been set back to February, that alone tells you what state the files are in.

I think bon just wants Ace released so he can scrap c# and use ace files instead lol.
I think you'll find we never gave an official release date... so i dont know where you got July or February from. The release is delayed because we have jobs and real lives and mir is just a hobby.. we'll release it when we're good and ready. They aint delayed because they are in a bad state or ne thing... but simply because we dont think now is the right time.

I can only lol @ the last comment... u need to release i honestly dont care what happens in mir or whos files are the best.... c# is just a personal learning project.. its nothing like back in the day where it was done for personal gain and an income.

Can we stop with the "So an so won't release because they're greedy". I understand why people don't release their files when they have an active server running off them, funny how Ben has the cheek to start this all off though.

My post was just a suggestion to Sam, nothing more. Would be really good to see a basic, early set get a release even if it didn't have Archer/Assassin class included!
all in good debating spirit!

So I feel I should clear something up. Sam has wanted to release AceM2 files numerous times and each time I stopped him. I do not believe it would be all that good for the Mir community to release more files. Take a look at Heroes the last set of files I (and so many others) managed and released and think back to the servers that ran at the time, the majority of them were short money grabbing servers and the rest failed due to various other reasons. The only long term server using the Heroes files is Arcadia and that only came about because Scorp took the Source and closed it.

If Sam was to release a basic set of AceM2 where do you suggest it begins and ends? Does he release an older version to maintain competitive advantage, does he just release binaries and minimal documentation or does he release a copy of the Chronicles server files so anyone can instantly run a clone with little to no work. Does he update the files when the bots and cheats start working again? Does he release updates soon after Chronicles gets then and thus have to manage both releases and run a server? He can't release the old AceM2 Server files btw cause well people just wouldn't really want to play them due to the various bugs and again speed cheats and bots that work on those files.

What the Mir Community benefits from is well supported and stable servers and frankly the only way to have that is to have source and a coder(s). Mir hasn't been as well populated as it is now in years. We have 2 very successful servers in Chronicles and Arcadia with a 3rd Server from Bon coming soon. Then we have 11 other servers that are online across Mir2 and Mir3 if you look @ the Mir Server List.

Frankly I've come to regret how I did releases in the past, numerous other people have profited from the work myself and others put into files and we seen none of it. Sam and everyone else who puts a **** load of time and effort into files should not be called greedy because they don't want someone to do minimal work and potentially take a vast chunk of the pie
Your pretty much dead on tbh, its kinda why we never released our files. Most people see Mir these days as easy money. People bang on about 1.4 days and x amount of servers, but money was never involved back then.. was totally different.

boom long post! cya in a few weeks.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 24, 2012
I would but thats unfair to the current people that use the files and run the server.

Plus they aint as simple as handed over the exes to everyone.. for example the login gate links to the forums for ingame accounts etc. would need to release the source for people to get them working which makes them a security risk... plus i dont think any of us even has the source any more lol.

besides they aint that up to date any more i dont think any one would use them over the current files out there.. they are super custom and flexable.. but do lack on features.
Fair enough, i didn't expect you would anyway, I just thought it was painting the kettle black to suggest the same of the ace files, when you are in a better position.

I think you'll find we never gave an official release date... so i dont know where you got July or February from. The release is delayed because we have jobs and real lives and mir is just a hobby.. we'll release it when we're good and ready. They aint delayed because they are in a bad state or ne thing... but simply because we dont think now is the right time.

This is in your opening post in your upcoming server advertisement

Bon said:
The big question - ETA?!

Well I'm sure this is something everyone will be asking, so best to answer it here the best I can.

As always there is no specific release date or ETA planned, however our main plan is to achive something similiar to the below timeline:

Beta - July
Live - August - September depending on how Beta tests go

Granted it wasn't February, i got my wires crossed somewhere, but not long ago you mentioned

Bon said:
We're not about to give up when we've been working on this project for what 6-8 months now? Just be patient it'll be ready when its ready.. if there's other "good games" you wanna play then go ahead and play them. We're not likely to launch the server the same time as say the WoW patch anyway, we're probably looking at early January to get the best out of the release.. but who knows


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Fair enough, i didn't expect you would anyway, I just thought it was painting the kettle black to suggest the same of the ace files, when you are in a better position.

This is in your opening post in your upcoming server advertisement

Granted it wasn't February, i got my wires crossed somewhere, but not long ago you mentioned
all estimates!


I am Ancient.
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 5, 2005
For the amount of work that need's / needed to be done to the C# Files, July/August predicted release was very optimistic

(At the stage ben's team originally started their project)


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
For the amount of work that need's / needed to be done to the C# Files, July/August predicted release was very optimistic

(At the stage ben's team originally started their project)
Well ye we certainly wont lie.. when we took the project on we never realised how much work was involved... the more we tested the more we saw needed to be re-coded let alone the things that were missing. However if we look at where we are now compared to when we started we've come along way and will continue to do so...

this month has been very busy for all of us but come december time work dies down, we all have time off.. thats when we aim to start putting the finishing touchs on and look at an official release date

ne way this is way off topic.... I personally think theres NO good files to use to run a successful server, but the best files to do so atm are heroes if u have no coding ability.

That being said.. learning c# isnt hard, if u want a successful server, work on the c# files and see where u go


Dec 4, 2008
Well ye we certainly wont lie.. when we took the project on we never realised how much work was involved... the more we tested the more we saw needed to be re-coded let alone the things that were missing. However if we look at where we are now compared to when we started we've come along way and will continue to do so...

this month has been very busy for all of us but come december time work dies down, we all have time off.. thats when we aim to start putting the finishing touchs on and look at an official release date

ne way this is way off topic.... I personally think theres NO good files to use to run a successful server, but the best files to do so atm are heroes if u have no coding ability.

That being said.. learning c# isnt hard, if u want a successful server, work on the c# files and see where u go
C# is stat capped :/ and doesnt look like its going to be changed and also heroes is too buggy for a server


Staff member
May 19, 2003
C# is stat capped :/ and doesnt look like its going to be changed and also heroes is too buggy for a server

It seems as though you have no interest in modifying the source of server files (as i've mentioned the stats can be easily increased in c#) so you'll probably be better sticking to a closed source set of files like Ruby.


Dec 4, 2008
It seems as though you have no interest in modifying the source of server files (as i've mentioned the stats can be easily increased in c#) so you'll probably be better sticking to a closed source set of files like Ruby.

I cant code/modify the source :P i wouldnt know where to start! Otherwise i would. I'd be interested in learning though o.O
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