[C# Files] Apocalypse Mir

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
Really liking the look of Archers here, would be nice to give them a try in beta.


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 16, 2011
Really liking the look of Archers here, would be nice to give them a try in beta.
**** the archers :P hope its not hold shift and auto lock ;/ yup looks good defo wanna play this


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2003
Won't be giving this a try, but good luck with the server and I hope it works out well. I am split in my mind, I can not decide if the release of this server is good for the game as a whole or not, on the one hand they look like an awesome set of of files and you seem to have a lot of players behind you, granted most of them are no namers/people that just hop from server to server but you have done a successful job of building hype. You have caught peoples attention with something new and are providing what looks like a very promising server to the people that don't enjoy chronicles, people having choice between servers is a good thing and it causes the server owners to work harder to retain their player base.

On the other hand the mir community is very small and unless you are able to grab nearly all of the chronicles players it will be bad for the game of mir in general, the reason being is that having multiple servers with low-med user counts (70-120) is extremely boring, personally I would rather play a mir with around 150-200+ usercount or just quit. I have no doubts you'll reach the desired user count upon release but I wonder where it will be 1 year down the line. If you do happen to retain a lot of players and still going strong a year from now I may give it a shot, but only time can tell...



Staff member
May 19, 2003
On the other hand the mir community is very small and unless you are able to grab nearly all of the chronicles players it will be bad for the game of mir in general, the reason being is that having multiple servers with low-med user counts (70-120) is extremely boring, personally I would rather play a mir with around 150-200+ usercount or just quit. I have no doubts you'll reach the desired user count upon release but I wonder where it will be 1 year down the line. If you do happen to retain a lot of players and still going strong a year from now I may give it a shot, but only time can tell...


Yeah you're right - lets all just stop working on private servers and have 1 server which a lot of people don't enjoy have monopoly. Because that's not going to kill off the community at all.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2003
Yeah you're right - lets all just stop working on private servers and have 1 server which a lot of people don't enjoy have monopoly. Because that's not going to kill off the community at all.

I clearly split my post into pros & cons, just quoting the cons is an idiotic thing to do.



Staff member
May 19, 2003
your con was such as idiotic statement i felt nothing more needed to be quoted.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2003
Making the observation that Mir is a dying game and that splitting an already tiny community even further might damage the game is not an idiotic statement, these are facts that you will have to come to terms with. I would be happy if Apocalypse can breath fresh life into the game but I doubt you'll attract many new players to mir.

Anyhow I don't want to derail their advertisement thread, so lets just leave it at that.



LOMCN Veteran
Jan 25, 2014
Won't be giving this a try, but good luck with the server and I hope it works out well. I am split in my mind, I can not decide if the release of this server is good for the game as a whole or not, on the one hand they look like an awesome set of of files and you seem to have a lot of players behind you, granted most of them are no namers/people that just hop from server to server but you have done a successful job of building hype. You have caught peoples attention with something new and are providing what looks like a very promising server to the people that don't enjoy chronicles, people having choice between servers is a good thing and it causes the server owners to work harder to retain their player base.

On the other hand the mir community is very small and unless you are able to grab nearly all of the chronicles players it will be bad for the game of mir in general, the reason being is that having multiple servers with low-med user counts (70-120) is extremely boring, personally I would rather play a mir with around 150-200+ usercount or just quit. I have no doubts you'll reach the desired user count upon release but I wonder where it will be 1 year down the line. If you do happen to retain a lot of players and still going strong a year from now I may give it a shot, but only time can tell...

You realise chronicles have <100 usercount. The majority run 2-3 clients each


Feb 26, 2004
Making the observation that Mir is a dying game and that splitting an already tiny community even further might damage the game is not an idiotic statement, these are facts that you will have to come to terms with. I would be happy if Apocalypse can breath fresh life into the game but I doubt you'll attract many new players to mir.

Anyhow I don't want to derail their advertisement thread, so lets just leave it at that.


Lol you have to understand that from our point of view (Those players who don't like Chronicles), it just came across as though you're trying to deter other servers because YOU like and play Chronicles and are worried the server YOU like will get a reduced user count and effect YOUR game play and probably YOUR money that you spent on it.

Unfortunately, where would that leave the rest of us? There's a fair majority that either put up with Chronicles, or just don't play it (Myself included) and are waiting for our preferred server.

Yes, it would be nice to have 1 big community. But it's simply impossible to cater for all. As for the Chronicles user count, this server won't really effect it.

Chances are, those who are still playing Chronicles will likely continue to. I doubt there's any players left on there that "dislike" the type of server it is lol. I myself left ages ago after I got bored out from repeating the usual Euro path.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 26, 2003
Lol you have to understand that from our point of view (Those players who don't like Chronicles), it just came across as though you're trying to deter other servers because YOU like and play Chronicles and are worried the server YOU like will get a reduced user count and effect YOUR game play and probably YOUR money that you spent on it.

Unfortunately, where would that leave the rest of us? There's a fair majority that either put up with Chronicles, or just don't play it (Myself included) and are waiting for our preferred server.

Yes, it would be nice to have 1 big community. But it's simply impossible to cater for all. As for the Chronicles user count, this server won't really effect it.

Chances are, those who are still playing Chronicles will likely continue to. I doubt there's any players left on there that "dislike" the type of server it is lol. I myself left ages ago after I got bored out from repeating the usual Euro path.
You can all play whatever server you want, I have wished the Apocalypse server best of luck, I haven't attempted to deter anyone from playing it. I currently do play chronicles but I am not a long term Mir player like most of the players, I play Mir in spurts and then pursue other games or interests so people going to Apocalypse will have very little effect on me personally. However I have played Mir for a very very long time and it was my first online game so its not something I want to see die out.

Lets not turn this into a Chronicles vs Apocalypse thread, the thread is for the release of a new server.

I gave my two cents on the issue since I get a fair few people asking me if I am playing, this will be my last response if the thread, ciao.



Mir Chronicles Dev
Feb 8, 2011
Just to add to the non Apoc vs Chronicles aspect... I think servers such as Apoc are great... The amount of effort that has/is going into it makes me work harder as a server owner and could potentially keep Mir alive... I only started working on Mir because I played 4Heroes and noticed some areas that I thought I could improve. So servers that come up and challenge the bigger servers I think could do wonders for the community, only when they are not quick up, make a buck servers which I don't think Apoc is.

But I can appreciate the current community is thinly sliced.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Xele, I understand and share your opinion in terms of splitting the community. But I do feel only having one "big" server live gives players 2 choices, play the current big server or don't play mir at all, so throwing another hard worked server is only good imo. I also feel that 50% of the mir community are like yourself, they play mir in spurts. and that's fine. I do believe Apocalypse key target audience are those that don't play chronicles or quit a long time ago, more so than those that currently play it,( we are not here to steal players) and that's normal. If the server does turn out to have a successful high user count, then perhaps players from other servers may make an appearance.

I agree with Samuel, its about working hard to keep mir alive, and there are a few ok servers bought out every now and then, but Apocalypse team have worked extremely hard not to just copy files and make a completely new set of files out of the C#.

I think if people do try this server, they will enjoy it. But ofc I will say that!!

-Apocalypse Team


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Beta list will be Streamed/posted on Friday.

You have until Friday noon to like the Facebook page or have the signature in your name on lomcn!

GL to all those who have entered!

-Apocalypse Team


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 10, 2014
I can see where Xele is coming from, low population servers soon get boring. What I do think will be good for other servers such as Chronicles is the competition. Hopefully Sam and Co. will up their game and start to introduce a lot more caves and SW. I fully intend to give Apoc a good trial though, see if it can match Chronicles and persuade me to make the move.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Feb 20, 2009
How do I sign up for beta if I don't have facebook? aha
Hi LightBringer if you look on our main post and pop the signature in yours we will enter you.

On a side note i cannot contain the excitement as we get closer to beta #buildthehype

-Apocalypse Team
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