Cd 3.55


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 9, 2004
This is gettin stupid why post files that bairly work i cant run the 3.55 files for long enough to adjust things because every time i shut the computer off i have to wait 1-2 days before it will accept the key and the patcher hardly patches it if it still lets this happen there must be a way to get past it as theres only the odd few people that seem to post and all people get is oh change this code to this or add this to that and get peoples hopes up then they find out that after a day they cant use it any more unless thay start to buy **** just to get it working. i know its hard to come by the files unless you buy them from 17n or what ever he called but i do see why hes selling them now and thats because nomatter how much people say oh i wish people would post links to get this and that for free but they are not willing to give there knowlage and time away for free yet they still time and time again expect other to give there away
well you cant get something for nothing unless your going to give back i know i havent given much but ive hardly had the chance when people will not give a little first

but you never know what i might be able to do with a working set of files / cliant or any one else for that matter if given a chance and the time to get to know the files ins and outs they could do wonders but you will never know till ya find out and give people a change to try
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Dec 1, 2003
First of all I can understand you are frustrated but I also wish ti say this before we have the Barage of people who will flame you for what you just said..

The Armadillo Keyhacker is a technique that Injects a Known memory location to fool it that the key you just entered is the correct, while this method works on most machiens the same, trying it on a Different OS (Win 2003 / Vista etc) can put the wrong values in the program and thus you have trouble registering the thing. The same goes for the Nethack / Loader.

Now I have tried 3.55 as posted across 4 Very Different Machines, each time the Armadillo hack worked as did the Loader. On the very Same machines Loaded with Windows 2003 Server it failed as did Vista.

There is many Servers online with 3.55 and many people posting Images also from that - did you seriously think that they all were holding back infomation so only you could not run the files? I think you need to look seriously at your machine and your Software Install if your that determined to run 3.55.

Personally the fact the files were even Shared in the first place is enough to be thankfull for - otherwise you would all be running JOB server files about now.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 9, 2004
well if no one was holding back from ppl why in the original posts do some ppl questions go unanswerd some thing must be getting held back. if there only mechines that had server 3000 and vista have probs then i should be ok im only running on win xp pro and its a fresh install theres a fire wall and viruse proection on and thats all and they never stoped it running as i have had it up for 2-3 days and then when i turn the comp off to give it a rest it all of a sudden stops.

if there are ways around it that i have misses then some one should have posted stickys will all know codes programs and and info to fix it as there are countles posts that ive seen that have no answers or replys to them
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Dec 1, 2003
Do I need to Spell this out more??

The Program to Crack Armadillo / Netcheck ./ Loader is NOT Guaranteed to work on every single machine on the planet - this is the price you pay for Hacking something. I have just told you the Untouched Files as Posted worked without a singple problem across 4 machine, they each had MS Firewall and Anti Virus. I have no idea why You or anyone else for that matter is having problems, if it fails to run now, then what do you want people to say to help you? A Lot of post go un-answered as I personally cannot be bothered to post for the 1000th time the same answer I posted 50 times already - in fact I have DELETED Mir3 from my system, its a pointless Old Game - time to move onto something else !!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
Basically have a look \ ask some friends what machines they have running 3.55 and see how your machine differs - service pack? Memory Protecting programs etc. Then try and emulate your machine to be like theirs, by emulate I mean try and match your machine to one that runs the server, do it as closely as possible.
If it still doesn't work then fiddle with things you think may be causing it not to.
Best Advice I can give you really.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 9, 2004
i dont know any one that runs servers im the only one thats interested in trying to get one running
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