Changing time drops remain (Hex Edit)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 29, 2003
Got asked about hex edit for how long stuff stays on ground. Had a quick look stuff currently stays on ground for 1 hour which is 3.6 million milli seconds, this equals 36 EE 80 in hex most values in hex are least significant bit first (not all but most) so search the exe for 80 EE 36 there is about 5 or 6 of these in the exe.

this one looks the most promising but I havent had time to test it yet.

search for 3D 80 EE 36 00 76 5C

the following values represent times you could use before drops disappear.

for 10 minutes replace with: 3D C0 27 09 00 76 5C
for 15 minutes replace with: 3D A0 BB 0D 00 76 5C
for 20 minutes replace with: 3D 80 4F 12 00 76 5C

Be sure to back up your exe before hexxing :D