Dawn of Aion 2.7 - 3.0

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Leecher
May 8, 2012

Today we are releasing our own Aion 2.7 - 3.0 Emulator we have mass amounts of fixes, so many in fact you need to check it for yourself.

Our main fixes are:

Fully working Geo-data in all maps
Active Balaur (They like to take forts as well)
All skills related to Geo fully work
All Skills
All Quests
All Instances
Arena of Chaos
Arena of Discipline
Fully Functional Chat System
Fully Functional Groups and Alliances
Functional Conditioning
Marriage system

Character Transfers

And for a limited amount of time we're doing free character transfers, ALL items welcome including GBG/ABG, Noble Coliseum etc, Please visit the forums for more information on this.
