DC Universe Online


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 28, 2010
The thread is obviously for people who are interested in the game, if you think the game looks crap then don't post I thought that would be a bit obvious.

just saying imo the game looks crap and nothing like an mmo.


Nov 28, 2004
iam on about the 2v2 place , i qued and it sent me in on my own.

my quest arrow is yellow jack and this had no arrow because it thought i was in the wrong place lol.

neway iam 2 lazy to level even though its easy , rather play HoN.

Ohhh. Not bothered about PVP.


Nov 28, 2004
I didn't say I wasn't a villain lol. I guess your not though :(, do you play this and go on the likes of ventrilo while ur playing Jealz0r?

It's all about the Skype now, but yeah I go on't Skype with mah buddies when dey on!

Make a Hero.


Oct 23, 2006
Handan, China
i will always stick with vent cos we run the highest quality sound on our server and skype sounds pap compaired to it :( but skype is free so its not too bad


Golden Oldie
Oct 7, 2006
So, im in the Gorilla Island dungeon. After we cleared it I was messing around trying to find all of the investigation tokens.
I broke a barrel in the first building and got 11XP for it. The barrels has allmost instant respawn. So I was just spamming my M2 button for some XP.
Then I figured I could just use my G19 keyboard to do the spamming for me.
Since the dungeon was allready cleared, no people can enter and see what im doing.
Easy free AFK XP :P

1: Clear the Gorilla Island Dungeon.
2: Do not leave.
3: Wait for all other players to leave.
4: Kill Barrels all you want.
5: Have a good night sleep while leveling.

Huh, It isn`t as slow as I expected. I filled 1 bar in 3min using the slowest possible method (1 barrel with a brawlers M2 attack)

1 bar = 3min
1 level = 30 min

Sleep for 8hours = 16 levels...
Ok, probably not. Since higher levels require more XP.
(My test was with a level 17 btw)

Anyway, using a pistol/rifle and taking 2 or more barrels in the same time would be really fast. Think im gonna try that tomorrow.


Using this method you can go from 13-30 in one over night session. Going from 29-30 it only takes 30mins. I have 6 level 30's using this method in just a 2 days.


-Get level 13.
Once you are 13, you automatically obtain access to the Alert Gorilla Island.

-Queue up for Gorilla Island Alert.If you can, get 3 other friends to queue with you and enter the instance together. If you can not, queue alone.

-Complete the instance completely. Kill every single mob.

-Do not leave. If alone, and with other random members, just go afk until they leave and you are alone.

-Go back to the beginning of the level. Where the Gorillas on the two upper walk ways were throwing barrels down on your head.

-Go up on to either walk way.

-Stand at the end of walk way on the far side from the beginning of the level.
Standing here, you can hit 2 barrels at the same time. Instead of just one.

-Use your ranged attack, right mouse button. Positions yourself just far enough so you do not get hit by the barrels explosion. Also, be sure to be far enough back, When you level, your player throws out a knock back aura that can move, but not kill the barrels. This will result in them not re-spawning and your character standing there shooting nothing but air. I use flight, and hover above in the air.

-Use your G15, N52te, autohot key, or w/e you use to automate a key press. Create a macro to use the right mouse button repeatedly.

-Activate macro and watch your character kill barrels, two at a time for 11 exp per barrel. This may not seem like a lot, but it is. Especially since the barrels re-spawn instantaneousnessly. You will have a constant stream of 11exp being added to your exp pool.

-Go afk/school, sleep w/e. It only takes about 5 hours or so to get from 13-30 providing your client does not crash, you dontt knock barrels away, or the servers don't get reset.

Please note. This is only for a fast way to get to 30. This will gimp your character as you will have zero rep, and no feats completed, this means you will not have very many skill points. You will still need to go back and complete all the quests. Although, it's much easier and faster banging out all the quest because you're 30 already.

Source: http://www.mmowned.com/forums/other...den-locations-easter-eggs-so.html#post2033669


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 4, 2004
Its not hard to hit 30 in a day and a half as it is, why sacrafice the experience for a day's leveling?