Doom 3

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 2, 2004
could be real, pretty much the source codes been leaked out so u never know and yeah u should buy it :) i guna be a class game


Natural Selection
Golden Oldie
Apr 22, 2003
LordLucas said:
Piracy Ownz No use in waisting money.

Im gonna save and get it.

I only donwload older games, stuff i aint wasting money on but newer stuff im probably gonna play for along time ill wait and save up for.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
LordLucas said:
Piracy Ownz No use in waisting money.

You most probably don't rearlise the irony of what you just said, but to cut it short it's that kind of attitude that will cause in a lack of game/music production and maybe even a fall of the industry, who knows. The companys get their money for development costs/running costs/profit and everything else from people buying the game, there are other sources of income but that is their main, you stop buying their game, not because it's rubbish, but because you're a cheapo who can't afford to put some money towards what he/she is taking advantage of, they loose profit and when the time comes which for all we know could be very soon, the companys will say "well if they dont buy our stuff then we may aswell stop making it" which will all lead to people maybe much like yourself whining because no new games have come out.

Don't let me fool you here, it's already started, and has been happening for quite some time, but the irony of it all is laughable.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2004
lmao what are you ppl?

can u honestly say u would prefer to fork out £40ish for a quality game, when u can leave ur pc downloading it for free overnite?

"if they dont buy our stuff then we may aswell stop making it" - kinda dumb comment to make, if you think about it. a company (lets say squaresoft) which such status and credentials in the gaming industry are not going to say one day "rite jimmy, pack up the ff7 memoribilia, its ova. LordLucas and Nick wont stop downloadin our stuff!". im sure they would take certail legal action to prevent this, and as so far they have failed to do so- i realy dont think its a big a problem as you are suggesting.

in short- get a life peeps, u aint as noble as u'd like to think.


You are wrong to say that piracy is not a large problem. It's costing the video games industry roughly $2 billion (approx. £1.1 billion) a year which means that yes, some smaller companies DO have to pack up their stuff and stop making games as they are making such large losses.

True, companies such as Square/Enix aren't just going to pack up and leave, not whilst they have the choice to do so anyway but eventually, they may be forced to.
NickDawes said:
can u honestly say u would prefer to fork out £40ish for a quality game
You've just said it yourself. Yes, I would prefer to fork out £40 for a quality game. I've been looking forward to Doom 3 for a long, long time now and to be honest, if I've got the money to buy a PC good enough to play said game, why not pay for the game to go with it?

Viola A.I.

Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 14, 2003
Newcastle - UK
£40? Do you go looking for the highest price or what?

Retailers where I live and websites I buy from have an asking price of £20-30. If your too cheap to buy the game then you arn't good enough to play the game in the first place, you should just keel over and DIE.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2004
Sawell said:
You most probably don't rearlise the irony of what you just said

your seem to have a bleak confused view on irony, considering ur all bichin about a warez site while happily hosting/playin stolen mir server files. that is piracy :eek:


Natural Selection
Golden Oldie
Apr 22, 2003
NickDawes said:
your seem to have a bleak confused view on irony, considering ur all bichin about a warez site while happily hosting/playin stolen mir server files. that is piracy :eek:

difference there is the euro mir costs alot more in the long run.

If doom 3 was to cost me like £7 a month and it was poor service i would download it free.

but when its a one off 20-30 and it gets updates patches and in future mods its well worth the money.

and tbh it looks nice when you have a colection of some high quality official games.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2004
blood, thats a fair enough argument considering u sed u will only save for games u wanna play for a long time-

but i realy dont see how HolyCow and the likes can preach about the steady decline of the gaming industry when they themselves are contributing to it just by playing mir p servers.

at the end of the day peeps, get a life. get a dishwasher.


No Brag, Just Fact
Bottom line...

No body on this forum has anything to ***** about when it comes to anti-piracy, and im sorry newblood but things like poor suppot does not justify one bit private servers. ALL private servers are wrong and illegal just like all pirated copies of software is wrong and illegall.
Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
Aye, urban's right.

Especially in the case of games. It takes one sad individual to pirate games imho, because it's one of the industries which, like it or not guys, we've injured enough. As HolyCow said, there's a lot of small time game makers, who probably have decent games on the table, unable to make them, because you won't pay £20-30 for a copy of their game.

That says one of two things to me, either you don't know how to get a job, or you should be excluded from the human race for being a twat.


Natural Selection
Golden Oldie
Apr 22, 2003
aye i agree with auron, ill buy any new games i want but when i fancy playing an old game specially one im just trying out or probbaly wont keep long i donwload it. i dont always like it but hell i cant afford it.

its like today i downloaded quake 2 its an old game and i wouldntgo out and buy a game ill probbaly keep a couple of days max.

but doom3 being new i will get as i think it would be a gr8 game to play online so im spending money to get that.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 7, 2004
Auron, how can you say you are against game piracy? You apparently cry small rivers for small gaming companies who can't get a break because "twats" are bootlegging their products. So... WEMADE are not a small gaming company in your books?
Playing/Hosting private servers isnt piracy?

Money stolen by Nick today from ID for bootlegging Doom 3 = £30
Auron says:
"you should be excluded from the human race for being a twat"
Money Auron has stolen from WEMADE playing with his mir files = £7 a month x 5 (ur sig says 1999 ¬.¬)
= £420.
Auron says:
(I'll leave you to fill this space with a witty, "im-a-god your-a-twat" argument)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
NickDawes said:
your seem to have a bleak confused view on irony, considering ur all bichin about a warez site while happily hosting/playin stolen mir server files. that is piracy :eek:

Yep, but then again i'm still paying for euro mir. And i've payed more than enough for what that game is worth. Plus you seem to be forgetting, mir is a free game, it only costs more if you want to play past level 20, and maybe I don't. I can still take advantage of euro mir almost to its full without paying, so i'd check your facts again.


No Brag, Just Fact
NickDawes said:
Money stolen by Nick today from ID for bootlegging Doom 3 = £30
Auron says:
"you should be excluded from the human race for being a twat"
Money Auron has stolen from WEMADE playing with his mir files = £7 a month x 5 (ur sig says 1999 ¬.¬)
= £420.

Who says those who gave up euro mir gave it up soley for private servers? Most of the people here also have euro mir accounts.
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