EI:JOB setup help needed


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 15, 2003

I -think- I set most of my EI:JoB server up like it should be (followed the setup guide to my best ability), althou, it does not tell me what to type in some of the exe files that is to be started, and that requires additional information.

I add screenshoots of the files being run (and the input areas left blanc since its there I dont know what to enter).


This is the Login server part


And this database server part

Since the (Korean? Chinese? Whatever?) text shows as ?????? to me, I have no clue what to enter in eash field.

Anyone who knows, please tell me what to enter where, thnaks =)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 1, 2004
ok, to view the Database in the right writing you need to download a korean/chinese language pack, that should help if it doesn't go Arrggg!! for abit... lol. for the loginserver.exe where it says DSN you need to put the name that you put into the Datasource(ODBC) i.e "mir3db" then put your user name for that Database, and password under the username.

as for the 3 ???? boxes i can't remember what to put there sorry,

now the 2nd one the DBserver.exe put the name of your server into the top empty box. do that same as what you did for the Loginserver.exe for both the DSN and Account??? Boxes with the user and pass. the box thats above the "5600" box place your IP address. then for the last box at the bottom, place your envir directory folder. e.g. "C:\mud3\mir300\envir" and that all the help i can give you at this late hour.

good night
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 15, 2003
Thanks alots for your reply =)

Unfortunately, Im pretty sure Korean language pack wont help me much, since I dont know korean to start with - different weird symbols would be same result =)

If anyone can fill in the gaps in this, please do so =)

Ps. Why I bother if I cant read korean? I hope to get some help with the interface/exe part by people alredy working on it, as for translating the npc´s - shouldnt be to hard with babelfish and some imagination, so atleast I wanna try, if I ever get it to work =)
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 15, 2003
where it says DSN you need to put the name that you put into the Datasource(ODBC) i.e "mir3db"

Well, that made me confused... I got account, conlog, game1, herocommon1, localserver and manage to choose from, and except for localserver, their all ODBC made specifically for mir3:JOB, so what one to use?
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 29, 2003
For the top left one put game1 then the username and password and for top right one put account and then username and password ( the username and passwords should be the ones you used in SQL if you set SQL up in mixed mode you can use the "sa" account and password)

The one above the 5600 is the IP address of the server.

The bottom one is where you put the path to the envir folder e.g d:\mud3\envir
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 15, 2003
Thanks alots Zeph =)

Will try that as soon as I get to ma server again, really appreciated =)

Really nice to get help from you pepople. *bow*
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 15, 2003
Seems I got the DB server running now (using game1 and account in first two DSN choises)
still cant get the login server part to run properly (tryed with game1 and localhost both giving errors)

so, if theres some additional help while I smack my head to the keyboard? =)
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 29, 2003
Check thisthread for Xanders second post which has piccies of the DB server and login server in his second post.

btw the word thread is the link
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 15, 2003
Ah, GOOD post!
Thanks for the link, I did search before but didnt find anything, guess thats either newer than that, or I somehow missed it.

Lots of thanks =)
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 15, 2003
*looks at amount of errors poping up once I hit the DBserver*
and all error messages goes in my native language too (chanse of someone here knowing what to do, and in Swedish, well... doh)

Im giving EI:JOB up for now, back to EI with me, atleast I can get that running -sigh-

Thanks for all the help from you all, its been really apreciated, but my patience with week after week with nothing working, nomatter what I do, have worn down my patience totally =/
Hopefully, someday (perhaps in a few months or so), someone have written a "stupid morons guide" that I can follow from point 1 to the end n get it running, but for now...
bye bye JOB, be seeing ya when Im not in the mood to throw out my server throu the window anymore...

*waves to all helpful and nice people*
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