Envir - txt Files

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Oct 7, 2003
I've been trying to figure out what each of these does.
heres what ive found out so far, post if you know what it does thx :)

AdminList - Adds GM's to server
Command - Sets what commands a GM can use
DenyAccountList - ?denys usernames in this list?
DenyChrNameList- Denys Char Names in this list
DenyIPAddrList - Blocks IP's from connecting to server in this list
DisableMakeItem - Unkown
DisableMoveMap - Disables a map in this list
DisableSendMsgList - Unkown
DisableTakeOffList - ?A user cant take of an item in this list?
EnableMakeItem - Unkown
GameLogItemNameList - Logs items that drop in this list
GuardList - Guards setup
ItemBindAccount - Unkown
ItemBindChrName - Unkown
ItemBindIPaddr - Unkown
ItemNameList - Unkown
MakeItem - Used to make poison for quests
mapinfo - Map and Cords Setup
MapQuest - Quest Setup
merchant - Shop Npc Setup
merchant2 - same as above
MiniMap - MiniMap Setup
MonDropLimitList - Stops more then a certain item dropping
(e.g DragonSlayer 1) means only 1 slayer will drop on server
Mongen - Mob Spawn Setup
NoClearMonList - Stops mobs disapearing if there names in here
Npcs- NPC setup
Robot - Unkown
StartPoint - StartPoints setup
UnbindList - List of items that can be unbound
UnForceMaster - Unkown
UnMarry - Unkown
UnMaster - Unkown


Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
ItemBindAccount - Item will be fixed to that account Other accounts cannot use
ItemBindChrName - Items will be fixed to charaname Other IPaddress'es cannot use
ItemBindIPaddr - Items will be fixed to IPaddress Other Characters cannot use

UnForceMaster - Players that cant be forcibily removed from master
UnMarry - Cannot be unmarried
UnMaster - Cannot be unmastered

DisableMakeItem - GM's cannot make item

Thats off the top of my head more than likely right but i aint tested so
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