EvilMir Server v1.0

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
i been tryin to say that u will loose players(in diff way to bon), yes u got peeps renaming chars becoz they fked up n were hated, then u got peeps whowill get 50 in 2days, tbh then when every1 happy n dandy.. somits gonna happen AGEN

heres some questrions
1/\ Can you say 100% truthfully, daydie is NOT corrupt?
2/\ Would you care abount incident of GM hacking wateva, if person + peeps involved got banned?
3/\ Do you think its fair she just deleted chars without asking us?

leave ur answers
1/\ err NO
2/\ err NO
3/\ hmm this is hard errr YES
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 9, 2004
Shame really was such a good server but in my opinion its over. bow your heads and move on.


Untrusted Member
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2004
as you know they has been a char wipe, yer it sucks but this is a new start and it can be 10x better, as you may know daydie has made me a gm but i will only be on at weekend

the first thing we need to do is get a exp event up and running this weekend

and from then get some very good updates going, one i have is a new type of refine system like i had in 1.9 and we need more items weps and alot more quests adding

the server has been wiped .. this is far from the end

keep at it and i bet you in 1 month you say yer iam glad i sayed its 10x better



Former Administrator
Mar 23, 2003
Around three users have been banned as the result of their comments on this thread. And god knows how many with other types of infraction/warning.

I will close it if people cannot learn to behave themselves.

-If you think the server is down... CHECK. Don't post!
-If another member has said something out of turn, report it - don't aggravate them.

Those who still manage to be abusive from this point will be served with straight temp bans without warning.



Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
as you know they has been a char wipe, yer it sucks but this is a new start and it can be 10x better, as you may know daydie has made me a gm but i will only be on at weekend

the first thing we need to do is get a exp event up and running this weekend

and from then get some very good updates going, one i have is a new type of refine system like i had in 1.9 and we need more items weps and alot more quests adding

the server has been wiped .. this is far from the end

keep at it and i bet you in 1 month you say yer iam glad i sayed its 10x better

was nothing wrong with the old server, so i dont see how u gonna make it 10x better... if hellzloose goes up, which it most probably will, its gonna take all of evilmirs user count.

imo, some will re lvl and mess about for something 2 do until hellz is up, but once it is up theyw ill all go there.

its a shame 2 see u ruin such a good server, been a long time see ive had afun on a decent server, this was 1 of them.

and another reason why i aint gonna play is cause of u lifco, hate 2 say it m8 but personally i dont think u know much about mir... and ull also end up bannin me if i do re lvl cause of pkin or killin boss's like u did on ur starlite servers.

now i remmeber why servers r so pointless :eek:

ps, u said they hacked thro the m2 server, wots stopin them from doin it again?
basically ur jsut given some cover up bs story cause u was corrupt and leveled+gave items 2 jayz+walter... thats why jayz was in sz callin u corrupt sayin hes gonna post screenies l8r
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Untrusted Member
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2004
were did i say they hacked the m2server ?
daydie changed the gms names on the admin to names like er sssss ets... was 5 random names its not his foult hes quite new to servers and iam dam sure it was not my foult

bon dont u think its time to drop what went on in starlite its old news ?

and give it a go and lets see once and of all ....

how iam going to make it 10x better ?

for a start get a good refine system in game still leave the one's that are in but bring in refine like s/l had

lots more cave and i mean lots more
the item patch we have needs sorting il add a few 1000s more
quests i have at least 50 now i can start adding
get them spells that dont work and maybe get new ones in game
lots more mobs will be added
more effects on the hum files like the korean shower

lots more stuff



LOMCN Veteran
Nov 20, 2006
I think the server wipe was a good thing. lvlin is easy ppl wil be 50+ in no time, shame it had to happen but still not too bad.

please lifco ignore bens sh*t he is crying cus he was a high level. your a good guy lifco please keep hosting its nice to see you around on server.
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LOMCN Veteran
Mar 25, 2004
I think the server wipe was a good thing. lvlin is easy ppl wil be 50+ in no time, shame it had to happen but still not too bad.

please lifco ignore bens sh*t he is crying cus he was a high level. your a good guy lifco please keep hosting its nice to see you around on server.

Suck up much?

Get a job.


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 20, 2006
im trying to convince lifco to keep hosting u muppet. open your eyes and read the posts.


Runescape HD
Golden Oldie
May 17, 2005
Amazing he knows what @kick command is Lifco I wouldnt Waste ur Time on a Rude Gm ever He Is Out Of orde Daydie Lifco I dont no y you would want to help a unselfish person whos just going to use his stolen files/ The Deaths Files as they are just to make a gd server i would just sort ya self out mate and work on getting pk 2.3 up and leave evilmir cause then u know u get loads more people

Sorry just posting my appinion on here sorry Lomcn Staff.


Golden Oldie
Aug 26, 2004
Ghetto im a rude GM?

U kept PMing me sayng lifco is not going to host once ive got mine sorted and im a noob, So yeah @kick is a great command 4 u,

Lol at u now, 1 day ago u had your toung up my.... hahaha

"Make me GM please" lolz TBH mate u r a real noob....
And who is using the deaths files? lmao certnly not me, i aksed thedeath for help to code mine lol.
I dont copy mate i try to earn it :) not like you.

You posting your opinion.

Your opinion was not wanted on this Thread. i Sugest you go play on some1 elses server beucase u dont deserve to play on mine. And i dont think ur allowed to say on my thread, Leave EvilMir for PK server.

Can i request This Thread Cleaned Please.
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Runescape HD
Golden Oldie
May 17, 2005
did the death help u code ur m2serve then or something mate y dont u read back all a few posts beard sed never ask to clean this thread again well can u take a screen shot of the mir200 inside the files actually i'll get lifco to tell what type of files they are cause i no there the deaths cause u told me on skype u newb i no more stuff than u buddy and if u want to put that to the challange lets go cause i will show u up like a dogs bare butt. cause u didnt even make the server u theif. i'm never going to waste my time on a newb like you. go back to your english and learn how to spell wipe not whipe :O lmao ur the newb cant even control your server and you cant even keep your account controled letting people go on your gm char lmao. he never even play the game that well.

Your Thread Lol Whos Pays For the Forums U post on Lomcn Staff U do Not Say Yours That is DisRespectable to lomcn. nothing is yours on lomcn Mir Private Servers wouldnt be here if it wasnt for lomcn to start this off in 2000 We Wouldnt have gotten this far if it wasnt for the lomcn Helpers/Stafff to make the files and get hold of them. so dont ever say your thread cause if you own the forums i will let you take credit of your thread but it isnt your thread cause theres other rankings above you think about that before you say like i dont most of time.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 24, 2004
Ghetto you seem very confused.

Last week you where wanting to host and be a GM to these files you say are stolen, then when Lifco took over you began acting all chummy about Lifco and began slating Daydie.


Golden Oldie
Aug 26, 2004
Your Really sad rnt u, The Server has nothing to do with u and u go on like it was yours lmao. U sad and pethetic. pOrbs a little kid. Just anoying. i Try run the server best i can... n 99% of the server people said i was doing okay... but ov they were things going wrong. as no1 cud handle 50 ppl on there own,

These r not the deaths files, Lol at you sayin u know more then me, I MADE IT.

I tryed to use his M2 b 4 but didnt work, thats y i been asking for a new m2 u noob. Now go play some where else...

Off to college, say all u like to make ya self look better on this thread while im not gone.

Stop spamming my thread, Im sure thats a violation to LOMCN rules, I request u get a warning for all these remarks / Spam messages.

Can i have a thread whipe please.
If not post sayin why.




LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 13, 2003
Scotland, UK.
I cant be arsed trying to get to that lvl again im a lazy lvler and when it all gets took away from me for something i cba to read, 30 pages?...fk that i'll justy find a new server lol.

See yas.

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