Other FourHeroes Topic.

smoochy boys on tour


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 19, 2015
Still up for discussion as every day people are still discussing it ^_^.

Adverts already locked and user unable to advertise servers on lomcn anymore.

Account marked as untrusted and community made aware of what has happened.

Actions all carried out already to protect and make community aware.

Personal opinon - only thing that hadn't been done is to ban and delete the user. However there could be people who have paid money to the server or who have used unique logins that still wish to continue playing his server. As such there is still a way for them to communicate and play while still being made aware of the dangers. Basically trying to cater to the whole community.
You talk confidently and think you honest,i wont advertise any more here lol thats the end and whole story on main thread,stop blah.

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I think he may of out smarted you @smeghead2 and used a different account XD
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