
Apple & Beach

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 29, 2006
"Geeks - Inspired by another fag"
Hello LOMCN, my alias is Kud125 and i wish to make a point.

All of you ****ing idiots who flame the majority of cool people on this forum by calling them "geeks" can frankly get stabbed in the face.
I read time after time, people calling others "geeks" why is that? oh because they're on a forum.... IN CASE YOU DIDN'T NOTICE the people calling others geeks, happen to be on the EXACTLY same forum....so doesn't that tell you something...the person your calling a geek isn't actually a geek or your just as much of a geek as the person your flaming.

I see this all the time, and the majority of people who do it i begin to hate them with a passion.

I realise it's just the internet, but i just wanted to point out how retarded half the users who flame on this forum are.

No doubt it will carry on though, people will use "get a life, you sit at your screen all day" insults....

So to whom this thread concerns, stop using "geek" or "get a life" insults...as i'd rather be a geek than some of the chavs on this forum.

Die faggots.
Dry your eyes mate tbh.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 10, 2006
Its quite hard to explain how annoying it is when all the fags that come on and can't insult so they use 'geek'. These are usually the people who play Mir for most of the day.


Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
well time after time i've seen blam get insulted by the "get away from your screen and get a life" insult...how does that involve me? does not concern me or my self-image at all....
and most of the time it is not sarcastic implications, it is usually smartasses who use "GEEK LOL GET A LIFE" as their best comeback.
I for one was being sarcastic -.- , so get out more you lifeless geek!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 29, 2006
whos a geek ? im not a geek -.-

who told you! i promise i wont kill them :)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 29, 2003
Geeks are taking over the world.

It's now actually cool in society to be considered a geek, it's probably one of the most admired social categorisations these days.

I get called a geek where I work because I know the answers to pretty much every computer query that comes through my office, and I tend to trail into technical lingo when explaining patch releases for our software etc... it's all said in kind though, I still go out on the lash with everyone, we have a great working relationship... if anything they admire me for it.

There are many things you could take offence to in this world, but I don't think you should take offence to being called a geek.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 2, 2005
Geeks are taking over the world.

It's now actually cool in society to be considered a geek, it's probably one of the most admired social categorisations these days.

I get called a geek where I work because I know the answers to pretty much every computer query that comes through my office, and I tend to trail into technical lingo when explaining patch releases for our software etc... it's all said in kind though, I still go out on the lash with everyone, we have a great working relationship... if anything they admire me for it.

There are many things you could take offence to in this world, but I don't think you should take offence to being called a geek.

Ok then if you think your so geek, tell me what this is...o yeh these are commands btw.

void VectorAngles (const float * forward, float * angles)
 float temp, yaw, pitch;
 if (forward[1] == 0 && forward[0] == 0)
  yaw = 0;
  if (forward[2] > 0)
   pitch = 90;
  } else {
   pitch = 270;
 } else {
  yaw = (float)(atan2(forward[1], forward[0]) * 57.3248);
  if (yaw < 0)
   yaw += 360;
  temp = (float)sqrt(forward[0] * forward[0] + forward[1] * forward[1]);
  pitch = (float)(atan2(forward[2], temp) * 57.3248);
 angles[0] = pitch;
 angles[1] = yaw;
 angles[2] = 0;

Thats my type of geek :D you have to know it real good :( im still beginner.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 30, 2007
I dreamt I was stuck on the BSOD in a dream before, because I needed to talk to someone to save my life...

I don't really care what you call me though :P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 22, 2004
One time when I was a complete computer illiterate.

My internet was refusing to work and I had a dream of a red floppy disk, the next day i found in the bundle of crap that came with the comp a red recovery disk and i used it to reformat and my internet worked.

True story.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 28, 2007
Geeks are taking over the world.

It's now actually cool in society to be considered a geek, it's probably one of the most admired social categorisations these days.

I get called a geek where I work because I know the answers to pretty much every computer query that comes through my office, and I tend to trail into technical lingo when explaining patch releases for our software etc... it's all said in kind though, I still go out on the lash with everyone, we have a great working relationship... if anything they admire me for it.

There are many things you could take offence to in this world, but I don't think you should take offence to being called a geek.

you must work in an office of inferior geeks.