Global Agenda


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 14, 2007

Beta kicking off this thursday 7-1-10 @ 6pm. Gain beta entry by pre ordering the game via steam.

We (DooM guild) have a group of our Aion players who are taking part and giving the game a shot. If your interested in playing with a social group of players drop me a pm or reply on this thread or just pop on to our website .

We have our own ventrillo server running 247 and a website/forum ( In the up coming weeks the website will be updated as we move in to a mutli gaming clan. We except players from anywhere in the world, but you must be able to understand and communicate in English.

We have already had success on usa Mir2 where we were the dominant guild with the highest level players and 1st guild to conquer Sabuk War. Left the game due to Aion release and a useless company hosting the game again.

In Aion we have been a top 10 Asmodian guild all the way since it launched it September. Currently rank 12 due to xmas slacking.
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LOMCN Veteran
Sep 14, 2007
just some thoughts on the game so far.

Im currently lvl 22 robotics char. When you start of the game can be very unforgiving. It really does take time to learn to play your class skillfully.

The two main pvp games ive played are control and payload. Control is the first pvp game you can enter, is your standerd hold 2 out of 3 control points to rack up the most points. in a pug it can be a total nightmare, most people havent grasped the concept of team work.

Payload on the other hand is horribly unbalance. 90% of the games you play as an attacker you will lose. The maps favor the defender teams way to much with to many bottle necks to hold the team back. The basic idea is to push a mob from one end of the map to the other, with 3 check points along the way.

Couple of other high level pvp game types but ppl don't seem to queue for them, so i haven't been able to test.

The pve part of the game is very boring, no real incentive to take part in them at all.