GNonline - Mir3 Euro


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Yes, if u didnt already know...

Gn online have bought mir3!!

Q n A's...

1 - Are the two servers of Ignis and Gelu getting merged?
Yes, the two servers will be merged into a unique server named Ventus.

2 - Will we have our previous game time?

3 - When will the client be available for download?

4 - Will the same ID/PW be used as the original database, or will you be sending new ones to the owner of the accounts?
The ID and Passwords will be the same as the original database, it wouldn't be possible to send new ones are due to the Data Protection Act we will not have any personal information (including e-mail address) of the users of the previous Legend of Mir 3 service in Europe

5 - When relaunched, what kind of free trial will Game Network Online be offering for Mir3?

6 - Will there be a NProtect system for Mir 3, if so will this be also implemented into Mir 2?

7 - How will accounts with 2 chars on each server be handled?

8 - Will their be an additional server for new players to start afresh?
There are no current plans about additional servers.

9 - Will we still have our guilds? (or at least the guild leaders still have them)

10 - Will we still have our items/gold/skills?

11 - Will it be a case of migrating accounts like we had to do with the mir2 accounts?
It will happen in order to let you pay for Mir 3 game time and for general account management

12 - Will there be a Beta Period?
This is still under discussion, but it's very likely to happen. This will be probably announced this week.

13 - A large number of players of the former Mir 3 European service had a very huge number of concerns over staff involvement in the game as it was. Their characters will still be intact (possibly)?
We will get rid of any previous administrator character or account.

14 - Who from what server gets to keep the walls. Because you can't have two guilds owning the same wall. Will all walls owned by guilds be wiped clean?

15 - Will you be implementing a ranking system as seen on the Mir2 website?
Look at the bottom of the website

16 - Is there any way to get a account back if you have forgotten your username and password?
Follow the instructions found at and they should send us your data through Wemade (or at least that's what the page says). That could help...

17 - When the servers are merged, what will happen to people with clashing names?

18 - Will you allow charachter transfers From Mir 2 to Mir 3?
This will not happen

19 - Will the things like auto pot or special repair items still be there or you gonna remove it?
We don't have any plans about altering the game mechanics. So if they were there, they will still be there.

20 - Will Mir 3 have a seperate staff to Mir 2 to avoid "favoritism" amongst the 2 games?
Part of the Staff will be shared (technical aspects and account aspects will be identical thus not requiring completely different staff for that) and part will be unique for each game.

21 - What version of Mir 3 will we have, will it be old Euro version or a new one?


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
GN run their servers well, legend of mir wise anyways, and hell if you dont like it, just dont play.


LOMCN Veteran
Apr 4, 2005
MentaL said:
GN run their servers well, legend of mir wise anyways, and hell if you dont like it, just dont play.

No offence mate but there ****e =)
there lazyy!
cmon you could do a much better job! ^_^


LOMCN Member
Apr 23, 2003
GN run Mir2 pretty well. The game itself and patches are good, the support may not be brilliant but oh well.

GN will also run Mir3 better than QGO and a ****e side better than iEnt, them USA Staf sounds pretty pathetic. They dont have a clue. IMO..its gone to the best company


Crystal Dev
Jul 21, 2004
Have to agree with them doing a good job. Theres nothing whats made me feel like they'v done a bad job with Lom2.

Slow responce on all the hackings but basicly just dont be stupid enough to give acount details out, or go on sites advertised to give hacking programs.

Anyone who went to those sites deserved to loose their acounts for trying to cheat in the first place.