GODark 2.3

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 25, 2008
The thing is, I had no problem with the server itself, I mean it could of done with improvements but thats fine..

The thing that pissed me off to the max, was:

A) Talking with my friend (who disliked server) He PRIVATE MESSAGED me saying he was "thinking of leaving" What did GM do? Spawn infront of us, tell us he was "calling the server" and that he was observing our PM's, then Booted him. Not only that, when I asked the GM why he booted him for having his own opinion, he then kicked me off too.

B) A high lvl guy died as he TT'd into town. He SAID he was PK'd, and as its a non-pk server he should get the stuff he dropped returned "in his opinion". Being the guy who picked alot of it up, I questioned how he could possibly come to the conclusion of that? For all I or GM knew, he could of died from a boss but TT'd and dropped in town. He then accused me (a guy who'd just started) of being the one who PK'd him, clearly it was absurd and impossible, yet what do the GM's do? Wipe mine and everybodys bag, then return the items he lost. I and 3 others who also defended me on the matter, left the server.

I mean cmon, what in gods name are you thinking? I know 12 year olds with more sense...

THATS why I have a problem, not with the server, but with the people who run it.
I refuse to play this type of server, and im sure many others would agree...

If you dont care then good for you, please do enjoy your game...

I brought all this up because some of you just dont realise... It's a good server, I'll agree, its not 100% nothing ever is, but the PEOPE who run it, well, I think you get the idea.

I do not intend to discourage anyone from playing, but if theyre going to play this server, they have a right to know what type of GM's are there.


1, it is not a none pk server
2/ ppl dont get kicked or mobs spawned on them just coz they dont like the server. The only ppl who get kicked are ones who are abusive and thats after they have been asked to calm it first.
3/ Tbh everyone as a opinion some of u r against us nm what we do even if everything was ok exp sats mobs caves no bugs ect ect some of u would still find something to pick fault with.
All i can say is if ya dont like it fine ur choice but dont go whineing about people u know nothing about.
Yes this is the first server we have done yes there are bugs ect but show me a server that hasnt, but at least we are trying half of u lot either havent tried or have failed and i thought this forums was to help advise ppl. Not just for moaning groaning whinging picking fault there are a lot of good ppl on here who do help and i thank you for the help advise, and as for the ones who just pick fault i thank you too coz it makes us more determined to make a go of it. So u either come on or u dont tell someone who cares.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 23, 2004
sever got new ip there you go ppl there you go
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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
1, it is not a none pk server
2/ ppl dont get kicked or mobs spawned on them just coz they dont like the server. The only ppl who get kicked are ones who are abusive and thats after they have been asked to calm it first.
3/ Tbh everyone as a opinion some of u r against us nm what we do even if everything was ok exp sats mobs caves no bugs ect ect some of u would still find something to pick fault with.
All i can say is if ya dont like it fine ur choice but dont go whineing about people u know nothing about.
Yes this is the first server we have done yes there are bugs ect but show me a server that hasnt, but at least we are trying half of u lot either havent tried or have failed and i thought this forums was to help advise ppl. Not just for moaning groaning whinging picking fault there are a lot of good ppl on here who do help and i thank you for the help advise, and as for the ones who just pick fault i thank you too coz it makes us more determined to make a go of it. So u either come on or u dont tell someone who cares.

erm, bull****? when i played i still have screenies on my old comp of the whole thing, if you "dont think im right" then i'll gladly bring them up for you.

And yes, it WAS a non PK server when I played, oh but I see you've changed now eh? Spose that was the first smart move you've made. Hence why all that **** with that guy dropping happened.

And i'll post my opinion however I please, ppl have a right to know what they're going into tbh, wether that good or bad... And seriously you must of completly misunderstood me.

"I have no problem with the server, infact its not bad, few tweaks here and there would be good but nothings perfect" So, doesn't that slightly contradict the fact your saying i'd "pick faults" with things?

No, I had a problem with the gamemasters who run the server, wether anyone cares and botheres reading this is their choice, I dont force them to lol.

Now, before you start making up some random crap again, try and get your facts right...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 25, 2008
what it means is when we first started server no one did pk but we changed that
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 30, 2004
what it means is when we first started server no one did pk but we changed that

your a fukin retard, if i wanted to watch a bunch of ******s like u on a screen id go see westham play, tit

was halfway through downloading when i read this, glad i did!
people trying to make points about the GMs and totally being disregarded, STUPID. obviously its a case of "if your my mate, u get it all, *** the rest..."
its like if you get promoted at work, its unfair and impossible to then treat your friends better than any other worker, ITS CORRUPT!!!! simple fact is if you aint got the balls to run your server how it should be run, DONT DO IT.

your forever blowing bubbles!!

p.s why is there a trojan in your mir2.exe?? so not only are u corrupt, ur fukin ur players
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 25, 2008
your a fukin retard, if i wanted to watch a bunch of ******s like u on a screen id go see westham play, tit

was halfway through downloading when i read this, glad i did!
people trying to make points about the GMs and totally being disregarded, STUPID. obviously its a case of "if your my mate, u get it all, *** the rest..."
its like if you get promoted at work, its unfair and impossible to then treat your friends better than any other worker, ITS CORRUPT!!!! simple fact is if you aint got the balls to run your server how it should be run, DONT DO IT.

your forever blowing bubbles!!

p.s why is there a trojan in your mir2.exe?? so not only are u corrupt, ur fukin ur players


And how would u know if you have never played? In fact dont answer that as you are nothing but a foul mouthed person, who cant express himself without swearing. And like i said before dont like it dont play it end off


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 30, 2004

And how would u know if you have never played? In fact dont answer that as you are nothing but a foul mouthed person, who cant express himself without swearing. And like i said before dont like it dont play it end off

fair enough, i cant apoligise enough if my bad language has offended you, Ok lets give this a go, a reasonable inteligent conversation with a remedial 10 year old :agree: ok, this is the power of speech my churpie little cck-a-sparra (its a bird son, a bird!!) why would numerous people who HAVE played this game comment in such a way to condem yourself (millie) to being corrupt, if it wasnt true, there is an old saying "Where there is smoke, there is a fire! NOW i am not a person to judge a book by its cover but to punish myself by reading your ignorant, pathetic excuses that dont even answer the original question! I had to hit out with verbal vomit of geekingly loling in my sad sad real life existance. (are you keeping up?:ppunk:)

anyhoo as fun as this was mildred i must dash as i have a giro to collect :punch: asbo that mutha fcker < sht i just cudnt do it!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 16, 2005
If you want ure server to be good you gotta do it right millie. Atm ive seen no changed. Loads of people complaining corruption and you just speaking crap on the forums. You aint gonna get a server Reputation back up the way ure going.

also for dragonrage

I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air,
They fly so high, nearly reach the sky,
Then like my dreams they fade and die.
Fortune's always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.

I'm dreaming dreams, I'm scheming schemes,
I'm building castles high.
They're born anew, their days are few,
Just like a sweet butterfly.
And as the daylight is dawning,
They come again in the morning!


When shadows creep, when I'm asleep,
To lands of hope I stray!
Then at daybreak, when I awake,
My bluebird flutters away.
Happiness, you seem so near me,
Happiness, come forth and cheer me!

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 9, 2004
If you want ure server to be good you gotta do it right millie. Atm ive seen no changed. Loads of people complaining corruption and you just speaking crap on the forums. You aint gonna get a server Reputation back up the way ure going.

also for dragonrage

I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air,
They fly so high, nearly reach the sky,
Then like my dreams they fade and die.
Fortune's always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.

I'm dreaming dreams, I'm scheming schemes,
I'm building castles high.
They're born anew, their days are few,
Just like a sweet butterfly.
And as the daylight is dawning,
They come again in the morning!


When shadows creep, when I'm asleep,
To lands of hope I stray!
Then at daybreak, when I awake,
My bluebird flutters away.
Happiness, you seem so near me,
Happiness, come forth and cheer me!


how many joints do u chinks smoke ?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 25, 2008
Like i said before no matter what we do we in the wrong with you lot, so u wont hear from me again on this thread. Just to clear things up i aint a 10 yr old running a server, tbh i wish i was 10 again.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Like i said before no matter what we do we in the wrong with you lot, so u wont hear from me again on this thread. Just to clear things up i aint a 10 yr old running a server, tbh i wish i was 10 again.


Was that appropriate or not? lol... Besides, not posting on your own thread (I believe) is a bit of an extreme, giving into them, is a bad move! Almost asif your having a tantrum, which is what 10 year olds do!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2008
1, it is not a none pk server
2/ ppl dont get kicked or mobs spawned on them just coz they dont like the server. The only ppl who get kicked are ones who are abusive and thats after they have been asked to calm it first.
3/ Tbh everyone as a opinion some of u r against us nm what we do even if everything was ok exp sats mobs caves no bugs ect ect some of u would still find something to pick fault with.
All i can say is if ya dont like it fine ur choice but dont go whineing about people u know nothing about.
Yes this is the first server we have done yes there are bugs ect but show me a server that hasnt, but at least we are trying half of u lot either havent tried or have failed and i thought this forums was to help advise ppl. Not just for moaning groaning whinging picking fault there are a lot of good ppl on here who do help and i thank you for the help advise, and as for the ones who just pick fault i thank you too coz it makes us more determined to make a go of it. So u either come on or u dont tell someone who cares.

I had to check out point #1 on your website and found this on your rules section.
Rules <!-- ParagraphTitleEnd -->
<!-- ParagraphBodyStart -->Bug exploiting you get 3 chances
1st. your delvled
2nd. char/bag cleared
3rd banned perminant
This is a none pk server we understand people have there differences but pm a gamemaster and they will try and help resolve it

lol sorry had to do it :)
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