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Dedicated Member
Jul 3, 2007
Down the Lane

GondorMiR is a new Mir3 server which is currently being worked on. alot of people are asking me "what rates has the server got?" this is just a thread to answer some of the basic questions. All other information will be made avalible on the forums.

The Servers rates are as follows:-

Experiance Rate: x64
Gold Rate: x2
Drop Rate: x4

You cannot go red on the server and PKing is aloud (grief pking however is not).

There are some new features like EnchantScrolls (LineageII style), KingsRoom Teleport Scrolls, Guild Battles, Snow Battles, PetEgg system and much more.

The server has level up rewards such as certain items when you reach certain levels (all automated).

Enchant Values:-

You can only enchant an item to +20
Enchants from 1-4 have a 100% success rate.
Enchants from 4-20 have a 50% success rate.

New Items added, Some requirements:-

Must own SabukWall to wear
Must own DesertMudWall to wear
Must be Rebirthed to wear +(Ranks)

More Information to Follow​


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2005
the deep south
the item requirments is a old mir2(1.4) thing so thats nothing new

the thing about pking but cant go red is a bad idea
you say pkin is allowed but grief pkin isnt how will you know?
its easy for sum1 to say they havent greif pked sum1

the enchant scrolls? are these basicly +1dc? so basicly your going to have ppl running around wiht say an x ring +20 dc so if u do that on a full x kit thats +100dc just from the enchant and thats not counting weapon,armour and helm(coz i dont know if it works on them or not)
so new players will join and it will be so easy for someone whos been there for a day or two to kill them.

rewards for when you lvl up? dude this isnt a god thing for a x64exp server
if it was a low rate server yes it would be an brilliant idea.
so sorry dude all them ideas have flaws


Dedicated Member
Jul 3, 2007
Down the Lane
the item requirments is a old mir2(1.4) thing so thats nothing new

the thing about pking but cant go red is a bad idea
you say pkin is allowed but grief pkin isnt how will you know?
its easy for sum1 to say they havent greif pked sum1

the enchant scrolls? are these basicly +1dc? so basicly your going to have ppl running around wiht say an x ring +20 dc so if u do that on a full x kit thats +100dc just from the enchant and thats not counting weapon,armour and helm(coz i dont know if it works on them or not)
so new players will join and it will be so easy for someone whos been there for a day or two to kill them.

rewards for when you lvl up? dude this isnt a god thing for a x64exp server
if it was a low rate server yes it would be an brilliant idea.
so sorry dude all them ideas have flaws

No you only have eyes to pick the flaws...

Enchants, Yes you can have +20 set but you also can put +20 AC and MR that will help. You say new players will get killed (is that not the point in trying to find the Enchants)

And rewards for leveling up, you obviously have not played a x64 server, it is not as easy as you think to level once you get higher. and if the exp is modded then its even harder.

as for grief pking, players will have to provide evidence...

so instead of pointing out what you think are flaws (as its your opinion) maybe wait till the server is up then make a point if they are flaws or not.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2006
No you only have eyes to pick the flaws...

Enchants, Yes you can have +20 set but you also can put +20 AC and MR that will help. You say new players will get killed (is that not the point in trying to find the Enchants)

And rewards for leveling up, you obviously have not played a x64 server, it is not as easy as you think to level once you get higher. and if the exp is modded then its even harder.

as for grief pking, players will have to provide evidence...

so instead of pointing out what you think are flaws (as its your opinion) maybe wait till the server is up then make a point if they are flaws or not.

Hes got a point tho bud and its worth listening to what hes said.

The no red idea is a seriously bad idea, you will get more senior players dropping low levels for no reason other than their egos and cause they can. The whole pk system is to stop countless pks, ppl have to pick and choose their targets or face the consequences.

You will loose a lot of players if pkers dont go red, new players will not hang around long as they will have no chance.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 8, 2007
I know people don't like this but...any ETA? lol ;p thanks


Hes got a point tho bud and its worth listening to what hes said.

The no red idea is a seriously bad idea, you will get more senior players dropping low levels for no reason other than their egos and cause they can. The whole pk system is to stop countless pks, ppl have to pick and choose their targets or face the consequences.

You will loose a lot of players if pkers dont go red, new players will not hang around long as they will have no chance.

He wont get players at all as the server will be dominated by idiots who think they are best and go around pk'ing everyone who comes on and it will kill the server very quickly.

So a rethink of this would be best...


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 9, 2006
thats a point i see it like the others m8 as my rembers i go on a server ( i dont say the name now*hehe) i start to play and some nice ppl gave me rare items it was the first time i played lom and was so proud and happy for that items but what happend next it was very easy i go around the corner was outside from safezone and the first high that saw me killed me i loged in again and the next come and killed me i ask why and he said u have nice items and u have no chance and if i have luck i got one of ur items. i loged in again and what should i say not 1 minute later i was dead again and droped the first rare item i was so pissed off that i stoping to play over 1 mounth than i log in again and what i do i put all rare items i had in my store
i had think now i will have peace ohh what u think what happend yes u have right not 1 hour later i was dead again. the only luck that i had was that one from my family in rl was on that server and i found him ingame and he safe me at the beginning but if i dont had that be sure i would not play lom today or have an own server.

i accept that much ppl say pk and pvp is a part of the game and much ppl have fun with doing it ( thats why me and some other have non pk non pvp servers) and we think there are enough servers online where it is allowed and it must not be on all servers:)

so i dont say a bad word to pvp pk if u wanna have it on ur server make it :) but m8 hey rly think about non red name system believe me and the other u will have a hand full idiots on ur server that kill all new players that come on the server and u will not only loose much new players u will stop also ppl to play LoM any longer and that is something all of us have probs with because we wanna have players and we need players or we do all for nothin.

(what is an petegg?????) what u mean with that ?? oh and yes its an old system with carry as town owners or other carry systems but the idea is fine much server havent it included:) as i see it right ur are at the beginning so letz fetz and make a server where ppl have fun :)




Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 29, 2004
sounds like its gona be cool i deffo play sounds cool about the pk aswell update asp with wen server is up cheers in advance


Dedicated Member
Jul 3, 2007
Down the Lane
Minor Update:-

New mobs of many on the server.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 29, 2004
very nice can u give a ruff idea wen it is live? new mobs look sweeet gd work


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 29, 2004
cheers for the quick reply any downloads atm so we can get rdy for wen live like can we make accounts???

Black Zaphina

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 22, 2007
Server will be online on the 5th (1pm GMT)



although i disagree with chippy on most of his posts....the pk idea seriously rethink this.....i can cope with it but other players may not be able to..... maybe edit it so it takes longer to go red but there has to be some sort of punishment for pkers or all you will get is people grief pking as they know they wont get punished, i know you said you wont allow grief play but you cant be online 24.7 and screenshots can be faked...


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2005
the deep south
Gondor i didnt mean to offend you with my post but your reply made it even worse with saying you can do +ac and mr aswell.

whats going to happen is like lyncus's server wizzys are gunna just farm the mobs that drop them get the full +20 real quick then make antoher char and starting on making it get full +20

what i suggest is making the mobs that drop have high ac,mr,very high hp,low exp.
so this way its not easy to kill and take ages and the exp is not worth it.

thats how i think the "flaw" should be solved

the item on level up im still not sure on but if you can give abit more info on it like an item each lvl?
will they be weapons/armour/accesorys? or will they be like 100hp pots or 100mp pots?
will it be a class thing so say if your a warr you can get an impact drug and so on?
will there be rares in it? e.g x,sav,bud sets?
will there be boss pets like say every 10 levels you get a pet maybe lvl10 a lvl7 oma cheif.

i shouldnt really have to say about the pk thing again as most post here have complained about it. if you dont sort it i feel that your server will be controled by idiots who think their tuff and many people will leave over this.

well thats my re-opinion

i hope you have changed tao pets. many people like taos but they are often left in the dark most servers sort it by giving them a mass attack pet(as warrs have d surg wizz have ice storm/fire cloud ect... but taos have no mass attack)
i bring this up as my fav class is tao and i hate it when servers leave them out.
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Holley Mir 3!!
Oct 28, 2003
Stoke, UK
What is greif PK? How do you define it?

IMO, Either PK is allowed, or it isn't.
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LOMCN Veteran
Nov 5, 2006
Gondor i didnt mean to offend you with my post but your reply made it even worse with saying you can do +ac and mr aswell.

whats going to happen is like lyncus's server wizzys are gunna just farm the mobs that drop them get the full +20 real quick then make antoher char and starting on making it get full +20

what i suggest is making the mobs that drop have high ac,mr,very high hp,low exp.
so this way its not easy to kill and take ages and the exp is not worth it.

thats how i think the "flaw" should be solved

the item on level up im still not sure on but if you can give abit more info on it like an item each lvl?
will they be weapons/armour/accesorys? or will they be like 100hp pots or 100mp pots?
will it be a class thing so say if your a warr you can get an impact drug and so on?
will there be rares in it? e.g x,sav,bud sets?
will there be boss pets like say every 10 levels you get a pet maybe lvl10 a lvl7 oma cheif.

i shouldnt really have to say about the pk thing again as most post here have complained about it. if you dont sort it i feel that your server will be controled by idiots who think their tuff and many people will leave over this.

well thats my re-opinion

i hope you have changed tao pets. many people like taos but they are often left in the dark most servers sort it by giving them a mass attack pet(as warrs have d surg wizz have ice storm/fire cloud ect... but taos have no mass attack)
i bring this up as my fav class is tao and i hate it when servers leave them out.
first of all the mobs tht drop the scrolls are probs gne be quite hard to kill nd probs quite rare dnt worry bout this until u see +20items tbh....
and as for everyone moanin bout gettin pked put a certain lvl tht u cnt pk like say u cnt pk anyone under 38 or summin pkin is part of the game,i like the idea you can't go red :D and ino many others do to.... sounds like a good server,cnt w8 to pk al the complainers :D


LOMCN n00bie
Mar 25, 2007
FLamer haha i will see also seriously for high rate server with pking it will be good but i think never go red is a little too drastic. Maybe make people hunt for medicine and try drop every kill i think that will be good


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 10, 2006
What is greif PK? How do you define it?

IMO, Either PK is allowed, or it isn't.

greif PK is waiting at doors and killing ppl soon as they cum in and consistently pk ppl like 50 lvls lower then u over and over again

ps 16 mins till its live :)
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