Guide to Stopping Virus' + Hackers


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 11, 2003
Northern Ireland - Lisburn
To sort it out first this 'guide' is not meant to be the most advanced in the world. Many of yous will know this but it is for those who do not know much about this type of stuff and where to get good programs for protecting their pc (this is a help section after all. It don't say help for advanced users only ;))

The first place to start is:

and download the FREE AVG Virus Scanner. Once this is installed first of all do a full scan of your pc to check there are no virus' // trojans etc hiding on your pc. Once this is down head over to:

Kazaa is filled with Virus' in programs so having AVG will stop you getting any virus' through Kazaa. Your main concern at the moment is to download Norton AntiVirus 2003 Professional This program is the best around and will be for many years to come. When you finish downloading the file (there are lots of people out there who are 24/7 sharing this program inc. me so you will get it quick.) Scan the file with AVG. Once it has been given the all clear Uninstall AVG from your system. Next install Norton AntiVirus. There will be a Reboot probably once you have installed it and also you will have to download updates and plugins for automatically downloading updates for the program (this plugin is an absolute gem!) Once this is in place you are well on your way to a fully protected pc.

Note: When you have Norton AntiVirus installed it will do a full scan pc once a week at a time set by you and will scan files when you start to download them and at the end of them being downloaded.

Next on the list is (in Kazaa Lite) to search for Norton Personal Firewall This program will close ports (access routes to your pc from and to the internet) that are not being used. Once you have this downloaded, install it and Reboot and download the plugins (a screen will automatically come up for the downloading of plugins for all Norton programs).
Every program that tried to access the internet you will get a warning for from Norton Firewall. It will also give the .exe name and the Security Risk. When an .exe comes up that you know is safe and you always want access to the net for it (such a msn messenger or IExplorer.exe) click on the yes option, click on the 'Always Permit' box and click Ok. This means that you only ever have to do this once for programs which you want to regularly have access to the net and you know are safe.

Well I think thats all. You have went from NO protection to the best protection in the world :) Have fun downloading files safely and knowing people won't hack you. Hope this helps some people.



The ironic thing is... that you advise us to download a AV program from a P2P Program. *Remembers the reports of F-Secure and AVG being infected with a virus in the EXE... which cannot be cleaned by the AV thats running".



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 11, 2003
Northern Ireland - Lisburn
yeh Leo but i believe AVG have sorted their programs and kazaa lite is more 'stable' than normal Kazaa hence i said to download it. If you would like edit it with amendments so people can be fully secure.


Dedicated Member
Jul 20, 2003
Far Far Away
only ever download avg software form there officalsite or your fuked! dont even think about cracking that its as bad as saying hay avg sue me of cracking your software.

You lot not think that people have thought about how to stop you lot cracking there software? they let you do it then as soon as you crack it boom virus!

Take sony for example, For all you people who copy music with out a mp3 decoder you have many virus on your pc as soon as you there copyed cd back in your pc. notice how thers allways a few tracks that skip just a little bit? that will normally be a hidden data transfer protocal putting a virus on your pc, No sont wont admit to this... Yes its true ive seen it happen to many times and by the time its happend the virus has messed your pc about enough to hide its sorce. There called camellion virus because they hide :)

Peace and by virus programs dont download,

Someone - avg and norton are same company btw.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 30, 2003
Someone - has anyone ever told you that you're a bit strange?

Don't you think if Sony were purposely giving people viruses they'd be up to their ears in court cases whether they admit to it or not. Unless of course you are the only living human who knows about this plot to absolutely obliterate someone's PC just because they copied a CD.

Genrou Kuma

Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 22, 2003
[ade] said:
Someone - has anyone ever told you that you're a bit strange?

Don't you think if Sony were purposely giving people viruses they'd be up to their ears in court cases whether they admit to it or not. Unless of course you are the only living human who knows about this plot to absolutely obliterate someone's PC just because they copied a CD.

Hehe...I agree but do you really think the court cases would stop coperations as big as Microsost or Sony they could easily just buy their way out of it..


Not for something like that they couldn't.

...Someone is jst talking crap. Prolly got it off some conspiricy theroy website.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 7, 2003
actually microsoft were suppose to be prosecuted for having internet expolorer in their operating system. this prevented nescape expanding in customers or something. as it was basically illegal to give the software in the os cd they were going to court but ms is so big that it caused the us stock exchange to go down abit. so its difficult to sue these companies. (more or less facts but i dont type things/stories nicely. also this was about 2 years ago) not sure what happened after ...

heard sony put it **** songs in kazaa so that peo0ple download them and get pissed and it may put them off using p2p software.

multi nationals have alot of power and influence governments decisions on certain things.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 30, 2003
Sheffield (S2)
i use mcafee virusscan on-access and it works wonders for me and it never stops scanning my system its always lookin out for viruses its wkd


UnseenPower said:
actually microsoft were suppose to be prosecuted for having internet expolorer in their operating system. this prevented nescape expanding in customers or something. as it was basically illegal to give the software in the os cd they were going to court but ms is so big that it caused the us stock exchange to go down abit. so its difficult to sue these companies. (more or less facts but i dont type things/stories nicely. also this was about 2 years ago) not sure what happened after ...

heard sony put it **** songs in kazaa so that peo0ple download them and get pissed and it may put them off using p2p software.

multi nationals have alot of power and influence governments decisions on certain things.

No Microsoft did nothing illegal by providing its software with its operating system. Just like Colgate is doing nothing wrong by shipping its toothpaste with its toothbrushes. Its just the Microsoft had a monopoly and they got fined for it. Therefore this has nothing to do with this post.

Companies have been known to edit files on KaZaA and aid them becoming widespread, so that people would get peeved. Just as Madonna told all p2p users where to go inside one of her songs released on a p2p network.

Keep on topic.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 7, 2003

link was **** i searched on bbc but probably more detailed articales if you want to find them.

i did ict and unless the eduation system is teaching us bull**** i doubt it i am that wrong...

you dont get fined for being a monopoly. your objective is to become one.

i only bought it up because it concerend someone's post on multi natonals being powerful or something.

o btw i had two viruses after a format??? dll host or some **** and another one that steals ur popular games cd keys lol. had to format again and still had dll host. i think u shud disconnect from net or network after format because it was gay to get rid of them. my norton is cracked so prob got loads viruses on comp anyway though
Last edited:


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jul 30, 2003
Sheffield (S2)
dont know if its just something normal but i get a dll trying to access the internet but i just block it and i have only just formatted like last night..crazy huh.

i know mid last year i had a very nasty boot sector virus no matter how much i formatted or flashed my bios it wouldnt go untill i found out i had to go out and buy some floppies to create a series of 8 rescue disks


Dedicated Member
Jul 20, 2003
Far Far Away
Lol leo :0 someone who lecturers me a college is a x goverment adminstator for the comps :) i think he knows more than you :)

Btw are u iisinii from zanarkand?


Im God7, God7theWizzy or LeoCrasher. Never anything else.

...and I still say your talking crap. Fact of the matter is, Data CD-ROM's and their standards were created a long time ago. Every CD-Reader since has to of been able to cope with that standard. Now... each and every CD-ROM Drive manufacture has to be able to understand that standard, therefore would spot instantly anything that is suspicous in the standard and protocol specification.

Next is the fact about that when DataCD's/LaserDisc's were created, we were barely in the Windows 3.1 era (if that), therefore any virus would have little operational effect now.

You also mention something about a data transfer protocol? ROFL... any protocol that is there, has to be understood in order to be read. Just like the HTML tag <HEAD> means nothing to a visual basic compiler, but a web browser would instantly recognise it, and act upon it. Besides, with all the tools out there to monitor hard disk/controller activity you would know if the CD-R was writing to the hard disk. Of course, Im not mentioning the fact that the CDA standard isn't data but uncompressed audio, such a protocol would require data to be written to a disc in an era where CD Data had not yet been thought of.

Did you know that the audio data in a CD-Drive is sent down via the audio cable that is connected to the drive, to the soundcard? It is also possible to get this audio to come down this cable without the interface cable connected, provided you have such means to control the CD that is in the drive (such as a play button on the drives chassis). Therefore NO data can be attached.

Also there is a slight mistake in your post (the most obvious anyway)... something about an MP3 Decoder. You mention that we wil have the virus(s) if we HAVENT used a decoder. Yet a decoder DECODES encoded music (MP3 into WAV for example)... what you AGAIN don't seem to realise is that the CDA data is not MP3/encoder based.

In summary, the data format has to be read first, so what could it be read by? Then you need to think of when it was made, and what it was written to work on. Then you need to look at all the people that have seen the original protocol and specification, and ask why they have not seen anything.

Either you're dreaming... or this source of yours is filled his ex-students with a load of b/s.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 29, 2003
gotta agree with leo, someone u can talk some crap when you want to. dont believe everything people say