Kaos Mir3

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 17, 2004
just to update kaos is still not live loads of things still need fixing but just as many things have been fixed which shows how much work has gone into the server.

however the past 2 weeks i havent been able to contact andy regarding kaos and the server has been down for a while also be nice if players knew what was happening as there are no updates on there forums either


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Ok so with all the flaming that was going on last month I decided to go underground with the dev work even to the dedicated testers, as I felt this was the only way I could get things done effectively.

I'm pleased to announce Kaos is now at a playable beta stage, we would like to have a full 2 week play test from as many players as possible, and bugs to be reported as normal in the relevant section on our forums.

The server will be wiped after this testing period. Then we will go ahead and go live.

So the Final Stage of testing is finally here. There will be 80 Testing spots available on a first come, first serve basis. There will be a wipe after this stage as stated above, and once all bugs are fixed from this stage we will go live, Maximum Time frame for testing we are looking at 2 weeks solid gameplay testing.

If you are interested in participating in the test feel free to join using the instructions below.

Step 1: Tutorial Video
Download and install the non-commercial version of Hamachi. (v1.0.3.0)
Please use your forum name if possible when setting up your display name.

Step 2:
Join ONE of these Testing networks for a testing position;
Kaos Testing 1
Kaos Testing 2
Kaos Testing 3
Kaos Testing 4
Kaos Testing 5

All Passwords are kaos

Step 3:
Download and Install Kaos Client - KaosBetaV1.00
Download and Install Kaos Patch - KaosBetaV1.10

Step 4: All previous steps must be completed first
Create an account

Connection Issues
If you are running any firewalls, please allow them access to the Mir 3 client. This is usually done by clicking 'Allow' in a lower right popup when trying to load the client.

Creating a Shortcut
To create a desktop shortcut to kaos, right click the Launcher.exe file, then hover over "Sent To", then click "Desktop (create shortcut)". You may rename the newly-created desktop shortcut to anything you like.

Changelog V1.10
New Additions:
Dungeon Raids / Instances
As promised we have added a few dungeons with more to be opened on further testing. The Idea is to give you an incentive to group hunt, all raids will require atleast 5 players to enter. There is a special exp system for these dungeon raids, where you don't lose exp for grouping and you get more than standard soloing.
Dungeon raids / instances can be accessed by only one group at a time. There are notices outside the instance that check the dungeon every 5 minutes and speak at the entrance to let waiting groups know the status.

New Items Added
Added 62 armours covering characters up to level 250
added 17 boots covering characters up to level 300

New NPCs
Added a total of 105 npcs covering wood, metal, leather, cloth and animal parts for cashing up on the loot from mobs.

Graphical Updates
The ongoing client graphical changes continues, minimaps, items, GUI little extras, you will likely notice changes throughout your travels.

All systems are now complete, may still need a few tweaks if bugs are found, but we're looking ready to get things moving :)

For information on previous updates for V1.01 -> V1.09 please see our forums.



It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Allows us to see who is actively testing during the testing period, and you have to be on the hamachi network for account creations etc, should lower spambots etc to allow us to focus on the testing reports :)



Apr 14, 2004
United Kingdom
Hmm ok, should just put a capcha on the register page to stop bots, and for logs server logs?

Sorry I just don't like Hamachi, not a secure system at all.


Allows us to see who is actively testing during the testing period, and you have to be on the hamachi network for account creations etc, should lower spambots etc to allow us to focus on the testing reports :)

Thats just goto be the biggest load of bull from you I've seen since you started this whole campaign with Kaos.

You've lied and swindeled people out of their money, by promosing to give them somthing that they are yet to actually see live. You asked people to donate so that this server could go to straight Dedi and yet you must have taken at least £1k+ in donations from people since you started to ask for them.

You've done nothing but silence people on your forums and banned x amount of people because they realised that both you and Sam are a pair of con artists, no one has any trust in you or xtreme any more. You can come back and say that you have support from people over this, but back in reality. Those that support you are those that are to dumb or stupid to realise the 'Bull' you have given everyone else.

And by the way, their is nothing unique about this server at all. As its a heavely modded 3.55 server and nothing more and Kurts right in what he says. Hamachi is not a secure system to use and is ineffect a VPN nothing more or less. Would take me less than 1 minute to wright a program to get through the VPN and kill your whole system.........


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
lol, and here was me thinking when you messaged me on msn that you were still interested in what was going on, but to be honest I'm far past caring about your comments matt, the servers available for testing I assume you won't be along to test it (whoppee!)

anyone else is more than welcome, devs and players alike.


lol, and here was me thinking when you messaged me on msn that you were still interested in what was going on, but to be honest I'm far past caring about your comments matt, the servers available for testing I assume you won't be along to test it (whoppee!)

anyone else is more than welcome, devs and players alike.
I couldn't give a monkeys nuts about Kaos and yes I am active on forum, but not under any account you will ever know. I've seen all the crap thats gone on and the way you silenced people by either banning them or removing posts faster than people can post them. You used the poor excuse for cleaning forum up by removing 90% of the threads from the forum so that new players didn't see the bull that was coming from yours and Sams mouth.

Its about people woke up to your crap and realised that you are taking them for every penny you can swindle out of them. Kaos was supposed to have been released in Nov 08 and nearly 1 year on its not live.

At least on this forum you can't silence me or other people that think you are a bunch of con artitsts and I for one wouldn't recomend xtreme servers to anyone, cause not only do you rip of the players, but you rip of people who you once called friends.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Tempers guys, can feel the heat from here, oh wait that's the sunshine :).

So much hatred on lomcn, makes me laugh. However I am my own hypocrite as I did used to do some flaming myself, but past them days.

- Mir from your life and it's heaven, like I did.

Yes I pop on kazura now and again but not play it constant, just to see old mates.

Have fun.

Peace out.


Tempers guys, can feel the heat from here, oh wait that's the sunshine :).

So much hatred on lomcn, makes me laugh. However I am my own hypocrite as I did used to do some flaming myself, but past them days.

- Mir from your life and it's heaven, like I did.

Yes I pop on kazura now and again but not play it constant, just to see old mates.

Have fun.

Peace out.
Nothing about temper mate, I wouldn't lose it with these idiots.

I just find it pathetic and think it should be common knowledge that Sam and Andy rip people off. After all, FREEDOM OF SPEECH is a right.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 5, 2009
wasnt kaos like promised to be up for march ? lol
mid june and still working on it, maybe a holiday from the donated money ? lol


wasnt kaos like promised to be up for march ? lol
mid june and still working on it, maybe a holiday from the donated money ? lol
They've had that and thats what a lot of the crap was about on the forum, hence them deleting it all.
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