[lomcn Needs You!]

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Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
Dear Users.

Recently LOMCN has gone under a staffing review which in turn has opened up some opportunities to recruit more staff.

We currently are looking for two new moderators to join the team in the mir2 three heroes section. You will be working under Leocrasher and reporting directly to her.

At LOMCN we believe strongly in equality and therefore would like the opportunity up to everyone.

We would like applicants to post here with the following information:

1. Name
2. Age
3. Experience
4. Qualities
5. What you would bring to the role
6. Why you think we should chose you
7. Anything else you woud like to state
8. Referees. Number 8 isnt essential, however if we have more then two candidates we feel adequate we will gain references and base a decision from there.
9. Activeness.

This post is here for a purpose and not to be spammed. Any non applications will be infracted.

Good Luck and you have a week :).


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Nov 13, 2003
1. Name - Glenn
2. Age - 18
3. Experience - Made and helped with many servers.
4. Qualities - very experienced, well as I would like to think :P Been using the mir files for years now. Like to help.
5. What you would bring to the role - help the community of mir2.
6. Why you think we should chose you - trustworthy, hopefully lol.
7. Anything else you woud like to state - known to most of the mir 2 community within these forums.
8. Referees. Number 8 isnt essential, however if we have more then two candidates we feel adequate we will gain references and base a decision from there.
9. Activeness - Been active for a long while. Nov 2003 ;) Always contributing as post count shows.

Hope thats enough information. Its hard to think of things for yourself lol.

Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 16, 2006
1. Name - Jamie
2. Age - 25
3. Experience - Run the biggest 2.3 server online at the moment. Mod my own forums. Almost all my post on LOMCN are help related.
4. Qualities - Don't work, so got lots of time on my hand. Know all the control in VB. Know lot about 2.3 servers, serer files, SQL and MS access.
5. What you would bring to the role - The same as I do now, but would be able to clear the spam from post, making information much easier to find.
6. Why you think we should chose you - I enjoy helping others, and would find the role fulfilling, which in turns means I would do a great job.
7. Anything else you would like to state - I don't know that many people on the forums, so therefore I wouldn't be biases towards any one, or any group of people.
8. Referees. Lone (Mod from Ragezone)
9. Activeness - My post count is much lower then is should be due to a ban i got from advertising my server that was using TD files. Lost all the details to my 1st account, which I use back in 2003.

Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2004
1. Name - Lyndon
2. Age - 19 (Almost 20)
3. Experience
Worked with all server bases (1.4 - 2.3). Made 2 pretty decent servers (Just never found a decent host) and currently working on, what i think, is going to be on of the best 2.3 servers around. I have also played Euro mir for 5 and a half years.
4. Qualities
I like to think of myself as friendly, helpful and fair.
5. What you would bring to the role
A fair and helpful take on moderation
6. Why you think we should chose you
Because i have good knowledge of all aspects of Mir and the server files. I can also be firm but fair.
7. Anything else you would like to state
Currently in the middle of learning Delphi.
8. Referees. - N/A
9. Activeness.
Been active since 2004. Browse the forums daily. My low post count is due to the fact that i can usually find all the answers i need using the search (Practice what you preach :P ). The posts that i do have are mainly from helping people in the help section.


-Dookie / Lind / Lyndon

Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 9, 2005
1. Name

2. Age

3. Experience
Good knowledge of Mir2 & the Mir2 server files (1.4 to 2.3) had two servers online of my own

I also have mod experience with VB forums throw The Izar server forum ware iv been a mod for going on 3+ years now

4. Qualities
Experienced , Friendly & Firm

5. What you would bring to the role
Like everyone id be Firm but Fair, But id also bring commitment to the role people say Mir is dyeing well ill be here until it takes it's last breath!

6. Why you think we should chose you
Why not? We all need hobby's in life one of mine is Mir

7. Anything else you woud like to state
Not really just that i hope you find good people :)

8. Referees
Ripman Owner of Izar server (Been a Mob on the forums since 05)

9. Activeness
Been at LOMCN since mar 05, Online every day but do work.(we all have to pay the bills)[/B]

Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants


Runescape HD
Golden Oldie
May 17, 2005
Dear Users.

Recently LOMCN has gone under a staffing review which in turn has opened up some opportunities to recruit more staff.

We currently are looking for two new moderators to join the team in the mir2 three heroes section. You will be working under Leocrasher and reporting directly to her.

At LOMCN we believe strongly in equality and therefore would like the opportunity up to everyone.

We would like applicants to post here with the following information:

1. Name Troy Renshaw
2. Age 19
3. Experience NightClub Owner Delt with drunks so it wont be hard dealing with people on lomcn.
4. Qualities English is C Standard Not Perfect Good enough.
5. What you would bring to the role More Help to keep mir alive.
6. Why you think we should chose you. i can handle lots of problems with mir and help with other problems people may need.
7. Anything else you woud like to state
8. Referees. Number 8 isnt essential, however if we have more then two candidates we feel adequate we will gain references and base a decision from there.
HeavenSent Admin On Infinity Forums.
9. Activeness.
always on lomcn looking to help or have a chat and things with people.
been member since 05.

This post is here for a purpose and not to be spammed. Any non applications will be infracted.

Good Luck and you have a week .

Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants


Mar 14, 2006
Southampton UK
1. Name

2. Age

3. Experience
gm and developer, currently a forum admin on another forum, and a previous moderator on another forum, been playing mir since 2002, been visiting lomcn on this username and my old one since late 2003 / early 2004 ish

4. Qualities
fairness, helpfullness, equalness, true dedication and a sence of humor!

5. What you would bring to the role
A dedicated moderator, who is on this forum more then i can currently think of lol, alot of knoledge of the game, and previous experiance from being an admin on the bandet forum, and a moderator for the crusade v1 forum so plenty of experiance, a wide variety of knoledge from mir, to pc building, its a wide range lol

6. Why you think we should chose you
I think i should be chosen as I have a great knoledge of forum moderation and the game in general so i feel i would be a great help to the members, and other moderators, iam fair but also can be firm with members that are out of line.

7. Anything else you woud like to state
I have been using these forums on my current member name and a previous one since late 2003 / early 2004 ish so there are nearly four years of lomcn knoledge built up.

8. Referees.
wanabee, niss and various others who have been members of my forum who know me.

9. Activeness
every single day,(not all day tho as i have to work =P) would be early am, pm and weekends



Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants
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LOMCN Veteran
Jan 27, 2007
United Kingdom
1. Name - Tom
2. Age 21
3. Experience - Good Knowledge of all different types of mir. Also owned many vb and admins
4. Qualities - Experience to handle forums.
5. What you would bring to the role - I would like to bring my expertises and my knowledge to show other people what i am capable of
6. Why you think we should chose you - Friendly and helpful in difficult situations.
7. Anything else you woud like to state- I would like to state i am still running a mir server which is very successful and has great comments from the community.
8. Referees. Number 8 isnt essential, however if we have more then two candidates we feel adequate we will gain references and base a decision from there.
Administrator on my own forum and i have been handling vb for many years
9. Activeness.
On everyday to check if any user needs help and i would provide information if i have it.

Thanks for opportunity even if i don't get.


Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 10, 2005
1. Name:Jasper (birth certificate is wrong, that says Paul)
2. Age: 40 (again, birth certificate lies)
3. Experience: Duke Of Edinburgh Bronze Award 1982, Admin on HellServerForum, and GM on Hellserver for a year or more, erm Full Driving License
4. Qualities: Maturity. Eloquent. Treating everyone with the same contempt
5. What you would bring to the role: Ham and Cheese (sometimes bacon), Humor, Maturity
6. Why you think we should choose you Why not? (Are you open to bribes?)
7. Anything else you would like to state: I can spell would and choose, but I’m not patronising . My post help to post start ratio is high, The post for HellServer has never been cleaned.
8. Referees. Anybody I have helped get there server online, either in posts or PM’s, and maybe LeoCrasher (but haven’t asked for ‘there’ permission)
9. Activeness. Every day, even when at work
10. A.O.B : What is the pay?

This is a serious request to be considered for the position, even though it may look light hearted.


Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Oct 1, 2004
Counter Strike
1. Name

2. Age

3. Experience
Experienced pretty much every bug there is with the 1.4 and 1.9 files. Had a 1.4 server up 2 years ago, and currently working on my 1.9 server. Also play around with the 2.3 files occassionally.

Have also moderated a few guild forums through various games such as WoW and counter strike.

4. Qualities
I like to keep going at something until it's done right. I have leadered many guilds in game's and would allways try to make the guild the best.

5. What you would bring to the role
I will be a fair moderator and tolerate only thing's that are with-in the rules. I would investigate the situation before jumping into conclusions, and allways offer help to those who need it.

6. Why you think we should choose you
Because i'm on this forum nearly every day and have set up a few guides in the Mir server help section offering my experties to those who need it.

7. Anything else you woud like to state
I will keep releasing more guides and offer help to people in need.

8. Referees
Erm, maybe Babyhack posted a few of my guides in one of his threads.

9. Activeness

I have college weds,thurs and fri till 5:00pm. But i'm normally on LOMCN at college anyway. As you can see i've been a member since 2004 but i was around when it first started on KaNe's account.

Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants


Peace Not War .
Mar 13, 2004
England (UK)
1. Ash (PM me for my full name :P)
2. 17
3. Moderated a few of my own forums for my servers, and i have also been a MOD on InSaNe Server's old forums (www.w3bby.net) with TheBoss and Co.
4. Calmness (stay calm in "sticky" situations etc)
5. Good moderation of the forums, and non-corrupted moderation.
6. Well, i have been on LOMCN for a long period of time, and i am mature (face it, not alot of people are at the age of 17 :P).
7. Well, i have "worked" under Leo a few times now, although this was server work, not forums.
8. LeoCrasher (if she doesn't mind ^.^)
9. I have been alot more active lately, as i havn't had exams to study for (like last year). I am on at least 2-3 times a day, reading around the threads.

Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants


Former Administrator
Mar 23, 2003

1. Name
Leo :P
2. Age
Not really relevant! If someone can type more than one sentence without resorting to I WUB TUPAC, DA BIG BLK NUUB LOLOL!!!, then they should have your consideration. Afterall such control is a rare skill these days. LOL BEARD LOL. *cough*
3. Experience
| Have deleted more things accidentally than the SS did during kristalneight
| Recorded every server along with its IP address to sell to wemade for $$$
| Infiltrated LOMCN on the order of OllieD. He never told me when to stop.
| Slept with all of the admin team in order to gain favours

4. Qualities
I'm generally a very abrasive yet confrontational person. I like to back people into corners and watch them squirm. Preferably via typing a longwinded and totally unneccessary thread aimed at said person without explictly mentioning who I'm talking about. When moderating, I tend to watch TV and associate the people on the television with whoever's post I'm reading. If I don't like the TV character, I take my anger out using the infraction system on them. Eastenders is fun.

5. What you would bring to the role
Myself. My teddy? Constant fear of death for anyone who has a duty to listen to me rabble about how important I am compared to them? Because lets face it. I've been here so long, I'm indistinguishable from the marble pillars. Like the marble pillars, I think I'm beginning to crack...

6. Why you think we should chose you
Because its my section and I want to keep it in my dominion. That, and only two other people who have submitted so far have impressed me. Even then it had nothing to do with their application (See point 4 of experience).

7. Anything else you woud like to state
Get your non Mir2 rubbish out my forum! ;). Or I will continue making silly applications that pass your rules, just ;).

8. Referees.
Pick any current staff member. Preferably me. I know a lot about me. I think I would make the best referree. Since I'm a mild skitzo, I can probably be unbiased too. Current staff members hold more sway than Joe X of SuperXforums2007.com (anyone who thinks thats real is an idiot).

9. Activeness.
Well my doctor tells me I'm not dead. Although I'm not sure I want to listen to him anymore. For your purposes though. I would have thought the reply would show you to a decent enough extent, that I am infact, alive. Or are you looking for degrees of activeness? In which case I'm somewhere between your grandma and your cat (dead/asleep/chasing tale/jumping over fences).
Anyone who thinks any of this is true, needs a reality check. Although some of it may be slightly embelished truth, I'm not saying what.
I should be considered for having the only decently sized application :P

Im sorry you are not quite the applicant that we are looking for. However we will keep you on our records incase future positions which you may be adequate for arise. :P

It will go as soon as the application process is over ;)
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
1. Name

2. Age

3. Experience
Good knowledge of Mir 2 all versions and mir 3 all versions (soon will hopefully start my own server)

I also was a administrator on mir heroes (v bulletin)

4. Qualities
Experienced all kinds of mir, helpful and friendly

5. What you would bring to the role
I would bring a nice knowledge of mir , help in all sections of the forum and will stay on lomcn till the end or is there a end... :D

6. Why you think we should chose you
You should choose me because i could fetch help and support for the community.

7. Anything else you woud like to state
Also helped people with servers i.e. revenge, rndpro

8. Referees
Everyone i have helped

9. Activeness
I will be on daily for a long period of time to check if any 1 is struggling with their mir server and needs help.

Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
1. Name
2. Age.
3. Experience
Mod'd a few guild+server forums in past, admin for T_M forums.
Played euro for years, played many servers, always 1 of the highest lvls and best characters. A lot of experience from a players perspective. Some experience with server files but not much.
4. Qualities
Very persistant, never give up. Very dedicated to what im doing will always see it through to the end. Always offerin my opion on a server to help
5. What you would bring to the role
Experience of playin mir servers for advice and help, very active on forums so always here to help where needed.
6. Why you think we should chose you
Mir is my life, i will be distrote if u didnt :(
7. Anything else you woud like to state
I love beard and leocrasher ur my no.1 (ass lickin normal works!)
8. Referees. Number 8 isnt essential, however if we have more then two candidates we feel adequate we will gain references and base a decision from there.
Skyline. Id say quite a lot of people know who i am from both euro+priv server community also
9. Activeness.
On forums everyday, always browsing various threads and posting if necessary.

lol was worth a shot :P

Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
1. Name: Harrison Simmonds
2. Age: 16
3. Experience:
-Graphics critic + mod for jealy
-Experience with using forums, as ran the brainskan forums.
-Mir2 friendly, created many servers, Gm'd many servers.
-Played different versions of mir for around 5-6 years.
-Put up with mir players crap for 6 years, can last a few more.
4. Qualities:
-Open to critism.
-Always a listening ear
-Experience with dealing with people (Social skills?)
-A non bias attitude
-Friendly personality, blunt, put things as they are.
5. What you would bring to the role:
-Friendly but punctual mod, keeping an eye on things.
-Quality time put into accessing situations, keeping the forums neat.
6. Why you think we should chose you
-I would donate much time and effort to the community
-A guy who knows how to type, doesnt put up with crap and brouses these forums for a little light entertainment, not to argue or insult people.
7. Anything else you woud like to state
8. Referees.
-AtomSlap (Project leader for the first set of SRO files)
-Jealy (Admin of jealy.co.uk)
9. Activeness.
-Open forums around twice a day.


Thank you for the application - Added to the list of applicants
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Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
Thank you for your applications, the lines are now closed so to speak.
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