Looking to join a Server Team


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 6, 2004
Stoke, England
Hey all - been a long time since I've posted here (WoW consumed my life), but now that I'm bored with that, I've ended up with a craving for the old 2D clasic MMOs :P

Basically, I'm wonedring if any servers are in need of another straggler - I'm into all the server side stuff, and I want to see something that everyone will love show up somewhere...

Erm, here's what I do (in order of my skill levels):-

- Maps (mainly large provinces, but I'll fiddle with anything...)
- NPC Scripts/Quests
- Databases
- Graphics (yes, I actually make my own graphics every now and again...)

Unfortunately, I don't have any copies of my previous work, 'cause my old webspace expired... If anybody wants me to mess with anything though, I'll be happy to do so!

Hi to everyone who I spoke to before! Great to see some old aliai (or aliases) still about!

EDIT: Think I've found one now - thanks!
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