mapedit tools video


LOMCN Veteran
Sep 30, 2007

看视频 操作 新建地图似乎非常简单了
Watch the video Operation It seems very simple to create a new map

sorry, I do not have youtube.


Feb 21, 2013
In the first ten minutes there are only two features that Crystal mir2 map editor can't do - the lasso selection to place the yellow back limit and when he shows front tags and hovers mouse tip over them, the tile strip images show highlighted in turn as the mouse moves over tags. I doubt that this second feature is much useful but the lasso selection (if that works for general tag selecting) I'd sell my soul for it. :cool:

1670000059145.png 1669999867879.png 1669999938974.png 1670000135795.png

Not so much for placing limits (you probably want to finish the edge details manually anyway) but would be great for selecting longer wall sections in caves/temples which run diagonally and selecting longer stretches of them by selection rectangle catches with it other wall sections you don't want to copy.

I'll watch the rest a bit later, thanks for posting it.
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LOMCN Veteran
Sep 30, 2007
In the first ten minutes there are only two features that Crystal mir2 map editor can't do - the lasso selection to place the yellow back limit and when he shows front tags and hovers mouse tip over them, the tile strip images show highlighted in turn as the mouse moves over tags. I doubt that this second feature is much useful but the lasso selection (if that works for general tag selecting) I'd sell my soul for it. :cool:

Not so much for placing limits (you probably want to finish the edge details manually anyway) but would be great for selecting longer wall sections in caves/temples which run diagonally and selecting longer stretches of them by selection rectangle catches with it other wall sections you don't want to copy.

I'll watch the rest a bit later, thanks for posting it.
Crystal mir2 map editor = Suprcode/mir2-mapeditor ?
en:It doesn't seem to be synchronized


Feb 21, 2013
cn:只能使用Crystal lib?
en:Can I only use Crystal Lib?
Can South Korea mir2 WIL mir3(WTL?) be used?

Yes, Crystal mir2 Map Editor and mir2 Client can use only .Lib format.

Korean mir2 WIL and mir3 (Wil, Wzl...) libraries need to be converted to .Lib in Crystal Library Editor or some other program, like RPG Viewer available on mirfiles


Feb 21, 2013
That's because I am not a coder, I have only (so far anyway) learned to read code to some extent and figure out what does what and then I am able to manipulate the code, recombine the different parts of code to make new features available in the program. VS automation that doesn't let you do something stupid and provides hints and trace code dependences also helped.

At one point I copied the Akaras' code to make minimaps and pasted that code block with only a minor alterations three or four times in succession in the code to make the other map screenshot sizes. Far didn't like that and said something like that he won't merge it to GH. Not sure now what is the last version on GH but since then I made new features available in the editor that make the GH version badly outdated. The chief one off the top of my head, being able to delete selected area tags on a given layer and undo it, place limits and fishing on selected area, toggle front and middle layers, all features very much useful when you start working on maps, that you don't want to be without.

TBH I saw Far's point, it is not elegant, nay even dirty coding 😱, nevermind it works and won't impact a program like this one in any practical way.

At one point I was mulling it over, how to combine all of these code sections into one block with some 'if, else if' statements but couldn't square it in my head how to do it and really I didn't press it. I imagine it should be a simple thing to do for anybody with just about any coding ability.

I believe if someone went over my code changes, at least some of them might be improved upon, that minimap thing was the most gross coding offence though. :sick:

I already started to get an idea how this lasso selection could be implemented - there is the tile brushing process which could be modified, repurposed to do this. The brushing code could be gutted to brush just a single, always the same special tile as you see here. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to make it work as a selection area when the circle would be closed (completed) as is shown here in that video. This is how all my 'coding' is done, repurposing already existing editor function to make it do other useful things. However this one seems to be a tall order.
1670009919976.png Animated GIF showing lasso selection
(need to download it to see the animation, it doesn't show in webpage, not in my browser anyway)
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LOMCN Veteran
Sep 30, 2007
That's because I am not a coder, I have only (so far anyway) learned to read code to some extent and figure out what does what and then I am able to manipulate the code, recombine the different parts of code to make new features available in the program. VS automation that doesn't let you do something stupid and provides hints and trace code dependences also helped.

At one point I copied the Akaras' code to make minimaps and pasted that code block with only a minor alterations three or four times in succession in the code to make the other map screenshot sizes. Far didn't like that and said something like that he won't merge it to GH. Not sure now what is the last version on GH but since then I made new features available in the editor that make the GH version badly outdated. The chief one off the top of my head, being able to delete selected area tags on a given layer and undo it, place limits and fishing on selected area, toggle front and middle layers, all features very much useful when you start working on maps, that you don't want to be without.

TBH I saw Far's point, it is not elegant, nay even dirty coding 😱, nevermind it works and won't impact a program like this one in any practical way.

At one point I was mulling it over, how to combine all of these code sections into one block with some 'if, else if' statements but couldn't square it in my head how to do it and really I didn't press it. I imagine it should be a simple thing to do for anybody with just about any coding ability.

I believe if someone went over my code changes, at least some of them might be improved upon, that minimap thing was the most gross coding offence though. :sick:

I already started to get an idea how this lasso selection could be implemented - there is the tile brushing process which could be modified, repurposed to do this. The brushing code could be gutted to brush just a single, always the same special tile as you see here. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to make it work as a selection area when the circle would be closed (completed) as is shown here in that video. This is how all my 'coding' is done, repurposing already existing editor function to make it do other useful things. However this one seems to be a tall order.
View attachment 29670 Animated GIF showing lasso selection
(need to download it to see the animation, it doesn't show in webpage, not in my browser anyway)

cn:套索 可以很多种用法呢,

比如 清理 上 中 下层

复制 上 中 下层 做成set.

obj t smt Animation door Bright
There are many ways to use the cable, For example, clean up the upper, middle and lower levels Copy the upper, middle and lower layers into set.

video time 20:00-
20:47 copy window Color area(read)


  • 截图_2022-12-03_10-33-53.png
    278.7 KB · Views: 24


Feb 21, 2013
There are many ways to use the cable, For example, clean up the upper, middle and lower levels Copy the upper, middle and lower layers into set.

Crystal map editor can do all that (delete & copy on all three layers) but only has rectangle selection shape, not the lasso (cable).

Bit by bit I am making my way through the video, currently at 30 min mark, had to reduce the video speed to minimum speed (0.5) plus mute the sound since they guy sounded like 90 yr old LOL. He is mad crazy with mouse (maybe drank too much coffee?), his mouse movements are way to fast even at half speed and come to it I don't really understand what the video is about.
If that is to give instructions or demonstrate the map editor workings, it is very poorly implemented whatever may be the case.

Has some interesting features but nothing revolutionary. The program interface is thoroughly off putting, the menu block on the right side (serving mostly as our map editor info panel) reduces badly needed map view forcing you to scroll it around constantly and he moves it around to make one motion sick :sick:

To those unexperienced with any map editor, this may look like how easy it is to make maps but map making is more than just the editor technical ability, you also need an artistic designer touch (or what to call it) which I admit I don't have much of. 🤔
I'd also bet Crystal map editor is surely much easier to figure out how to work in it than this editor presented in the video.
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