Mirrored Mir 1.9 emulator files for everyone!

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 1, 2004
Mirrored Mir 1.9 emulator files for everyone! (NOW WITH FULL 1.9 CLIENT)

Though I would mirror the Legend Of Mir 1.9 Emulator files for you.

The server files
Password = iownj00

The new M2Server

Files that allow you to connect to your server.
If you all used the files before you had these then you will have noticed that you weren't able to get ingame - these files allow you to get ingame!!
- See http://www.lomcn.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=239775&posted=1#post239775 by Toxick if you have problems.

Client .ini files and .exe
Put in your game directory to get onto your server

Full 1.9 Client!
Used to play the game ;)

I have loads of bandwidth and I'm not one of those people who post this type of thread and then take it down. I will keep it up.

Setup guide is at http://www.lomcn.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=25829 (I will probably write my own guide soon with pictures and stuff)
Please e-mail me any problems with the download (I'm pretty sure there won't be any problems, but you never know.) My e-mail is [email protected].

And please can I request that this get stickied, I know there are other stickies for 1.9 downloads and stuff, but I just think it will be good for everyone to have a fast mirror for the site with no worries of it ever going down.

I will also add good downloads to this thread as I find them.

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