New Map.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 31, 2008
Forbidden Island.

1st attempt at making a map, this isnt 100% complete, needs a few more details adding but i think its a good starting point for someone if they want to use it.

Constructive comments please :D


View attachment fi_map.rar


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 2, 2005
Nice, got a great idea for this one.

There's no bridge to get to the central island, which works well with the following idea.

You could call the Map 'Evolution of Mir', in the town have a special repair all (at 4x the cost), pot lady (2x cost) and peddlar (2x cost). have mobs like raking cats around town working ur way right around the map till you get to the say for instance, Minotaur King/ ZT. then have a teleport stone to transport you to the central island where there are slaves in the stone state... obviously though you wouldn't be able to progress until you have slain all boss mobs on the map. (maybe even make it a group grounds like battle...?)

And in the middle of the map you could place a Mir King, this being the only place on your server a mir king is... but, have more exciting drop files in it other than just gold bars and benes. and make it a little harder.

just an idea tho, feel free to use it lol. i dont know the first thing about making a server, let alone adding maps and items etc...
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LOMCN Veteran
Jul 26, 2007
Need alot more detail it looks very plain and boring. You went abit mad with the shape too :P Plus i personaly think the town would have been better in the middle of the map.

However nice to see some work being released.

Good Job



Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Need alot more detail it looks very plain and boring. You went abit mad with the shape too :P Plus i personaly think the town would have been better in the middle of the map.

However nice to see some work being released.

Good Job


I agree with zen, the whole layout and town design etc.. is preety ****, also you lack ALOT of detail, too much open space, also dont use Ginko Tree as a normal tree, not all trees have ribbons around them, also they have sandy bottoms. lso no offense the whole kinda BW river edge things, dont work for me, its too "boxy".

But in all honestly i hate it.... could go somewhere with it, but the current plan and layout to me sucks. I would suggest work on town layouts... make them the bit of the map you look at, because when i look at your map i look at the big open spot..... unless you aimed for that to be your key feature :P. But i feel the town is tucked away, and map is just too empty.

But as zen also said n1 for releasing your work, not even i do that LOL! but im making a mir2 map resources with richens.. so im allowed off :P

P.S if you want some tips, and a updated mir.set pm me your msn, my mir.set will save u alot of hassel.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 31, 2008
Well thx for the comments ( i think lol :D )

I did say in my post that it wasnt 100% complete and needed more detail adding. :P

The "town" at one end was deliberate, it wasnt supposed to be like a main town where you would "hang out" That used to make me laugh about Euro, people logging on and spending hrs in town, whats that all about?? lol

The island in the middle has no bridge because you have to get an item that is dropped off of one of the mobs on the other bit to be able to get to it, this is where the boss is located.

I still think it aint bad for a first attempt :P :D

SmavidDavid, I dont use MSN but your mir.set sounds interesting.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2007
Good job for a first time completed map.

Heres a few tips though:

1.Add in some details too the floor like rocks, and them details that make the floor look realistic like cracks, etc.
2. Be more randomistic with the trees and grass shades.
3. Add some paths.

Like i say, good job on first try.

5/10 , only because of the lack of detail
