opinion request regarding 'my' DM2 files progress


LOMCN Developer
Mar 26, 2003
k got some questions i'd like to ask to all server hosts (mainly the ones hosting with my dm2 files ofcourse)
as most of you might know it takes me a long time to code features and fix things (mostly cause i dont wanna spend 24/7 doing so)
now the thing is lately i've been having a hard time trying to balance my effords between fixing bugs, adding items, tweaking the files
there's ALOT of things i want to do but just only so much time i want to spend on this
here's a few things i need/want to do so i'm hoping you all want to tell me what you think your priority's would be (aka tell me what order you think i should follow)
bear in mind that it's not exactly an option to be working on some 'project' and doing small bugfix's along the way, can only supply bug fixes after at least part of a project is finished.

- fix the remaining 'bugs' (since i'm not entirely sure which ones remain and the ones that do are usualy hard to track this is verry time consuming although it sounds easy)
- continue my work on the guild upgrades
- work on the dualcasting magics
- work on other magics like having several deva attacks
- add weather (if i do this i'd want the weather conditions to influence the damage spells do, like fire being more powerfull during snow and stuff)
- add catapults and what else to sw
- work on recoding the client to use a different graphic system (other then the current 'slow' directdraw), this would be a project that takes months to complete probably but would improve clients performance ALOT
- work on recoding the server to use Far less cpu then it does atm (slightly less time consuming then the client but still it's not a small 1week project i think)
the 2 below are sort of huge projects i'm not likely to begin unless everything above is done anyway considering the amount of work + graphics involved)
- 4th class: i've been wanting to introduce a new long range class to the game for some time now, which would have throwing wpns, maybe bows of some kind if i can get graphics for it, some skills like 'cloak' allowing you to move while hiding ect
- 5th class: well dunno how many of you have played soma but i liked the lvling system there: you trained your skills to improve certain stats rather then just lvling, so say the more you use a sword to attack the more your dc increases, same for mc, sc ect)
i wouldnt mind adding this system to mir as a seperate class where ppl can create truly unique characters although this would sort of completely redesign mir as a game (would be like incorporating 2 mmorpg's into one sort of :p)

k these are just some of the plans i've had recently, for now i'm sort of finishing of guild emblems system anyway
hope i get some feedback to what others would consider important (i'm not saying i'm gonna follow this advice blindly just well i'd take it into consideration


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
Work the files so they use less cpu.

The thing i think has needed sorting from the first set of files i used.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
The fourth class looks like a top idea to me.

Although it would be very hard to get it working right. You would have to consider the balance to other classes etc etc. Also giving that effect that makes it seem official, nothing worth playing a server thats feels like its been made by monkeys.

But go for it.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 15, 2003
  1. Guild Upgrades - Since its already started
  2. Sabuk Wall - Since it sort of ties in with the guild upgrades
  3. Dual casting spells - Provides nice features for the fast pace servers
  4. Weather - Gives the game more depth
  5. Deva variants - Makes deva's a bit more interesting - Should be quite quick
  6. Redo client graphics - Improves the graphics, they are running on old slow rendering
  7. Bugs - These might be easier to find in the client side after going through all the files
  8. 4th class - new class to work on the new graphics engine
  9. Server cpu work (bearing in mind normally for the memory on dedi servers you have to have the cpu as well, since it means a more powerful system)
  10. 5th class skill things


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jan 14, 2004
Well although you probably hate to hear it I think sorting all the major bugs should be the largest priority. (Though I'm not sure what you have fixed but there were some major bugs e.g deva with curse when testing rz)

However out of the others I'd like to see the new magics being coded, maybe even the dual ones if you found time. Also the extra guild features would be nice as I like what you've done so far in that area.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 8, 2003
I would say bugs because they cause problems but anything after that should be what makes you happy, there is no point being bored to death doing something you dont want to do

If you happy doing anything then the CPU idea and the graphics idea sound good to me


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 28, 2004
I think the current list you've developed in your first post is a good order. Maybe code in the weather atm without the effect on the spells.
Rain- T-Bolt owns :)

I don't know much about the bugs, but so far i haven't really noticed any huge ones.. so i'd leave them for last after oyur done.