P Servers

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What is it with P servers these days, everyone seems to be following the same formula as past servers like RNDPRO.

Does know one actually have any imagination any more, or is it due to the lack of understanding of server files and what you can do with them to make a non carbon copy of another server.

Opions please.


whats the eta??
lol, its not about me plugging for the servers I'm working on.

This thread is intended for people to share ideas, to make a better p/server and not a carbon copy of every other.

So in relation to your question, wait and see!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 27, 2007
Phantom forrest afk..
What is it with P servers these days, everyone seems to be following the same formula as past servers like RNDPRO.

Does know one actually have any imagination any more, or is it due to the lack of understanding of server files and what you can do with them to make a non carbon copy of another server.

Opions please.

Last time i made a thread saying a similar thing you flamed the thread till i got banned... nice one loser..
Guys mapa here is always working on a magical server that never comes out, Reason he say's this is so he can troll around this fourm flameing anyone who is'nt a GM and flameing any popular HR's..
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Last time i made a thread saying a similar thing you flamed the thread till i got banned... nice one loser..
Guys mapa here is always working on a magical server that never comes out, Reason he say's this is so he can troll around this fourm flameing anyone who is'nt a GM and flameing any popular HR's..

First thing, the loser comment I'll let fly this time. But I won't next time.

As for "Magical server", if you had read the comments that I left on my server thread you would understand that I'm currently working on two servers. One server is with a group of well respected people from LOMCN and the other is as a favor, but all will be revealed in due time.


I am ware that there are a small minority of servers that do keep away from the carbon copy theory, yours being one of them. But just a late, there have been servers poping up that are following the same path as most of the servers that have come and gone and then they wonder why people get bored of them.

Yes I know there are also a few high rate servers out there, but these tend to follow the path of $$$$$$ and to me these are not servers even worth mentioning about.

This is what I would like to see from most servers that are being created.

  1. Random quests
  2. weekly or monthly non over the top events
  3. PvP events
  4. New kits and not just revamped kits from other levels
  5. New mobs and not just the standard Mir mobs
I could keep the list going, but you get my jist of it. Its all about using your imagination and not thinking in the box but also out of it.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
I agree with mapadale, servers are all copy's e.g. people have superjmace and super weapons from rnd am sure they didn't invent them but its boring now. Also i think they are all rushed high rates up nowadays, people think they put a server up make a few items / kits and herendous experience rates.

We need someone to make a server with nice experience what people can play and has plenty to do.


Matt has been working with servers but currently focusing on supplying other servers with a ftp and vbulletin, INCLUDING helping them. What have you done to help this community?

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As not to turn this into a flaiming war on the subject, I'm closing the thread. I wanted to see if everyone was seeing the same sort of pattern that I was.
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