Packet Protocol

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 31, 2005
Has anyone worked out packet decryption to talk to the 1.9+ official Mir?

I'll be straight about what I want this for -- I'm looking to build a Mir messenger for talking to ppl ingame from the web.

Guess you could say I've a little commercial interest in it as well as personal.

Anyways, if anyone has the protocol/decryption or even better cud make a mir messenger type thing, you could give it me as a favour or MirSales may be interested in buying it.

Lemme kno.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
lol I can personally tell you all about the packet system.. but you won't get as far as decrypting it without one of the more intelligent peoples help. Example, auran and thedeath..thats if they can even break it now.

One way to do it would be to go as far as finding out where the decrypt and encrypt routines are and then manipulating them. This requires some ASM knowledge I think. Mirlander/Firstkiller did it this way.