Redemption (Ruby) Near Completion!

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 18, 2011
Hero Village
Server Name: Redemption
Server Files: Ruby

Exp: Fast! 0-100 will take around a month. Then it slows down gradually until 150, were it becomes very hard.

Based around euro. But by the time you are level 100 + they would be considerd high.

Low-Medium - Over 4,000 New items in the DB. Some of these items will not be dropping for months, but well worth the wait!

Only way to make gold, is selling items that monsters drop. Crafting,refining,mining, questing, jobs, server events, random gold boxes. Gold will be hard to get, and will be very useful!

Leveling: We all know that lvling has got boring over the years. So i have tried to change it as much as possible. Every cave has new mobs on every floor. Example - BugCave 1st floor has normal mobs, but on second it has a new mob added. I know its not much but its a change :P Some maps have completely different mobs on every floor. (Some floors will have high AC other will have high AMC, or DC)

Leveling 2: In all leveling caves you will come across InvasionRocks. At lower levels when killed they have 3 mobs they can spawn. Money Mob, Exp Mob, Gem Mob. And of course the small chance of a invasion in the cave you are in :) Each invasion for each cave have atleast 1 special item, that is very rare and very nice indeed!

Bosses: This is what mir is about! Fighting for bosses, and killing! So i have added a ton of bosses, to leveling maps, hunting maps, and Battle Zones. Obviously not all of these bosses you will keep going to, but they all have a reason for being there. And all have some good items in the drops.

Bosses 2: Invasion Bosses! These are found in all Battle Zone KR's. And the server will shout out a message when the Boss is spawned (Not for all) These start of with having 10 waves of invasions, and then the big boss at the end. But some do have 50 waves, with the boss spawning at the end of every 10. Getting harder and harder will the final master boss! When i say you will need a group of around 30-50 people to even attempt this, i mean it :P

Moneys!: So every server now days you find your self with 50m + and no idea what to spend it on. Well on Redemption you wont have 50m and if you did you sure would have alot of fun spending it! Pets,Boosts, KR Teleports, Unlock new maps, Gems, Orbs, Items, Rent items and much more!

Moneys 2!: Making money is something i tried to make worth while. So if you go leveling you will make next to no money. But if you go hunting you will make a few quid. There is also hundreds of quests that pay out very well! Also you can get a job to earn xtra money. Or even perfect the skill of mining, crafting or refining. To make serious moneys :)

Quests: I know not all people like quests. So i have kept them very simple indeed. There are 2 npc's in the homezone 1 is called Quest Board. This will have all your basic quests, for leveling caves and other basic places. Then you have Boss Counter NPC. That offers the better quests (Harder). Harder the quest the better the reward! There are also 25 hidden quests on Redemption offering some of the best items ingame!

Items: I have logged on to so many servers over the years, and seen some truely awful items/armours/weapons. And it just looks stupid. So i have only used items that i feel fit mir. There will be some armours that are re-used but ive added wings to them so it changes it a bit.

Items 2: The item DB was based off euro. As i dont want people knowing what every item is, and having every 10 levels you get x ring,brace,helm,arm,sword. Its bloody lazy and boring! There are literally thousands of items!! And every 1 of them has a use. Each item will have its main purpose, wether it be for amc, dc, ac, agil ,acc, speed, etc. So you can mix and match your kit to suit your style, or what and where you are going. Like the old days, were you would kit up in amc gear to go kill WT :P

Maps: I was going to use every town in mir. But i have went against this purely because of the user count we are likely to get. So i have made a custom SafeZone with surrounding woods/caves (Woods and caves are for low levels). This is were all your npc's will be found.

Maps 2: I have kept most of euro maps in. But atleast half have been edited/shortened. There is also around 40-50 new maps. But each will be worth using! Make sure you explore :)

ETA: Server will go live on the 1st of december.

Downloads: Tba

Thanks for reading, will add more info, screen shots when i get time.


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 10, 2009
UK -Manchester
sounds good, might give it a try not been playing for ages now.
what have you done about sins not having as many weapon/armour options?
Also what kind of armour/weps you're using? by this I mean does the server have the big chinese weps/armours? or are they recolours etc.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 18, 2011
Hero Village
I have used all euro assassin armours weapons + the about 10 of the assassin weapons released the other week. I have also recoloured loads of assassin armour and weapons. Well i say me it was my friend :P There is armours and weapons that have been re-used but i done this only for basic weapons. So if you have a rare weapon it will have a nice skin that no other weapon will have.

I have not and will not be using any over sized/pixelated crap from chinese sites. I like it to look like mir :)

Will update main post soon with more info on the craft/mining/refine system. And a few other bits.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 12, 2011
cnt w8 for this server to go live everything sounds like its undercontroll etc no corruption and stuff coz server im playin atm is corrupt 2 *** and nothing any 1 can do about it cnt w8 for monday nw :D


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 20, 2010
I just have a question when will the server be up ?? Or will it be up any time soon


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 21, 2009
any news ? u say will be online 1st december now is 3 pls inform the people or a mod pls close this threads if no infos apear in the next 24h thx


If God Only Knew!
Golden Oldie
Mar 8, 2004
wen is this up pls looks about the best server comeing out deffo going to play this :)


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 3, 2003
its a shame, as we not gettin told anything. i am wondering if the owner has cancelled with out telling people.