So you want to make a map???

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LOMCN VIP (Mapper)
Jul 28, 2004
UK - Midlands
The Official Guide to Map Making :P
*Read First*
Making maps takes a long time, that’s if you want to create big and beautiful ones with high detail. Making maps is an art, so you're going to have to follow the four C's. Calmness, collectiveness, consideration and care. If you fail with any of these you won't be able to make maps.

Stage One - The Interface


So what buttons do what?

A - MASS FILL TOOL. You will use this tool to fill in 3x3 areas of grass, beach and dust etc.
N - SINGLE TILE TOOL. You will use this tool to fill in single areas of grass, beach and dust etc.
F - FILL TILE TOOL. You will use this tool to fill in the whole of the map with areas of grass, beach and dust etc.
FA - FILL ATTRIB TOOL. You will use this tool to fill in areas of yellow or red attributes. Attributes are what you can walk on or teleport on. Like outlines. You wont need to apply these attributes to everything, as objects you place will have them pre-set.
Atr - SINGLE ATTRIB TOOL. You will use this tool to fill single areas of attribs. Left clicking will create a yellow attrib. This means you can spawn or walk on this area. Right clicking will add a red attrib, which means you won't be able to walk on this area but still spawn/tele on.
Ers - ERASE TOOL. This is a bit of a ******* tool this one. You will use this guy to delete your objects. It's a bit annoying because you can only delete single slots or very big slots. To do big slots of deletion, simply hold down control and it will do a very big area (9x9 I think).
You can undo your LAST deletion and input. Just simply press "Ctrl+Z". That is very useful when creating cliffs.

The other tools seen on the picture are self explanatory.. Zoom etc.

Stage Two - Creating a Basic Map

Click File > New. You will be given the option to pick the size of map. For this we will simply do 100x100. (It does say you can go to 500x500 but you can actually do 1000x1000 for big provinces.
2> Look for the Fill Tool. When you have selected it simply pick a tile from the tiles option. This is located from the top menu, Palette > Tile.

You should now have something looking like this below...

3> Now we are going to place an object within the map. Again go to Palette > Object(tile)Set. Pick the top building/hut and place it in the middle of the screen.
4> After placing the hut into the middle of your screen, slowly scroll down on the Object viewer. You should find a pre-made fence which is reasonably big and will fit around the hut.

You should now have something looking like this below...

5> Make it pretty! Put some tree's around it, make some town detail etc. Be creative!! (Drug Influences Are Aloud, what do I recommend?) Herbal Highs (WEED)

You should now have something looking like this below...

Right... Your map is almost done. You need to now do the Attributes.

Stage Three - The Attributes (Hard Bit)

1> Click View > Show Attrib Marks. Your map will now have yellow and red marks over it. Earlier i told you how those marks work.
Basically you want to have clear spots on where people can walk! Because we added the fence, it has filled the inside full of non walking attribs. So you are going to have to hold control and click over the spots which you want your players to walk on. You will have to both left and right click to remove the red and yellow attribs. Oh and by the way, you don't have to single click on each bit. You can pretend your filling in a box just like you did at play school :agree:Just remember that holding control will Remove attribs. Left for yellow, right for red.

When you have made areas walk able for people, you will now need to Fill Attrib around the fence (in the background). So click the Fill Attribute tool and left click the outside of the fenced off area. Make sure you both left and right click.

You should now have something looking like this below...

Stage Four - Saving Your Map

1> You are going to need to save your map in Two different locations. The Map folder in your Legend of Mir folder. And the Map folder in your server which is normally located at c:\mirserver\Mir200\Map\
2> After you have saved your map in both locations, you will need to do its mapinfo, server side (C:\mirserver\Mir200\Envir\mapinfo.txt). Simply add the following line to the mapinfo.txt "[0 The_Hut mapname]" The 0 is for server use. The_Hut is the name which is displayed bottom left of your game. mapname is the name you have saved it as in the server directory.
3> After a nice reboot you should be ready to move to your map. The command will be @positionmove mapname 0:0 -Obviously 0:0 will be replaced by coods on your map which are blank (walkable on).

1.4 MapEdit

1.4 MapEdit - My Setup Objects & Mir.set (Fully Released and Ready to Roar)

I’ve missed a lot. So I will be adding slowly to this guide as I can be arsed, with college n all now. If you are still stuck, simply just post. I look at LOMCN sadly every day most days of the week. So you will get a reply within 24-48 hours.

Remember the four C's!

One request.... Some ace maps to come and comment on!!!

- Richens - Keep Expressing Yaselfs :bounce:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 6, 2004
Stoke, England
Brilliant guide Richens! Hopefully less people will continue asking for map makers and start doing the job themselves :P

I think the 5th 'C' is Patience :p


Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
Very nice guide you have made there :), stickified =).


Jan 13, 2005
I will add it to the one thread you will ever need in about 3 days when BH is unbanned


Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
HackBaby said:
I will add it to the one thread you will ever need in about 3 days when BH is unbanned
Will do right now. Why were you banned =O? And i can't seem to find you on the banned users list.. You sure you are even banned :P?

Also richens, PM me, or BH if you update your post in case i will miss it, will update the merged guides list.


Jan 13, 2005
Gimpasaurus said:
Will do right now. Why were you banned =O? And i can't seem to find you on the banned users list.. You sure you are even banned :P?

Also richens, PM me, or BH if you update your post in case i will miss it, will update the merged guides list.

Thx for that
it was a one day ban think I was unbanned and a PM sent but thats beside the point
I understand why I was banned and in respect to the rules I will be on this account for today



LOMCN Veteran
Mar 5, 2005
its messing up when i chose a water or ice tile i just get sand on every tile how do i fix this?