Other Some advice required (Only basic question)

smoochy boys on tour


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 5, 2013
Hi all,

I had a Mir server myself some time ago (ok about 10 years ago mind, when the files were first released originally I believe). It was pretty popular among 'our group' of players, but i never did a full public release. Always felt I did a good job though (entirely quest driven, and a custom story that we had written ourselves - standalone 280 page novel too :D)

I want to re-invent this, merely as a side project. It doesn't have to be released, but it may do depending.

Basically: I've been away from the scene for too long. I need to know:

1) Heroes or Ruby seem to be the go to files at present. I'm steering clear of 3. Of the two which would you suggest? I like the added features of Heroes, but are the most recent release in a better state?

- I am capable of coding certain aspects, but would prefer to simply edit what is in place. Writing files myself is easy enough though.
-Ruby seems to simply be similar to 1.4 editing, whereas people have been mentioning Delphi a lot for Heroes? What's the score?

2) Are there any file sets that are based on current live servers? I have no intention of copying obviously, but feel it would be very beneficial to log in to the game to play to see how newer features work as I;m actually working on them.

3) If possible, can you point me clearly to the latest files. ie "Here (<link) are the latest ruby server files/ Here (<link) are the latest Heroes files. Both work as is".

I might be asking for a lot, or very little I don't know. I've looked around as best I can, and got the files I think are latest, but it is difficult to decipher some of this forum :S Good though :D


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 29, 2003
♫♪♫ ♦♥♠♣ ♀♂♀
well both server files are great tbh.. they are different ovviously and choosing one or the other depends on your taste.

i personally prefer Ruby files but this doesn't mean Hereos aren't a good set of files.

not sure under the security POV which set is better, i am guessing Ruby is since the source code hasn't been released which should allow a certain ammount of security gap which hereos might not have.

whereas the files can be found in the ruby release page.. http://www.lomcn.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?572-RubyM2-Releases

main thread was here:

last update:

guide should be in main thread.. as for all the questions just post in the right section or search, i guess most problems have already been solved.
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