The Cat, The Bag, and MentaL

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Peace Not War .
Mar 13, 2004
England (UK)
JadeFox said:
Blame me ? :O It was ash :D.

pttt, i wouldnt do that, and if i did, i would make sure the emails at least seemed real lol and weren't anyone elses lol..... Also mental an scorp havnt dun anything to me to annoy me and make me do such an thng :D

Its probs someone who hates p69,scorp,ragzone or mental :O


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 9, 2003
a correct email would have to be used for them to reply to

the isp would reply to confirm there doing something about it to make sure they covered there asses


Apr 15, 2003
Zidio said:
how come its taken u all this time to post back "i was ill"
Its taken him time to do it, beacuse he is ill... he wasn't online all day
Zidio said:
wtf ever.. when 1 of us is ill wot do we do play our pc
When I am ill, i tend to sleep, i avoid the computer, sitting up staring at a screen aint the best thing to do when you are ill...
Zidio said:
your on this forum 10 times a day you would have seen this thread ages ago
I'm on this forum at least 10 times a day, i didn't notice it untill someone pointed it out to me
Zidio said:
you just had to make up a plan as your so fukin predictable you seriusly need a life.
As do you it would seem.


For the record, I also dont believe it was mental. I think its someone trying to discredit him. They knew alot of people would instantly believe it was mental, their plan didn't take into account the fact that some of us would notice the following things:
  1. The writing style doesn't match mental
  2. Mental wouldn't so obviously use his own email address
  3. I dont believe he would use his own name either when doing it


Ripman: if you ever do that, regardless of why, you will be banned from here isntantly

Mapadale said:
How could an ISP be such idiots though, for starters GN have the own email addy so why the hell would it be Gmail and secondly since when has GN been running in italy.
Erm, sinse always ?

[Shadow] said:
I agree but i doubt lomcn will do anything as i 'think' mental is sponsering LOMCN atm.
Nope, hes just paid for advertising space


A side note, a coreix employee has been viewing this forum, and this thread in particular, so meh.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 17, 2003
dosent really prove anything....

in all fairness, MentaL if he did want to do thast, would be alot smarter in going at it.

he would actualy use a proper e-mail address, a proper name of staff on lom team.. and proper grammer.

MentaL is a very cleaver person, and if he did want P69 closed, he would have thought of a better way then doing some ****ty old e-mail. And MentaL likes compatition, it fuels him to make a better server.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Oct 1, 2004
Counter Strike
There isn't really a way of knowing if he did it or not. Just because the writing style doesnt match mentals it doesn't mean he didnt do it. Even if he didnt do it either way he is happy now Scorps server provider is informed that scorp is running a private server illegally. We all know MentaL has something against P69. I remember mental telling people to go spam RaGEZONE on p69's server


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 6, 2003
The email appears to be sent from an account that mental owns. Mental said that he doesnt refer to himself as Dan, but as Daniel... Which is tosh, but not proof. Many-a-time he has he calls himself Dan ([email protected] for example) Mental has also just launched his new version of mir2 and im sure he would like to take players from the largest UK mir2 private server. BUT saying that I don't believe he did it, he obviously is a bright lad and wouldn't even think of sending such a poor attempt at being from a company like GN.

my 2p


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 28, 2005
i could just write an email out here now, and say something random.

[email protected]

Yeah Mir Rules


if i could be arsed i could set it up as Scorp has done.

Where is the proof?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
Dataforce said:
For the record, I also dont believe it was mental. I think its someone trying to discredit him. They knew alot of people would instantly believe it was mental, their plan didn't take into account the fact that some of us would notice the following things:
  1. The writing style doesn't match mental
  2. Mental wouldn't so obviously use his own email address
  3. I dont believe he would use his own name either when doing it
I too do not believe it was MentaL, however the question you shouldn't be asking isn't who did it? But how come so many people believed it truely was MentaL... just goes to show there must of been some underlying things about MentaL that made people definatley assume it was him.
After seeing his behaviour on these forums and his server of the last few weeks, i wouldn't put it past him that he had done it. But making the name and email obvious could either be someones idea to frame MentaL, or could merely be MentaL doing it and then claiming he wouldn't be that obvious to escape the blame.
Mar 23, 2003
Cairo Orbital Defence Platform
As has been said countless times before. Mental, when he gets tricksy, does things to the best of his ability. And as far as trickery goes, he makes me look like a pansy.

Clearly someone dislikes Mental, and chose P69 as the scapegoat for this Anti-Mental fallout. After all, being the largest UK server means a larger chance of vocal users, right?

Edit: Oh, and hi Coreix staff. I'm the resident asshole here who likes a good conspiracy theory. While it would be very easy for me to point out how the employee concerned could use a quick course of common sense, I fully appreciate that you need to cover your ass.

By the way, did I mention I'm the resident asshole?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
¤]´)÷¤--§îr Äürøñ--¤÷(`[¤ said:
As has been said countless times before. Mental, when he gets tricksy, does things to the best of his ability. And as far as trickery goes, he makes me look like a pansy.

Clearly someone dislikes Mental, and chose P69 as the scapegoat for this Anti-Mental fallout. After all, being the largest UK server means a larger chance of vocal users, right?

Edit: Oh, and hi Coreix staff. I'm the resident asshole here who likes a good conspiracy theory. While it would be very easy for me to point out how the employee concerned could use a quick course of common sense, I fully appreciate that you need to cover your ass.

By the way, did I mention I'm the resident asshole?
Ever heard the saying... the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making us think he didn't exist, or something along them lines. I think this applies in this cases.

What better way to worm your way out of something by making it seem you did something, knowing full well people know who you are and what you can do... ;)

*Plays X-Files music*


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 26, 2003
Has anybody actually seen the email yet? In all honesty... It sounds like sumbody is blaggin a bit.
Tbh stop pointing fingers about it, some lil kid is probably gettin a hard on over this thread. end of the day it's done.... its bull**** and the servers up.

On the other hand id like to see the email befor pointing fingers.


Thanatos said:
Has anybody actually seen the email yet? In all honesty... It sounds like sumbody is blaggin a bit.
Tbh stop pointing fingers about it, some lil kid is probably gettin a hard on over this thread. end of the day it's done.... its bull**** and the servers up.

On the other hand id like to see the email befor pointing fingers.

Ermmm you not read the first page, but yes it would be nice if scorps ISP could send him the full email with the email addy that was used to send it seeing as this will prove one or 2 things........


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
RZ seems a little fishy. In the last week the user count has gone from an average of 50 or so to 175+.

203 users on Christmas Eve? Gg.


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